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The social action project, we did the

Pantomime in the Millennium Forum, was a
very good experience as this project was for
a client and we were also up against the
clock when it came to filming; there were no
pauses or breaks. This was a good
experience for us as it taught us how to work
in the media industry. Throughout the shoot
we had to manage our time well in order to
capture what we needed for our projects.
Other than that the shoot went very smooth
with minimal conflict. The biggest obstacle
we had to over come was in the editing. We
shot for a promotional video so to make it
into a social action piece was quite difficult.
Our main editor Jake had to use his supreme
editing skill to make the video have the feel
of a documentary type project. We also did a
voice over to make it even more like a social
action project, and with the great writing skill
of Eli we managed to create a piece we are
proud to call ours and show off to our class

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