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Art.1 The Musical association Note Classiche with the City of Cassino Sponsorship organizes the 5st Guitar
Competition "City of Cassino" on December 6 and 7 2013 in Cassino (FR) Italy at the BIBLIOTECA
COMUNALE street : Via Del Carmine snc
Art 2. The competition is divided into two categories:
CATEGORY A: open to all guitar players of both sexes ; Italian and foreign Nationality regardless of age
CATEGORY B : open to all guitar players of both sexes ; Italian and foreign Nationality aged less than or
equal to 18 years
Art. 3 All competitors will show an identity document to the organizers (Passport, driving license etc).
Art. 4 The competitors will indicate in the registration form the works they will play in both rounds (eliminatory
round and final round).
Art. 5 The judges panel will be consist of Italian Conservatory teachers and musicians.
Art. 6 The competition will take place in two phases ( Preliminary and Final ) . In the preliminary stage (Friday
6th December) will be selected 3 guitarists who will access
the final. The final will take place on Saturday 7th of December, and the winner will be awarded at the
beginning of the evening concert ( Failure to collect the prize amounts to waiver )
Art. 7 The compositions chosen for the first elimination round will have maximum total duration of 15
minutes. The pieces chosen for the finals will have a total duration of 20 minutes
The jury could stop the competitor's performance anytime.
It is possible to repeat the composition of the first round
Art. 8 The decisions and judgments of the committee are decisive and irrevocable
Art. 9 The competition will take place in a single round , Saturday, December 7, 2013 at 9:00 am . the winner
will be awarded at the beginning of the evening concert ( Failure to collect the prize amounts to waiver )
Art. 10 The program is free and must not be longer than 10 minut
Art. 11 The decisions and judgments of the committee are decisive and irrevocable
Art. 12 The candidates must present :
CATEGORY A : Friday, December 6 at 9:00 am at the Municipal Library Of Cassino " Pietro Malatesta "
( snc Via Del Carmine )
CATEGORY B : Saturday, December 7 at 9:00 am at the Municipal Library Of Cassino " Pietro Malatesta
( snc Via Del Carmine )
Art. 13
Category A:
1st PRIZE: 3 Concerts paid in Italy, Digital Publication Cd label Guitar Dot Net and promotion service for 1
year in the online journal , SAVAREZ PRIZE , Guitart Prize , Erom Music edition Prize
2nd PPREMIO: Plaque of merit and interview in the online journal
3rd prize: Plaque of Merit SAVAREZ PRIZE


Category B:
1st prize: Plaque of merit, 3 months free lessons in the guitar Academy (Cassino) SAVAREZ PRIZE
2nd PPREMIO: Medal SAVAREZ PRIZE , Guitart Prize , Erom Music edition Prize
Art. 14



Art.15 The application form will enclose an Identity document copy and the application fee payment copy to
be sent to:
Associazione Culturale Musicale Note Classiche - Via San Leonardo Filieri 33- 03043 Cassino (FR) Italy
Bank : Banca Popolare del Cassinate
IBAN: IT 92 L053 7274 3700 0001 0438 844
Paypal :
Art. 16 Application forms must be sent in November 25, 2013 to: Associazione Culturale Musicale Note
Classiche - Via San Leonardo Filieri 33- 03043 Cassino (FR) Italy , or by mail :
Art. 17 A performance competitors' schedule will be communicate just after the competitors' registration
Art. 18 The competitor's application implies the unconditioned acceptance of all the above rules.
In any event of disagreement concerning rules, the only valid text is the original one in Italian language.
Any info, please call +39 340 5473832 or email -
Art. 19 Competitors' travel and accomodation expenses are up to the competitors themselves.

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