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PF Jessica Donnan published an article on WordPress. October 29, 2015 - WordPress - 2 ¥ There has been a lot of talk about e-books taking over reading because technology is always advancing. This would make me very sad because although reading is reading, there is just something about holding a book in your hand while reading it that | love. I do have a kindle, | love it and | have to admit that | have been using it way more to read then I have been reading paperbacks. [ 335 more words. ] https://ivelivedathousandlives.wordpress.cor/.../e-bO0oks-vs-p... 15 « WordPress What's up guys? So lately, | have been missing reading actual paperback books. | miss the feel of holding a book in my hand instead of on my kindle or my phone. So, | have gone on a search to find a site that sells used books for cheap prices so that | can buy a bunch of paperbacks without having to pay way more then | usually have to with kindle books. [ 491 more words. ] Love to read but hate the price? What's up guys? So lately, | have been missing reading actual paperback books. | miss the feel of holding a book in my hand instead of on my kindle or my phone. So, | have gone on a search to fin WORDPRESS M™M September 28, 2015: @ ¥ Eight Great Reasons | Love Goodreads® AAA sroine, made-me-want-to-choke-myself, lost-the-wi 30-boring-i-ate-my-own-face ist awful. Eight Great Reasons I Love Goodreads If you don't know anything about Goodreads, | highly suggest you get acquainted with it as soon as possible if you love reading as much as | do. And, because you've found yourself reading this post... IVELIVEDATHOUSANDLIVES. WORDPRESS.COM

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