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9/11: We Will Never Forget

Everyone who lives in the United States of America would rember this most dire,
catasphopic event that has ever occurred in US. That event happens to be a
terrorist attack that occurred on September 11, 2001. Every year, people pay
tribute and their respects over the 2,977 innocent lives lost from this tragic
event. How this event has occurred was that 19 men has hijacked 4 U.S.
commercial airlines (all fueled) and this terrorist attack was all
orchestrated by Osama bin Laden, an al Qaeda leader. The results
were devastating, with about 2,573 people killed and hijacked, 343 of
them being New York Firefighters, 23 of them Police Officers, and
the victims ranged from age 2 to 85 years old. More to it, 11 pregnant
women carrying those potential newborn lives have also passed away
were tragically one of them.
I was only about 3 years old on the day of this memorable incident.
Back then, I didnt know much about death and terrorism, but I did
pay respects to those whove lost their loved ones around that time. 14 years on, I
still remember those victims who gave their lives for the humanity of this nation
we live in. I can sense the angered faces on my parents once they found out that
Osama bin Laden and his henchmen were behind all this. Those along with many
other Americans have felt vengeance and the desire to bring them to justice and
hold them accountable. Had they havent terrorized us the Americans, those 2,977
people would have been breathing the American air and breathing the American
dream theyve yearned for.
Being a proud American for my 17 years of living, Ive known to be sensible when it
comes to being reverent of my country, and those whose lives were passed on. Each
and every year of September 11 is a perfect day to commemorate those 2,9777
Americans whove sacrificed their lives just by jumping off the building to escape
the fire from this one unforgettable event. The United States flag is not displayed
without any significance whatsoever; in fact its there for a reason. Every
American from now on will honor those who gave their lives to this day and also
those who have lost their mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters,
friends, family members, and so on. Its time that we stop what were doing and

give a moment of silence, honoring our fellow heroes here in the United States of
Written by: Kiara Tomlinson

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