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Tansya Sushan Purnaningrum*
*Lab/SMF Obstetri Ginekologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya/Rumah Sakit
Umum Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang

Menopause adalah berakhirnya siklus menstruasi secara permanen disertai
kegagalan produksi progesteron dan estrogen akibat hilangnya aktifitas folikular
ovarium. Sesuai Health-for-All Policy for the Twenty-First century, kualitas hidup
perempuan menopause adalah perhatian penting. Penelitian untuk membandingkan
skor Menopause Specific Quality of Life yang meliputi keluhan vasomotor, psikologis,
fisik, dan seksualitas di pedesaan dan perkotaan telah diaplikasikan di beberapa
negara maju. Meskipun demikian, belum ada penelitian yang setara di Malang. Untuk
itu, peneliti bermaksud untuk menelaah perbedaan kualitas hidup perempuan
menopause di perkotaan dan pedesaan di Malang berdasarkan skor MenQol.
Penelitian menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan membagikan kuesioner
MenQol, identitas serta data demografi pada 74 sampel yang dipilih melalui Simple
Random Sampling dari tiap populasi. Kecamatan Tumpang mewakili pedesaan dan
Kecamatan Klojen mewakili perkotaan sesuai pasal 2 dan pasal 3 Peraturan Kepala
Badan Pusat Statistik Nomor 37 Tahun 2010 tentang Klasifikasi Perkotaan dan
Perdesaan di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rerata usia
menopause di Malang adalah 50,5 tahun dengan perbedaan bermakna antara
sampel perkotaan dan pedesaan: 49.09 tahun di pedesaan dan 51,91 tahun di
perkotaan (p=0.000< ). Didapatkan pula perbedaan kualitas hidup yang bermakna
antara perempuan menopause yang tinggal di daerah perkotaan dan pedesaan di
Malang, dengan populasi perkotaan mengalami keluhan lebih tinggi daripada
populasi pedesaan (keluhan vasomotor: p=0.000< , keluhan psikologis: p=0.000< ,
keluhan seksual: p=0.000< , keluhan fisik p=0.007< ). Berdasarkan data identitas
dan demografis, ditengarai bahwa perbedaan ini dipicu oleh perbedaan pemikiran
seputar menopause, jalinan sosial dan kekeluargaan, pola konsumsi makanan dan
jenis pembelanjaan pendapatan serta stress yang terkait dengan kehidupan
Kata kunci: kualitas hidup, menopause, MenQol, pedesaan, perkotaan


Tansya Sushan Purnaningrum*
*Lab/SMF Obstetri Ginekologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya/Rumah Sakit
Umum Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang

Menopause is the end of the menstrual cycle are permanently accompanied by the
production of progesterone and estrogen failure due to loss of ovarian follicular
activity . Corresponding of Health - for- All Policy for the Twenty -First Century , the
quality of life of menopausal women is an important concern. Research to compare
the scores Menopause Specific Quality of Life which includes complaints vasomotor ,
psychological, physical , and sexuality in rural and urban areas has been applied in
some developed countries. Nevertheless , there has been no equivalent research in
Malang . To that end, researchers intend to examine the differences in the quality of
life of menopausal women in urban and rural areas in Malang based on the scores
MenQol. This experiment used cross sectional design by distributing questionnaires
MenQol, identity and demographic data at 74 samples were selected through simple
random sampling of each population. Overlapping the District representing rural and
urban Klojen represented in accordance with Article 2 and Article 3 of the Head of the
Central Statistics Agency Regulation Number 37 Year 2010 concerning the
classification of Urban and Rural Areas in Indonesia. The results showed that the
mean age of menopause was 50.5 years old in Malang with significant differences
between urban and rural sample: 49.09 years 51.91 years in rural and in urban areas
(p = 0.000 <). Found also differences in quality of life is significantly between
postmenopausal women who live in urban and rural areas in Malang, with the urban
population had complaints is higher than the rural population (complaints vasomotor:
p = 0.000 <, psychological complaints: p = 0.000 <, complaints Sexual: p = 0.000
<, physical complaints p = 0.007 <). Based on data from identity and demographic,
it is suspected that these differences are triggered by differences in thinking about
menopause, social fabric and family, food consumption patterns and the type of
income and expenditure related to the stress of urban life.
Keywords : quality of life , menopause , MenQol , rural, urban

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