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The Head of Department,


Subject: A letter of apology and a prayer for rescission of punishment.

Dear Sir,
I realize that I have not been, for a single day, the student that you wanted me to
be in this institute for the past year. I have been absent from your lectures on
innumerable occasions and have dealt very badly with exams. I know these acts of
misdemeanor from my side are a great insult to you and your profession as a
teacher. I am deeply sorry for all these acts of transgressions that I have committed.
You are an ideal teacher and I should at least respect that by being a good student.
Now, I regret every single day I missed your lectures and the tests that I did not
partake in.
I know that I am well past the point for apologies but sir, I believe that trying never
hurts. I am filled with absolute remorse for how I wasted both your and my time on
account of my actions. However, sir, I promise you that I am way past that point
now and have resolved myself to start everything afresh and try to the best of my
abilities to emulate the ideals of a stellar student which think a good student should
The consequence, sir, of staying another year for the course of Physiology is a very
tall order. However, I may deserve this as a punishment but sir, it is the fervent
hope of a remorseful student that this punishment be somehow rescinded by
another less severe punishment or perhaps an act of mercy on your part, sir, for
which I will be eternally grateful.
I humbly hope that sir, you will at least consider this letter of apology as the first
beginnings of my attempt to correct myself and try to honour you and your
Thank you
Yours respectfully.

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