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Graphic Narrative

When it comes to a super hero

story, they all usually follow the
same guidelines these apply to
Todorovs Narrative Theory, He
suggests that Conventional
narratives are structured in five
1. A state of equilibrium at the
2. A disruption of the
equilibrium by some action
3. A recognition that there has
been a disruption
4. An attempt to repair the
5. A reinstatement of the equilibrium.

There are two types of superhero narrative, light and fun; these films
are more of an experience and family friendly. Though the end can be
predictable, its satisfying watching the journey they take.
Dark and gritty; Still an experience but tend to be more about the plot
and morals behind it, these films do shocking things such as killing off
a main character or extreme violence as well as not having a clear-cut
story line. Dark and gritty films tend to be more realistic about the
super powers.

Identity is a secret
Save the world
Good looking and
Women is damsel in
distress and helpless
Super powers
And a slight chance
that the hero will die
or be harmed (which
never happens).
All super heroes have one weakness.

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