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Lesson Date(s)

Unit Title
Lesson Title

Class Hours Required

Materials Required
Global Context
IB Learner Profile

Music 8th Grade

January 11th & 13th, 2016
How is music used in culture?
The music of Native America in the United
States & Island music (Cuba, Trinidad,
Puerto Rico)
ipad, process journal, project materials
Personal and Cultural Expression
Communicators, Thinkers, Knowledgeable

Task 1:
You will be watching the following documentaries to give you an idea about the origins of
music and ethnomusicology describing the music of Native America, Cuba and Puerto Rico.

Task 2:
While you watch the documentaries you will be taking detailed notes in your process journal.
Task 3:
After watching the documentaries, you will form groups of three following alphabetical order,
and then choose one of the following for your presentation:

Native American Music

Puerto Rico

Task 4:
Your presentation will include:

A popplet detailing each team members participation in the project.

A powerpoint presentation with at least 10 slides including text, title and bibliography.
Each member will present their part orally in front of class.
To be included:
o The main instruments of each country/ethnic group,
o a song representing the music of each group, with lyrics
o at least two composers/musical groups for each team detailing their career
highlights and main songs composed
o 2 musical styles from each group
A complete citation of works used and websites consulted in MLA format

Task 5:
After presenting your project, you will print it out and include (paste) it in your
process journal for your accumulative yearly grade.

The grading rubric is attached and must be included in your process journal.

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