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December 1 2006 To Whom It May Concern: Re: Jennifer Hall Under my supervision as a Grade One teacher from September-December 224, 2006, Jennifer Hall has strived to undertake the responsibilities of teaching all subject matter related to the curriculum. Her ability to undertake the responsibilities of classroom teaching on her own was met with high accolades, both on the part of parents, students and staff. During the course of her teaching responsibilities, Jennifer displayed superior organizational skills in the classroom, as well as sole responsibilty in planning and implementing extra-curricular school groups such as the Computer and Newspaper Club. Most importantly, her classroom lessons plans were well thought out and include all the components critical to developing reading, writing, speaking and listening skills in young leamers. Jennifer took it upon herself to provide richness to the class by way of a classroom web page, highlighting student growth. As well, she developed several activity centres and materials to enrich skill development related to her unit plans. As an enhancement to her teaching, Jennifer has planned out-of-school tours to enhance hands-on understanding. She also researched and successfully implemented groupings for guided reading and instruction to provide for various ability levels. Jennifer appreciated and enjoyed exposure to upper grade activities. These included a Sand Dunes day-long hike, canoe trips and school-wide Virtues Assemblies, Jennifer has been part of the planning and success of these events. The most notable quality that Jennifer possesses is her positive optimism for her students and for herself. Throughout her Internship, she has consistently been willing to learn from the experiences of herself and others, and then make adjustments to improve her teaching methods. She is extremely creative in her planning and always thorough, comprehensive and accurate in daily logs and student record keeping. | certainly believe Jennifer possesses the qualities to make a wonderful teacher of any elementary grade and | strongly recommend her for the profession of teaching. She has a deep-rooted spirit of helpfulness that coupled with her quick grasp of subject matter speaks well to her potential as a teacher. Jennifer Hall's combination of intelligence, commitment, perseverance, creativity, and compassionate character will certainly make her a valuable member of any academic program staff. | encourage you to look favourably upon her application Sincerely, Cbhirie HASSE Valerie Thiessen St. Michael’s School, Yorkton

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