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Trailer (Second Draft)

Listed below is the feedback I received for my Second Draft of my trailer.

The main areas of improvement the feedback identified included:

Adjusting the colour of some clips to make them darker - This was suggested to make the
trailer more genre appropriate, as certain areas were too light (especially at the beginning).
Make the sound continuous the whole way through the trailer This is to ensure that the
trailer flows better as a whole. The bathroom scene was identified as an area of
improvement in terms of sound.
Have a big ending This was commonly mentioned within the feedback I received, and is an
area I will look to strengthen. The incorporation of a loud booming sound at the end could
create the desired jumping effect people look for at the end of a horror trailer.
Less red colouring on the text This was also mentioned to create a more genre
appropriate piece. People thought the red was too bright, so I will look to darken it to match
the horror theme more appropriately.
Add credit and title sequences at the end This is a typical convention all trailers follow and
I will include this within my next draft.

Evidence of improvement

Adjusting the colour of some clips to make them darker

Second Draft

Final Draft

The still images above show the alteration of brightness. The trailer on a whole is now more genre
appropriate, presenting the horror theme clearly.

Make the sound continuous the whole way through the trailer

Second Draft

Where the music


First Draft

No cuts in music

I made sure all the sound was correct throughout the trailer as well as correcting the bathroom
scenes music. Originally I opted to use no music for the bathroom scene to try and add more
tension, but fading the music in and out wasnt smooth enough (which effected the trailers quality),
so I decided to add it back in (this can be seen in the images above).

Have a big ending

The loud noise for

the ending

Lots of my feedback suggested I needed to have a big endng. I tried to do this by incoperting a loud
banging sound as the clip of the boy appears (shown abve). This will hopefully catch the audince off
guard and make them jump.

Less red colouring on the text

Second Draft

Final Draft

This was also frequently mentioned in my feedback. I feel this change worked really well as the
colouring now looks scarier and dirtier (right) which suits the horror genre much better than the
original colouring (left). To create this new colour, I adjusted the brightness to -10 and the saturation
to 60.

Add credit and title sequences at the end

The last improvement was to add a title and credit sequence for the end of my trailer (shown
above). Similarly, to the red colouring on the text above I adjusted the brightness to -10 and the
saturation to 60, to add continuity within the trailer.

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