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Minutes for Celebrating Cromford

meeting held at The Greyhound;

Tuesday 12th July, 2016
7.30 pm.

Present: Marie and Paul Turner, Ian & Sylvia Evetts, Tony & Rachel Walker, John and Clarice Pass,
Isabelle Chatfield, Russ Boyack, Bethan, Kerry, Duncan Irvine, Dave Mitchell, Nigel Huish
Apologies: John Haynes
1. CC Mission statement- a reminder was given of the principles of Celebrating Cromford, which are
available on the website. Marie asked people to consider the mission statement for brief discussion at the
next meeting:
On our website it states:
"Events through the year in Cromford for all the family to have fun & benefit the community"
The objective of Celebrating Cromford is simply to Celebrate Cromford, the people who live here, and the
beautiful and historic place in which we live - and have fun whilst we do it!
We are a not-for-profit group, run by people who live in the community.
We have a written constitution, an elected committee and a dedicated bank account.
Any profits we do make are used to either fund more events or to support local good causes.
2. Treasurer's report- We have 5150.68 in total. That is 700 more than at the same point last year. CC
made 400 in donations last year:
200 for local groups to support the pallet garden project
50 Blue Cross
50 East Midland Air Ambulance
100 Community Centre
3. 200 Club update: John and Clarice presented a summary of the 200 club accounts and invited anyone
to check the spreadsheet. More takings were presented to the treasurer.
4. Budget proposal for CC 2016:
The 200 club has been very successful in raising money for CC and looks set to continue doing so for at
least the next year. We also have a fairly reliable source of income in addition to the 200 club: newsletter
delivery (320 per year) and the marquee hire (variable but we have a booking already for 250).
The only outgoing that we have to honour are the 200 club prizes, which total approx. 1150 per year. We
should ensure that there is always a reserve of this amount in the bank account to cover this.
The CC weekend cost about 2400. We raised about 1500 over the weekend last year from adverts in
the programme (500), ducks & CC stall (190), Open Gardens (350), .
Therefore, it was proposed and agreed that we set the CC 2016 budget at 3,000 for the whole year
(including other events such as Apple Day, produce show etc.). This will be reviewed when appropriate and
can be altered accordingly if necessary. Any remaining money from this budget at the end of 2016 should
be given as donations.
It was agreed that in 2016, CC will support the Parish council to fund the proposed village defibrillator. Russ
Boyack explained the work that had already been done to organise this and that there will be a Defibrillator
Fund run by the Parish council to purchase, install and maintain the defibrillator.

5. Format of CC weekend:
Different options were considered for this years CC event, including keeping it the same as last year or
altering it. Issues were highlighted including:

Friday night opening ceremony- relatively poor attendance

Open Gardens on the same weekend as CC means that all the people who are involved in OG are
not available to help with events on Sunday or enjoy the events.
Some comments about childrens events- too much happening at the same time, especially
Saturday when its the school fair
Do we have enough volunteers to organise everything that we want to do?

Following discussion and a vote, it was decided that we will continue with the Friday night opening
ceremony. Saturday will run in a similar way to usual with the fell race, stalls, childrens activities and
music. Sunday will change, with Open Gardens moving to a different weekend (to be decided). The interdenominational church service will go ahead on Sunday morning, with the whole event finishing around
Sunday lunchtime, perhaps with a BBQ.
6. Programme:
The programme does make money, but is also a lot of hard work, particularly the adverts. It was agreed
that a simple double sided A4 sheet with the weekends schedule will be produced. Local businesses will
be invited to sponsor the programme, or events, and their adverts will be put on the CC website. It is
hoped that this will require much less work, but still make some money.
Marie will oversee the schedule; Ian offered to produce the leaflet; Nigel, Paul, John P and Duncan offered
to visit businesses- many thanks to them.
7. Future meeting:
There will be an extra, informal meeting to enable people who may not be able / want to come to the usual
Tuesday meetings. It will be on Saturday 6th February, 10:30am at The Greyhound. Marie will organise
some childrens activities. Duncan offered to provide teas/ coffees. Ian will publicise on social media and
Marie will produce some poster to display around the village. Russ offered to put posters up on the Parish
8. Easter Egg hunt:
Mari would like to organise an Easter Egg hunt on North Street/ school field during the Easter holidays.
Jenna from The Bell is happy to offer support. Rachel offered her expertise to support in the planning. Egg
rolling was also suggested.
9. Change to 200 Club Rules
Some minor changes were made to the 200 Club rules, which are available on the CC website.
10. AOB
Dave Mitchell asked if there were plans for St Georges Day celebrations this year. This is normally
something organised by Lorraine at The Boat, but CC will happily publicise any event.
Dave also made a suggestion about holding a Cromford Caf Challenge, where people have to visit all 17
eating/ drinking estalishments in Cromford on the same day. Any one up for that?!

Next CC Meeting: Tuesday 9th February, 7:30pm at The Bell

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