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There are many dfferents ways you can

share files with user on your network.

In the first point w will look at NFS(Network file
systemes), Samba in the next point and FTP in
the last point.

Network File Systems (NFS):

The NFS protocole works great when it comes with the
linux systems because it always for client flexibility,
centralized management of files and some others great
To get NFS working proprely, you need to set up NFS
server first and then set up the client to test access to
the server.
There are four deferent version of NFS, versio 4 is the
most current.

Installing a NFS Server

Install The Required Package:
Yum install nfs-utils nfs4-acl-tools

Vrify the package installation:
Rpm qa | grep nfs

The NFS server use three deferent services to fonction proprely.
You need to enable them all at boot
Chkconfig nfs on
Chkconfig nfslock on
Chkconfig rpcbind on

Verify that all three service are set to start on system boot
Chkconfig list nfs

Configuration NFS Service

For make some configuration change, you need to verify that
the service NFS is currently stoped. Verify the service is off er
service nfs status

The nfs and rpcbind service both control a number of daemon

on the system when thay are started.
Lets look at the deferent daemon at these two services are composed

rpcbind = Forwards incoming requests to the appropriate subservice

rpc.idmapd = Maps the UID and GID to users and groups
rpc.lockd = Manages file locks and releases in case of client disconnect
rpc.nfsd = Responds to client requests for file access
rpc.rquotad = Provides statistics on disk quotas to clients
rpc.statd = Works with rpc.lockd to provide recovery services

Lets also look at the config files that you will be dealing
/etc/sysconfig/nfs Contains the main config files for the NFS
/etc/exports Contains a list of resources that will be exported
(made available) to clients

Here are some additional files that you will use when
working with NFS:
/var/lib/nfs/etab Contains a list of currently exported resources
/var/lib/nfs/rmtab Contains a list of remotely mounted

For the first configuration step, you need to make a few changes
to the main config file.
Step 1. Open the main config file for editing:
# vim /etc/sysconfig/nfs

Step 2. Uncomment the following lines:


If you are still on RHEL5, there is an unresolved bug that causes strange errors if
you disable all versions of the mountd daemon from being advertised. For RHEL5, I
recommend uncommenting only the following lines:

Step 3. Save the file and exit.

Modify /etc/exports becoquse this file defind what

resource will be available to your client. When this file
not existe, you can create

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