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Side Stretches

To do the side stretches, you need to stand straight. Keep your feet apart, at the shoulders width. Raise one arm
over your head and lean to that side as far as possible. Repeat this with the other arm. You should feel the strain on
the side of your belly, since that is where the fat burns off, with the help of this exercise.

Straight Leg Lift

Lie down straight on your back, on a yoga mat. Place a thin book or other block between your inner thighs. Now,
slowly, bring your legs straight up, with the feet pointing toward the ceiling, and without the knees bending. Keeping
the back pressed to the ground, maintain this position for a few seconds, before bringing the legs down without
bending. Repeat.

Locust Pose
Lie down flat on your yoga mat, with your face facing down. Stretch out your legs and arms as far wide as possible.
Keeping both arms and legs absolutely straight, lift the head, arms, chest and legs all at the same time. Maintain this
position for a few seconds before slowly lowering all parts simultaneously.

Bridge Pose
This pose is very helpful in burning the belly fat as well as building the muscles of the
abdomen. Lie flat on your back on your yoga mat. Bend the knees and keep your feet
apart from each other. Your arms should be straight by the side of your body. Now lift
your torso off the ground, leaving your head, arms and feet planted right where they are.
Maintain the position for a few seconds, before gradually lowering the body back on the

Modified Wheel
Another tremendous yoga posture, this one is great for reducing belly fat too. Lie flat on
your back on your yoga mat. Bend the knees and keep the feet a little apart from each
other. Keep your feet and palms flat on the ground. Now lift your hips and torso up
towards the ceiling. Maintain the position for a few seconds. Gently lower the body back
to the ground. Repeat. Regular practice of some or all of the above positions s bound to
flex our abs muscles and burn the extra flab around the belly.

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