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Ashley Reddy

Mrs. Chutkos
ENG2DB- 01
Monday December 15, 2014
From Sanity to Insanity
What have we done? What have I done? I do not think it is wrong to take what is
rightfully ours. Is it really a crime to take what is yours? Oh, but Macbeth cannot accept this. He
is going insane, losing his mind, and all for such a petty deed. He could not pretend to be a good
king even if he wanted to. So feminine and weak. I tell him we have guests over and he starts to
act more out of the ordinary. If he had smeared Duncans blood like he was supposed to maybe
just maybe maybe this damned spot would not be here. Instead, it was I who had to finish the
plan. I did not think much of it that night. But who would have thought that old stupid man
would have so much blood. I cannot get this blood out. I cannot sleep and all I see is blood. Just
like that night when NO. No, I have an appearance to uphold. I must not forget that I am a
Queen now. No one would dare go against the King and Queen. To go against us would be to
commit treason punishable by death. Although, it was so easy to murder Duncan, with a simple
plan we rose to royalty. It makes me wonder if anyone could overthrow us. Why do I let such
foolish thoughts reign in my mind? Perhaps it is because by each passing day, the man I call my
husband, drifts further away from me. What has become of our relationship? Our marriage was
once so strong. Now that I put more thought into it, this all started shortly after Duncans death.
The innocence that was once between my husband and I is now replaced by guilt and paranoia,
the fowl opposites of innocence. So much blood has been spilt. First Duncans, then Banquos

and I fear that I might be next. I have served my purpose and now I must dispose of myself. I
hear knocking, I must go now! No one can hear my darkest desires or else I fear it will be the end
of me.

Shakespeare, William and Roma Gill. Macbeth Rev. ed. Oxford England: Oxford UP,
1992. Print.

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