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Topic: Why should college students own smartphones?

=> Introduce the topic: smartphones

=> Narrow down the topic: college students.
=> There are many reasons why college students should buy / own / possess smartp
=> Students must / have to / should own / possess / buy smartphones.

Students must possess smartphones for some reasons.

- Firstly, reason 1
- Secondly, reason 2
- Finally, reason 3

Topic: Describe (talk about) your college.

Topic: Talk about the features of your college, which you like most.
HUFLIT is a famous college with many interesting features.
Firstly, feature 1
Secondly, feature 2
Finally, feature 3

Topic: Describe the process of make your favorite cake.

=> There are three simple steps for making muffin / birthday cake.

=> There are three simple steps for making muffin / birthday cake which you can
=> There are three simple steps for making muffin / birthday cake which can be m
ade easily.

Topic: Tell a childhood story which you cannot forget.

=> There was a childhood story which I cannot forget.
=> There was a childhood story with many thrilling things which I cannot forget.

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