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Weibo Yang

Mrs. Hawkins
English 8
28 September 2015
Does Grammar Matter in The Real World?
In The New York Times article, Does Grammar matter in the Real World?, Maeve
Maddox analyzes the topic of standard grammar usage. She claims that every employee who
wishes to succeed in the corporate world should use standard form of English. Maddox goes on
to say, Native speakers who cant be bothered to master a standard form of it for professional
purposes are inflicting an unnecessary disadvantage on themselves. The vice president of a
software company in Seattle ,on the other hand, argues that sincerity and clarity matter more than
the grammar. Those who can be sincere, and still text and Twitter and communicate on
Facebook are the ones who are going to succeed. This is contrary to Maddoxs belief that
grammar rules should be followed in the workplace, but the vice president thinks that as long as
ones communication is understood, standard grammar usage is not important. Ultimately, what
Maddox is trying to convey through her article is that employees convey in her article is that
employees who do not follow standard grammar rules are putting themselves at incredible
financial risk.

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