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Interakt takes pride in the featuring of its CEO Radhika Sundaram in a leading w

eekly for the Indian diaspora in Singapore named Tabla. The article, that forms
part of a series sponsored by the Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce (SICCI),
celebrates young achievers in the Indian entrepreneur community, across differen
t industries.
Representing the communications space, the article titled 'A Quest for Perfectio
n', has gotten Redicka to spill the beans on a gamut of topics like her backgrou
nd, entrepreneurship and its challenges, her achievements, family and even artis
tic pursuits!
Among other accolades, Redicka has also received the DBS-SICCI 'Indian entrepren
eur of the year' award for 2007. And as Interakt makes great strides, we wish he
r all success in her 'quest for perfection'.

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