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Michelle Mertz

1st hour
Groundhog Day Discussion Questions
Question 1.
A) When Phi discovers that he can do whatever he wants, and he isnt going
to play by the rules anymore he means that none of the rules of society or
rules that society abides by, apply to Phil because he gets a constant redo
every day.
B) The effect that it has on him is that he now doesnt care at all about anything
and he does whatever he wants.

Question 2.
A) It would prove frustrating because you would be stuck reliving the same day
over and over again with no escape. Life would become miserable.
Question 3.
A) I think that yes, eventually both would become blurred because when youre
reliving the same day over and over again you almost become trapped. When
this happens, the whole rest of the world becomes insignificant.
Question 4.
A) The only thing Phil can change about each day is the way he acts. This
changes his day because it can either give him positive or negative results on
how the rest of his day goes. This tells us that how we act determines how we
Question 5.
A) Existentialist themes that are present in Ground Hogs Day are: Anxiety,
Alienation, Forlornness and Responsibility.
B) Anxiety: Phil (Bill Murray) gets the feeling of unease when he first realizes
that he is reliving the same day over and over again
C) Alienation: Phil feels like a stranger in the world because he is the only one
who realizes that they day is being relived over and over again.
D) Forlornness: Phil feels lonely because no one understands him or his
explanation of whats going on.
E) Responsibility: Phil says something like: Im not going to live by their rules
anymore. Im going to do whatever I want, in the movie. He is taking
responsibility of his life and choses to act however he wants.

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