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Simn Bolvar: The Liberator

Andrew Castillo
Junior Division
Individual Website
Total word count: 287

How I chose my topic: I was excited to see that this years theme allowed for some

provocative topics. I had to choose a subject that was interesting, one that I cared about, and
could easily relate to this year's theme. Being Latino, it was important to me that had to do with
either Central or South America. After taking into consideration what I wanted for my topic, I
realized that Simn Bolvar would be the perfect choice. He was an extraordinarily influential
character in the independence of South America.
How I conducted my research: I looked in my school library for some books, and found
some pertaining to my topic. I also looked at multiple websites and online databases that gave

very descriptive accounts of Bolvars life and the war. During our schools trip to William
Paterson University, I found some useful pictures and an online copy of an imperative document
to the governing system of Gran Colombia. All of this information was instrumental in making
my website.
Why I selected my presentation category: I selected a website for my presentation
category because a few of my classmates had told me that creating a website was fun and looked
great when completed. A website is a superb choice for a project category because it allows for
hands-on learning for the user. I later found out that a website was difficult work but was worth it
in the end.
How my topic relates to NHD theme: My topic of Simn Bolvar relates to the theme of
Exploration, Encounters, Exchange because Bolvar explored many radical and revolutionary
ideas while leader of almost half of South America. He encountered rich South Americans and
Europeans alike whom he urged to fund the rebel cause. In exchange for allegiance, Bolvar
promised the South American people the Spanish-made borders erased and unification of the

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