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People nowadays work hard to buy more things.

This has generally made our

lives more comfortable, but many traditional values and customs have been
lost and this s a pity.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
In pursuit of material comforts, modern man strives to achieve better
financial status. This may be, sometimes at the cost of ignoring
traditional value systems and customs. However, I believe, although a
minority falls into this category, the major portion of the society still
upholds traditional values in the midst of material prosperity.
It is sometimes said that respect for elderly parents, which was a
traditional value does not find any place in todays families. This is purely a
based on the wrong assumption that old parents should be allowed to
interfere into the affairs of their children and make decisions for them. In
fact, todays parents respect the freedom of their children and in turn,
children are more independent and stand on their feet earlier than before.
Todays children maintain a friendly relationship with their parents but that
does not mean that they do not respect them. Today, respect for parents is
borne out of childrens freedom and not a result of fear, which in many
instances used to be the case in the past. Such attitude of todays
generation is sometimes misinterpreted as lack of respect for their
parents. What one can derive from this example is that traditional
values remain unchanged, although their expressions may take different
forms in the passage of time.
Visiting neighbourhood houses used to be a favourite custom for people in
the past, which helped them in fostering friendly relationship with ones
neighbours. However, this is not possible today, since people are too busy as
they work for long hours outside their homes to meet the ever-increasing
demands of modern life. But this has been effectively compensated
by the formation of neighbourhood clubs and similar groups where people
meet during weekends and engage in many entertainment and social
activities. This provides them greater opportunities to develop a friendly
relationship with their neighbours.
Mans quest for material prosperity does not always lead to the loss of
traditional values, which can be clearly proved by our own experiences
to that effect. Although the circumstances change, man remains the same
old ethical being.

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