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Dear Mrs. Enjoy your time in Israel! While | am going to miss working with R@®during this time, | hope he has a great time! | have included a few suggestions for activities that can help R@with his reading and sight words! | have already introduced many of these games to him. Sincerely, Josh © 1. Raz-Kids: He can log in to Raz-Kids and read books that are at his just tight level. He can also have the book read to him first, and then read the * book himself. 2. Sight Word Practice: All of the words that R@is taking with him are words that he has shown to already know, or know with a little bit of help. Clues can include letting him know what kind of word itis (i.e. color word), or telling him the beginning sound of the word. You can go through the words, and have him say the words. 3. Rainbow Write: Using a dice, R@would need to write his sight words (from a group of 5) using different color pencils or markers. Usually R@will choose three numbers to be his, while someone else will have the other three numbers. The person can only write a sight word if they roll their number. The word needs to be written in the right color. At the end, the person who wrote the most words in their color will win. 4. Rolland Record: Using a dice, R@will choose three numbers on the dice, and the other player will have the other numbers. Each number will have a sight word. If a player rolls their number, he or she is allowed to write their word on the next square above the word in the column. The game continues until one player has completed all three of their columns with their words. If a player completes a column, and rolls the same number for the completed column, he or she gets to roll again. 5. Hitting Game: This is R@@P favorite game. We place around 12-15 sight word cards on the floor, and then we use our swords (fly swatters) to hit the word that is called by the speaker. R@enjoys being the speaker. Whoever hits the card first gets the card. The player with the most cards wins the game! 5 9 awhile, wir ing. the words im Spel) 4 Ha each hme ¥ el and (A | have included examples of the games, }1m as well as copies of the recording sheets for each game! *

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