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Anna Kryzanekas

Mrs. Recktenwald
Honors World History
15 January 2016
It is an overstatement to say that the Enlightenment caused the American Revolution.
However, many ideas about natural rights, and government from the Enlightenment philosophes
were used when transforming the thirteen colonies into independent, unified states.

American Revolution

John Locke: Believed that everyones natural

Thomas Jefferson: In Declaration of

rights were life, liberty, and property.

Independence (1776) stated, "We hold these

truths to be self-evident, that all men are
created equal, that they are endowed by their
Creator with certain unalienable
Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and
the pursuit of Happiness.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Wrote The Social

Thomas Jefferson: In Declaration of

Contract, in which he believed that leadership

Independence (1776) stated, That to secure

and the people must make an agreement. If

these [natural] rights, Governments are

the leader does not abide by these rules, the

instituted among Men, ... That whenever any

people have the right to overthrow the leader.

Form of Government becomes destructive of

these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter
or to abolish it."

Montesquieu: Advocated for the separation

Founding Fathers: The United States

of powers so that one branch of government

Constitution divides the government into three

does not become tyrannical. This theory

separate branches; executive, legislative and

greatly influenced the Founding Fathers in

judicial. This system of check and balances

drafting the Constitution.

ensures that one branch, or person is no more

powerful than any other, avoiding a monarchy.

Voltaire: Advocated for religious tolerance.

James Madison: In 1789, submitted twelve

amendments to Congress for the Constitution.
The first Amendment states, Congress shall
make no law respecting an establishment of
religion The addition of freedom of
religion mirrors Voltaires advocating for
religious tolerance.

Adam Smith: Believed that the government

United States Government: While the U.S.

should not be in control of the economy.

government is partly involved in its economy,

(Laissez faire - capitalism; opposite of

it is far from communism.

Diderot: Presented scattered knowledge of

American Revolution: Work that Diderot

divine rights, reasoning, and toleration

helped create influenced the start of the

through the Encyclopedia.

American Revolution. It moreso voiced other

philosophes ideas.

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