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The Story of the

Tuba Chicken
On a cold winters night
Kaitlin was at the piano,
Her trombone on the stand,
With her euphonium in hand,
Let out a noiseSo loud, it woke the neighbors,
It shook the wall,
It made the pictures fall!
It echoed through the valley
And through much of this folly
Emerged her sister out of her room.
Hark! I hear an angel sent from hell!!
her sister cried out as if she were Adele.
Hush my sister, tis only I
playing on my horn.
Silence that blasted noise, I say!
No my sister, no there must be another way.
Now, quarter past 8,
After her family ate,
They configured and concluded
They must put an end to this madness, and went into debate.
She is disturbing my peace!
She is making my ears bleed!
What a blasted piece!
Suddenly, Kaitlin had a wondrous thoughtAn epiphany to the table she brought.
A mute!! A mute I shall make!!
It will solve all our problems! Piece of cake!
Her family agreed, and in 2 hours time,
A mute came out of this rhyme:
A red sock, so fuzzy and warm,
It kept the sound inside her horn.

Fluffy cotton, as soft as snow,

Still kept the musics glow.
At the end tied a knot so tight,
Not even a knight, with all his might,
Could untie.
Okay, alright said her father
Lets see if your idea was so bright.
Now came the time, the ultimate test
To see if her Idea was the best.
There Kaitlin sat, perched on her chair
Ready to show how much she cared.
A noise, so quiet and muffled,
Came out of her horn, as she heard her sister eat a truffle.
My, that is mellow
What a nice noise
Sounds like a marshmallow!!
Her sister then took the mute,
And in such a great dbut
Gave it her golden glove.
This can show yours and mine love
Her sister continued,
For your lovely soft music, that can be heard from above.
She placed the mitten on the red sock, then suddenly saidIts a Tuba Chicken!!
Into the horn it went,
Only slight bent,
And muffled the noise in such style,
Her family stayed and listened to her stayed a while.
This ends the tale of the famous Tuba Chicken,
In its great creation, you deserve a picken.
So here is one for your own use,
Just make sure it is not abused.
Create your own Tuba Chicken
Find new ways to make it work,
Whether it be as a musician,
A magician, a physician or really any position
The Tuba chicken prevails, and completes its mission.

The Tuba chicken lives on,

On and on and on and on,
Forever in our lives it stays,
Close to the heart is where it will always lay.
Kaitlin Sepanek

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