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Tiham Syed

October 9th,2015
English 7
Crash by Langston Hughes CER
Crash is a book by Langston Hughes which is about a 12 year old boy named John Coogan
who is a football star and the most popular kid in school yet he feels like he's missing
something. Crash lives in the same neighborhood as another young boy named penn, although
crash does not like penn he realizes that penn has something that he doesn't. Crash does not
know this yet so he doesn't connect with penn. In fact, crash is a huge bully to penn.
Above all,Crash was extremely mean to penn. for example, the second day they hung
out crash snatched penn's button because he wouldn't stop laughing (pg 6) and when penn told
crash he was a Quaker he started shooting him with a water gun! That is just grotesque!
Another example is that crash and his friend mike put mustard in his shoes while he wasnt
looking! It was so crazy how they conformed the plan to prank penn.
Beyond that,Crash was being a bully by snatching his button. It was mean
because its his button and he just buried it in the ground. Not to mention that he and
mike filled his shoes with mustard.
On top of that,crash makes fun of penn at the dinner table because he joined
cheerleading (pg.46-47). Plus he calls penn an oat burger for hanging out with
Jane Forbes (pg.54).Not to mention that crash called penn's parents prehistoric
Besides that,Crash was being very mean by calling penn and his
parents all those names. Crash was bullying him so much just for
not having toys of being a vegetarian. Yet in reality crash is
jealous of penn for hanging out with Jane and that his parents
came to all his games. This shows that crash is a bully.

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