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Jason Woelke

Tawas Area High School

255 West M-55
Tawas City, Ml 48763
January 18, 2016

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter to recommend Brad Leoffler for your scholarship. I have had the opportunity to
get to know Brad as a student in my General and Advanced physics class and during that time I have
come to know him as a very intelligent student with a very strong work ethic who demonstrates a strong
curiosity for how the world works.

As mentioned before Brad is a gifted student. In the ten years I have been teaching I can honestly say
that he is in the top fifteen percent academically of all students that I have had. He routinely scores at
or near the top of the class on every assessment. He demonstrates a very strong understanding of
content during class discussions. He asks very relevant and thoughtful questions. Brad is also very
interested in expanding what he already knows, which is a characteristic that will be valuable when he is
in college.

Brad is also a very respectful and caring young man. He routinely helps other people when they do not
understand material. Brad is always very willing to help when asked.

Again I want to reiterate my recommendation for Brad Loeffler. I know Brad will be successful at
whatever he puts his mind to. I have no doubt that Brad would be a wonderful representative for your


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