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How to disable Google Chrome Automatic

Google Chrome performs automatic updates every few weeks in order to
make Chrome browser more secure and stable. But sometimes these
new versions are not very stable or they present compatibility problems
in their use. For these reasons, its better to disable the automatic
update procedure to avoid such problems.

How to prevent (STOP) Chrome to Auto-Update.

Method 1: Disable Chrome Update through Chrome.
1. Open Google Chrome and at the URL Address Bar,
type:chrome://plugins & press Enter.

2. In the listed plugins, find the plugin named Google Update and
press the Disable option under it.

3. Finally restart your Chrome browser for changes to take effect.

Method 2: Disable Chrome Update through Windows Registry
Open Registry Editor.
To do that, open the Run command* and in the search (run) box, type
regedit and press Enter.
* How to open the Run command:
Windows XP:
Click on the Start button and choose Run.

Windows 7, Vista
Click on the Start button and click on the searchbox.

Windows 8:
Right-click on the bottom left corner and select Run.

2. Inside Windows Registry, navigate (from the left pane) to this key:*
* Note for Windows 8.1 users: The above key doesnt exist in Windows
8, so you have to create it (and one more key) manually: To do that:
1. Navigate to this key at left
2. Right click on Policies and select New Key.
3. Give the name Google
4. Right Click on Google key and select New Key.
5. Give the name Update
6. At right pane, right-click on an empty space and select New
> DWORD (32-bit) Value

7. Give the name UpdateDefault

8. Modify the UpdateDefault value data to 0 as described below

9. After you modify the value date, navigate to this key at left
10.Right click on Google key and select New Key.
11.Give the name Update
12.At right pane, right-click on an empty space and select New
> DWORD (32-bit) Value
13.Give the name UpdateDefault
14.Modify the UpdateDefault value data to 0 as described below

3. At the right pane, double-click at the UpdateDefault registry key and

set its value data to 0.

4. Press OK to close that window and then close (exit) Registry Editor.

Thats it.
Remember that you can always enable the Chrome automatic update
feature anytime you want, simply by setting the Value Data to 1 in the
same registry key (UpdateDefault).
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