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Story creation handout

Name ____________________
Assignment _____________________
1. In order to tell a good story, you need to have a lesson that can be learned from the
audience. This will be the premise of your story. This is also the most important part of
your story.

2. Next, you need to decide what kind of conflict will best tell this story. Is there a lifechanging decision that needs to be made (Cinderella at midnight) or a swordfight between
the hero and the villain (Star Wars)? Or some other conflict? Describe the conflict here.

3. Is the story going to get better or worse as we go from the beginning to the conflict?
Which way does the story arch?

4. Now give three events that could happen to the hero of the story to show that the
story is getting better or worse (follows the arch).
a) Event 1
b) Event 2
c) Event 3
5. Describe the hero. What makes him the best possible hero for your story?

6. Describe the villain. What makes him the best possible villain for your story?

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