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General Sociology with Population Education

Critical Thinking Questions

December 13, 2014

2. Graft and corruption has been widely studied and described as the social
cancer in the political structure and process of the Philippine society. It has
been identified within the realm of political corruption that deterred the
economic growth and development as the main cause of underdevelopment in
developing countries in Asia and Africa.
3. Nationalism is a devotion of love for ones country. A countrys identity is
seen through its culture, tradition, religions, beliefs, and even the unity or
togetherness of the people in it. The history of the Philippines reflects the kind
of nationalism the Filipinos have. The positive effects of foreign conqueror to
the nationalism of Filipinos are patriotism and national pride. This is opposed
to national apathy or even self hatred of ones nation and its culture.
4. First is ningas kugon. It means grassfire. This trait is the reason for
Filipinos to show off attitude. Second is crab mentality. Whenever one sees
another progressing in their own field, others become resentful and they will
try to highlight everything negative about him in an effort to bring him down.

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