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Blood Dragon, The

Vestige Level: 1st
Printing DC: 11
Special Requirement:
Yes, Paper.

Additional Vestiges

Manifestation (Disclaimer): Upon opening this document

you will find additional Vestiges for the Binder Class detailed
in the Tome of Magic source book published by Wizards of
the Coast. This is merely a collection of Vestiges not found in
the Tome of Magic book that have been published in the
Dragon and Dungeon Magazines or from the Dungeons &
Dragons Roleplaying Game Official Home Page (
This collection has been put together so that players may have a single source of material for quick
reference at the table top. All art, articles and material used belongs to their respective owners and
copyrights. If you wish to read additional information about the Vestiges detailed; please purchase the
appropriate Magazines or visit the internet links detailed in the reference section.

If your DM is running the Savage Tide campaign or a related campaign, your DM may need to review
appropriate Vestiges and their related Teeth of Dahlver-Nar as there are possible spoilers detailed in the

Campaign Vestiges
Vestiges mark with the sub [Campaign Vestige] type are Vestiges specific to the Savage Tide adventure
path. The Savage Tide adventure path can be found in Dungeon magazine #139 to # 150 and Dragon
Magazine #348 - #359 both produced by Paizo.(

A Primer on Pact Magic

Granted Abilities and Psionics
As with those granted abilities listed for each vestige in Tome of Magic, the granted abilities listed below are
all supernatural abilities. While you may wish to refresh your memory about all of the rules regarding the
granted abilities on page 19 of Tome of Magic, it might be helpful to point out a few things here.
All powers granted by vestiges are supernatural in origin, even if they replicate spells or abilities that are
not normally considered magical. This includes psionic powers.
Supernatural abilities are magical and thus are suppressed in an antimagic field.
Supernatural abilities are not subject to spell resistance (or psionic resistance).
Supernatural abilities take a Standard action to activate unless otherwise indicated.
If a supernatural ability granted by a vestige mimics the effect of a spell or shadow magic mystery (or
psionic power), the caster level of that ability is always equal to a binder's effective binder level.
A binder shows no outward sign when using a granted ability, unless the ability description specifies that
he must concentrate, or the use of the ability would be obvious based on its description (such as a ray
projecting from the binder's eyes).
Effects created by the binder's supernatural abilities end when the vestige leaves the binder, or if the
binder dies while bound.
The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a vestige-granted power is 10 + 1/2 effective binder level +
binder's Cha modifier.
Any psionic powers granted through the [Psionic] Vestiges are detailed in the 3.5 Expanded Psionics
Handbook or SRD.

Abysm, the Schismed [Psionic] ................................................................................................5

Ahazu, the Seizer [Campaign Vestige]....................................................................................6
Ansitif, the Befouler [Campaign Vestige].................................................................................7
Arete, the First Elan [Psionic] ...................................................................................................8
Ashardalon, Pyre of the Unborn ................................................................................................9
Astaroth, Diabolus of Baator [Campaign Vestige].................................................................10
Astaroth, the Unjustly Fallen....................................................................................................11
Cabiri, the Watching Master [Campaign Vestige] .................................................................12
Desharis, the Sprawling Soul ..................................................................................................13
Kas, the Bloody Handed ..........................................................................................................15
Primus, the One and the Prime ...............................................................................................17
The Triad [Psionic]..................................................................................................................19
Vanus, The Reviled One..........................................................................................................20
Zceryll, "The Star Spawn"........................................................................................................22
Pact Magic Items .....................................................................................................................24
Astaroth, Refference (Item Creation).......................................................................................25
Psionic Powers ........................................................................................................................26
Animal Affinity.......................................................................................................................26
Astral Construct....................................................................................................................26
Body Adjustment ..................................................................................................................26
Body Purification ..................................................................................................................26
Call to Mind ..........................................................................................................................27
Clairvoyant Sense ................................................................................................................27
Detect Hostile Intent.............................................................................................................27
Empathy ...............................................................................................................................27
Energy Missile......................................................................................................................27
Levitate, Psionic ...................................................................................................................28
Read Thoughts.....................................................................................................................28
Sustenance ..........................................................................................................................28
Planar Lore ..............................................................................................................................29
Vestiges References:...............................................................................................................30


Arete (Psionic)
Astaroth (Cityscape)
Astaroth (Dragon)
The Triad (Psionic)
Abysm (Psionic)



Abysm, the Schismed


Vestige Level: 8th

Binding DC: 34
Special Requirement: No
Abysm, the Schismed, is a living vestige of a psionic mythal. As
a vestige, Abysm gives its host access to several psionic
Legend: Little is known about the origin of the vestige that is
Abysm, but some have learned that a strange group of psionic
users once visited the great city of Myth Drannor on Faern.
These visitors wished to learn more about mythals and spent
much time in research while in the great elven city. Scholars
theorize that they then created a psionic mythal around a secret
city of psychics and called it Abysm.
Imagine a city of psions, all interconnected by their psicrystals
and a great mythal of psionic energy. Now imagine all of them
dying overnight. No one knows what disaster visited the city, but
it killed every living thing. Some believe that due to the
inhabitants' direct connection to the mythal by way of their
psicrystals, their souls did not depart as they should have.
Instead they got caught in the weave of psionic energies, and the resulting combination of energies was
simply too much for the crystals to hold -- all psicrystals shattered at once and gave birth to the vestige that
is Abysm.
Some researchers and lore-seekers say that Abysm has only recently became sane enough to maintain a
safe binding for more than a few seconds. Many old tales relate how binders found themselves being nearly
driven insane just by contacting it, but now it does respond and answer the call of those who seek it.
Manifestation: Crystals grow from the seal into a prismatic tree that suddenly cracks and shatters into dust.
The dust swirls into a shimmering, rainbow-laden cyclone that forms an indistinct face. A discordant voice
speaks to the binder, saying, "We, Abysm."
Sign: Your fingernails and toenails become crystal, and you "sweat" gem dust like a maenad does.
Influence: Your speech pattern becomes disconnected, as if many voices are trying to speak through you.
Your mannerisms also change from moment to moment: masculine to feminine, regal to shy, and confident
to passive. Abysm requires that the binder not use a psicrystal for the duration of the binding.
Granted Abilities: While bound to Abysm, you gain powers that various city inhabitants had at some point
in their lifetimes.
Psionic Boon: You gain 21 power points when you bind to Abysm. These are added to your pool of power if
you already possess psionic power, or they create a pool and you become a psionic creature for the
duration of this binding.
Overpower: You gain access to the psionic powers read thoughts, animal affinity, energy missile, psionic
levitate, clairvoyant sense, and astral construct for the duration of the binding. You may manifest each
power as a psion would and as if it is a power known by you. You may augment each as a psion normally
could, substituting your effective binder level in place of manifester level.

Ahazu, the Seizer

[Campaign Vestige]

Vestige Level: 3rd

Binding DC: 20
Special Requirement: Yes.
Pact magic extracts power from powerful but dead beings spirits.
Although not technically dead, neither is Ahazu the Seizer
technically alive as long as he remains imprisoned in Shattered
Night. This allows binders to use pact magic to draw power from
his vestige.
Legend: The 73rd layer of the Abyss is a place known as the
Wells of Darkness, which was once ruled by the demon lord
Ahazu the Seizer, a powerful demon that concerned himself with
Night and abduction, but has since mysteriously disappeared.
To those mixed in with the events of the Savage Tide will soon
find out that he now rules the void beyond the Wells of Darkness,
known as the Shattered Starless Night. Dungeon Magazine #148
reveals the truth of this mysterious Demon Lord.
Special Requirement: You must draw Ahazus seal on the
surface of one of the Pools of Darkness, found at the bottom of the Wells of Darkness on the seventy-third
layer of the Abyss.
Manifestation: Ahazus manifestation begins as a sphere of darkness that slowly expands in radius. In the
depths of that sphere, Ahazus form slowly takes shape, revealing a dark skinned, naked humanoid shape
with bat-like wings, and elongated head, and arms akin to that of a bodak. His legs trail away into
nothingness and his skin is smooth and devoid of obvious features. The Seizers mouth, which is filled with
hundreds of needle-sharp fangs, yawns under a pair of sunken eyes which have partially withdrawn into his
Sign: Your skin becomes cold to the touch and the inside of your mouth is cloaked in absolute darkness and
periodically expels clouds of black smoke.
Influence: Ahazus avarice infects you, causing you to steal small, precious objects whenever the
opportunity presents itself, if you feel you can do so without getting caught. The covetousness extends to the
lives of your enemies as well. If possible, you must try to imprison your enemies alive in a dark hellhole,
rather than kill them or let them escape. If you allow an enemy to escape, you become wracked with anger
and suffer a -4 penalty to all Charisma-based checks as long as you remain under Ahazus influence.
Granted Abilities: Ahazu grants you abilities that reflect his demonic origin, his exile in the void, and his
obsession with abduction.
Ahazus Abduction: You can speak Ahazus name to shunt a creature within 30 feet of you into the void
between the planes. The target creature may resist the abduction by making a Will save (DC 10 + your
effective binder level + your charisma modifier). If the creature resists this abduction, you may not target him
again with this power for 24 hours. Once a creature is abducted, it remains trapped in the void for 1 round,
effectively losing its action on that round of combat. You can use this ability at will.
Ahazus Touch: You can produce an effect identical to unholy blight (caster level equals your effective binder
level) on a creature you touch. The target is cloaked in a cold, cloying miasma of greasy darkness and takes
damage as appropriate for his alignment. Once you use this ability, you cannot do so again for 5 rounds.
Blindsight: You have the blindsight extraordinary ability to a range equal to 5 feet per effective binder level
(Maximum 100 feet)
Void Mind: As a standard action, you can withdraw your mind and soul into the void beyond the boundaries
of the planes, rendering you immune to spells, spell-like effects, and supernatural effects with that mindaffecting descriptor or that affect souls (such as magic jar, soul bind, and trap the soul) as long as the

vestige remains bound to you. If you die while employing this granted power, you cannot be brought back to
life with a raise dead or resurrection spell.

Ansitif, the Befouler

[Campaign Vestige]

Vestige Level: 7th

Binding DC: 30
Special Requirement: Yes.
Ansitif the Befouler loathes all evidence of religious faith, granting
resistance to divine magic the power to call on the demon lords of
the Abyss, to blasphemy, and to resist the cleansing power of fire.
Legend: Ansitif the Befouler is an ancient tanarri lord who rose to
power in the wake of the obyriths fall and quickly seized control of
the 21 layer of the Abyss, now known as the Sixth Pyre.
Although most demon lords hunger for the power of true gods,
Ansitif was enraged by the very existence of divine beings. Unable
to challenge most deities directly, the Befouler vented his fury
through the corruption of religious sites and relics dedicated to
true gods. At the height of his power Ansitifs demesne was
littered with the shattered relics of countless faiths and the ruins of
desecrated temples drawn into the Abyss.
Up until his imprisonment, Ansitif delighted in the company of succubi, and he was of Malcanthets first
lovers. It is said that the first succubi to become lilitus were born of their couplings, as the newly enthroned
Queen of Succubi secretly drew on the Befoulers corruptive nature to unlockthe ritual needed to transform
her servitors.
Centuries ago, Ansitif joined with six tanarri alliesCyndshyra of the Seven Torments, Felexja the Tiger
King, Ixinix the Lord of Blackwater, Qij-na the Shattered, Rhindorzt the Black Prince, and Wejindhastala the
Tempestto hunt down and destroy a powerful obyrith called the Malgoth, scattering his essence across
the Abyss. Instead of triumph, the alliances victory brought disaster. The affair took Ansitif and his allies
away from their centers of power, and opportunistic demon lords assassinated or imprisoned each member
of the alliance in turn. In the case of the Befouler, his most powerful general, a balor named Kardum,
betrayed Ansitif and had him imprisoned in the Wells of Darkness on the 73 layer of the Abyss. Kardum
then want on to claim the title of Lord of the Balors, which he holds to this day.
Special Requirement: Ansitif requires that his seal be drawn using the broken remains of a true deitys holy
Manifestation: The symbol before you erupts in flames, and a swarm of sparks leaps outward to scorch
relics, holy symbols, and other signs of worship in the immediate vicinity. Gradually, the flames coalesce
around the alter and begin to give forth a dark cloying smoke. In the center of the smoke, flying sparks form
a disembodied mouth that begins to speak.
Sign: Your hair and skin become blackened and scorched, as if briefly touched by fire.
Influence: Under Ansitifs influence, you become enraged by the presence of relics dedicated to true gods.
The Befouler requires that you attempt to destroy or steal any relic dedicated to a true god that you discover.
Granted Abilities: Ansitif grants you the power to Blaspheme against the true gods, to resist the spells of
their divine servants, and to temporarily spurn your deity and pledge yourself to a demon lord of the Abyss.
Harkening back to Ansitifs period of rule over the Sixth Pyre, the Befouler grants you immunity to fire.
Blasphemy: You can utter a blasphemy, as per the spell, three times per day (caster level equals your
effective binder level).
Divine Resistance: You gain SR 12+ your effective binder level versus divine spells and spell-like abilities.
Fire Immunity: You gain immunity to fire.

Thrall to Demon: You gain the benefit of the Thrall to Demon feat: once per day, whole performing an evil
act, you may call upon your temporary demonic patron to add a +1 luck bonus on any one roll. If you are a
cleric, you must replace your domains with domains granted by the demon lord to which you pledge (see
Fiendish Codes I, 88), for as long as the pact is forged. You must pick the demon lord to which you
temporarily pledge when you make the pact and cannot pick a different demon lord to venerate until you
make a new pact with Ansitif. Note that most good- or law-ful aligned deities would require a worshiper to
undergo atonement after daring to bind this vestige.

Ansitif Refference:
New demonic domains detail on page 88 of Fiendish Codex I:
Corruption, Demonic, Entropy, Fury, Ooze, and Temptation.

Arete, the First Elan


Vestige Level: 4th

Binding DC: 21
Special Requirement: Yes
Arete, a powerful psion who sought immortality, created a new race
but doomed himself to never-ending rebirths. His granted abilities
provide binders with access to several qualities that toughen the body
and mind.
Legend: After a memorable battle with a powerful lich, Arete, a
powerful psion, took the time to explore the path of lichdom. He
pondered that if immortality can be achieved through "undeath," could
it not also be achieved through "unlife" too? After decades of research,
he had his answer, but unknown to him, he had made a small
oversight. Life begins with birth and unlife would require rebirth.
He awoke from his ritual immortal and rejuvenated, but soon
discovered he had lost a lifetime of knowledge and power. His own
journals told him what he had once possessed and it became his
obsession to regain that power. Unfortunately, every time he did the
ritual again to get back what he had lost, he was reborn anew.
No one knows how many times he was reborn, but somewhere along the way, he became a vestige and
some believe that every time his vestige is summoned, he is reborn yet again.
Special Requirement: Arete does not like to be reminded that the elan are considered abominations by
some, and he does not answer your summons if you are already bound to Chupoclops or Eurynome.
Manifestation: A mirror rises from his seal, reflecting the binder who makes the summons. The summoner's
reflection fades to be replaced by that of a young, male Elan with hair too red, eyes too blue, and skin too
bronze. While he speaks, his physical moves mirror the summoner's every action.
Sign: Your body's colors alter to become slightly off. Blonde hair becomes too golden, green eyes become
too emerald green, and your skin becomes faultless and has no pores.
Influence: You do not get hungry or tired while bound to Arete, but you do suffer negative effects if you do
not eat or sleep for the duration that the vestige is bound. If faced with a need to do research, Arete insists
that you seek out lore regarding him and his research into immortality as well, which can often double or
even triple the time you spend seeking information (DM's discretion; finding out where the local rowdies ran
off to after a tavern fight might not give Arete grounds to require research into his own past, for example).
Granted Abilities: While bound to Arete, you gain powers that Arete had at some point in his search for

Psionic Boon: You gain 13 power points when you bind to Arete. These are added to your pool of power if
you already possess psionic power, or they create a pool and you become a psionic creature for the
duration of this binding.
Resistance: Your gain a +4 resistance bonus on a saving throw of your choice. You may change this to
another saving throw as a move action.
Damage Reduction: Your body becomes unnaturally tough as you gain damage reduction 5/--.
Repletion: You gain access to the psionic powers body adjustment , body purification, and sustenance for
the duration of the binding. You may manifest each power as a psion would and as if it is a power known by
you. You may augment each power as a psion normally could, substituting your effective binder level in
place of manifester level.

Ashardalon, Pyre of the Unborn

Vestige Level: 8th
Binding DC: 35
Special Requirement: No.
A seeker of pure power and wealth, the fiendish red dragon
Ashardalon was among the toughest creatures of his era. Having
escaped death more then once, he grants binders some of his
powers as a dragon and fiend, as well as a portion of his great
Legend: Ashardalon was a red dragon of unusual greed and
power. He sought to control a vast stretch of land, and ravaged it
in cruel hunts for food, sport, and power. So great was
Ashardalons power that many cults grew to revere him as a deity
and followed him into what they believed were holy wars. In time,
however, an alliance of rangers and elves managed to defeat
Ashardalons armies. Shortly thereafter, the dragon faced a
powerful druid who had risen to defend the land, and was nearly
As a near god, however, Ashardalon was a force to be reckoned with, even in defeat. He hid on the Outer
Planes for millennia and, through complex machinations, managed to replace his heart with that of a Balor,
becoming a creature of even greater supernatural evil. Renewed, the dragon made an assault on the
Bastion of Souls in an effort to destroy all living creatures. There, Ashardalon faced a distant descendant of
a druid who had vanquished him once before and was truly killed.
Still, his death at the birthplace of all souls (Combined with his nearly deific status) allowed him to resist a
permanent resting place. His essence lacked the power to become a true immortal, leaving him only the
nebulous existence of a vestige.
Special Requirement: None.
Manifestation: Ashardalon tears open the ground with his long black talons and hauls his massive body up
from a flaming pit. The red dragon is wreathed in flames and has a burning hole where his heart should be.
He bellows in anger before turning to the binder and demanding to know why he has been disturbed.
Sign: A patch of skin over your heart is marked by a deep-hued crimson sigil of a curled red dragon.
Influence: Your greatly hunger for vengeance against those who harm or slight you. Ashardalon requires
you to slight you to accept any opportunity to strike a foe who damages or insults you in preference over any
other target.
Granted Abilities: Ashardalon grants you some of the vast power he collected during his life as a dragon
and a fiendish creature.

Ashardalons Greed: You gain a bonus on Appraise checks and search checks equal to your binder level.
You can also locate objects near you, as the spell locate object (PH 249).
Ashardalons Presence: You can strike fear into the hearts of your foes. This acts as the fear spell (PH 229),
except creatures immune to a dragons fearful presence as immune to this effect as well. Once you have
used this ability, the aspects sign shows through any armor or clothing you wear for 1 round, burning like a
fiery brand (though it doesnt actually deal damage or start a fire).
Ashardalons Vigor: Ashardalon grants you some of the vast resilience he enjoyed in life. When you bind this
vestige, you gain temporary hit points equal to twice your binder level. These temporary hit points last for up
to 24 hours.
Ashardalons Heart: You share some of the defensive benefits of a Balor once bound to Ashardalons body.
This effect grants you damage reduction 10/cold iron and resistance to fire 30.

Astaroth, Diabolus of Baator

[Campaign Vestige]

Vestige Level: 4th

Binding DC: 20
Special Requirement: Yes.
Astaroth, also known as Diabolus, has a deep and abiding hatred of
devils, granting the ability to pass among fiends, bypass their
diabolic defenses, and burn with Abyssal version of hellfire.
Legend: This once-powerful demon lord who is said to have once
rule a layer of the Abyss know as the Terminal Archives, with a gift
for prophecy offered to fight alongside the Queen of Chaos during
her war with the Wind Dukes of Aaqa, but was rejected. In the early
days of the Blood War, Astaroth earned the name Diabolus by
infiltrating the legions of Baator and rising to the rank of Treasurer of
Hell. His true nature was eventually exposed by the arch-devil
Gargauth, forcing Astaroth to flee the Wrath of Asmodeus, but his
spying caused incalculable harm to the devils war effort and
prevented the legions of hell from winning a clear and decisive
victory against the hordes of the abyss.
Upon his return to the Abyss Astaroth retreated to a steam-filled layer filled with floating chunks of burning
stone. In preparation for the inevitable retaliation of the Lords of Nine, Astaroth began cultivating mortal cults
on countless worlds through the use of his prophetic powers, in hopes of transforming himself into a god. He
must have succeeded in some fashion, although not enough to forestall his fate. Astaroth was eventually
slain by Gargauth, at the command of Asmodeus. In addition to claiming his predecessors name, the Tenth
Lord of Nine is said to have seized the mantle of divinity from Astaroth as well.
Special Requirement: Astaroth requires that his seal be drawn on an area of stone that has recently been
burned and then doused with cold water.
Manifestation: Astaroths misty form rises up from his seal like a cloud of steam, slowly condensing into the
form of a handsome human with draconic and feathered wings. His serpentine tongue flicks nervously as his
body is slowly consumed with hellfire.
Sign: You acquire the stench of brimstone and a cloudy film covers your eyes.
Influence: Astaroths influence give you a vague but continuous sense of impending doom that makes you
morose and fatalistic. Because Astaroth desired revenge on the devils who brought him low, he required that
you attack a devil in preference to all others whenever you are in combat and that you initiate combat with
any devil you meet.
Granted Abilities: Astaroth grants you the power to see the future, to burn with the flames of the Abyss, to
pass among fiends and to strike creatures with protection from non-silver weapons (including many devils)

Blackflame: Your spells, spell-like abilities, and magic item abilities with the fire descriptor deal half fire
damage and half vile damage. You can cast fireball, as per the spell, three times per day (caster level
equals your effective binder level).
Divination: You can perform a divination, as per the spell (caster level equals your effective binder level).
Serpentine Tongue: You gain a bonus on bluff and disguise checks equal to your binder level. You gain an
additional +4 bonus on bluff and disguise checks when dealing with evil outsiders.
Silvered Touch: Any natural attack or attack with a metal weapon you make is treated as if it were a silver
weapon. These attacks do not apply a -1 penalty on damage rolls.

Astaroth, the Unjustly Fallen

Vestige Level: 4th
Binding DC: 22
Special Requirement: No.
A fallen angel who would never accept responsibility for his own
transgressions, Astaroth grants his summoners influence over the
behavior of others, knowledge of hidden things, and the ability to
sicken enemies.
Legend: Scholars know little of Astaroth before his fall, save that
he favored constant interference and assistance when it came to
mortals, rather than leaving them to develop on their own. Some
tales claim that he was responsible for teaching humanoids such
techniques as metalworking and even alchemy.
According to ancient writings, Astaroth himself maintains that this
was why he fell, cast from Heaven for the "crime" of aiding the
mortal races in their development of civilization. Most theologians,
however, remain convinced that the angel was exiled for greater
crimes. Legends range from an attempt to usurp the position of
some heavenly god, to an effort to raise an entire mortal race to
celestial status, to an attempt to turn all mortals away from worship of the gods so that he might be free to
influence them as he saw fit. Astaroth admitted to no such defiance, however, and swore to the day of his
disappearance that his fall was unjust.
For centuries Astaroth roamed many worlds, mortal and spiritual alike. To the celestials, he was an outcast - another prideful fallen angel who could not even admit to his errors, let alone atone for them. Yet because
he refused to embrace damnation, he found no allies among the fiends either. Eventually he settled among
mortals. He watched over them as a guardian and mentor to start, but slowly his obsession with "protecting"
the mortals grew uncontrollable. Astaroth became a dictator, restricting even the day-to-day behavior of his
subjects to keep them "safe." The fallen angel was finally slain by an uprising within the populace, but none
of the Outer Planes would grant his soul any respite. Eventually, with no afterlife to call his own, stripped
even of his physical existence, Astaroth simply went -- elsewhere.
Special Requirement: None.
Manifestation: Accompanied by the sound of flapping wings and cawing crows, Astaroth manifests as a
hideously ugly angel. His limp wings are filthy gray, his features drawn and gaunt, and his eyes yellowed. He
carries a viper in his right hand and wears a tarnished crown upon his brow. A horrific stench accompanies
him, almost but not quite enough to sicken everyone nearby.
Sign: Your skin yellows, and you emit a foul, unwashed odor. While this odor is not strong enough to
impede or distract an opponent, it does attract attention.
Influence: Astaroth's influence renders you incapable of taking responsibility for your own actions. You
cannot admit any fault, acknowledge any mistake, or make reparations or apologies for any wrong, no
matter the consequences or the evidence against you.

Granted Abilities: Astaroth guided mortals, and he still grants abilities based in knowledge and education.
As a fallen angel, and then a vestige, his magics have grown ever grimmer and more distasteful; he also
grants powers based on directly controlling and offending others.
Angelic Lore: Astaroth constantly whispers the secrets of reality in the back of your mind, allowing you to
draw on his own nigh-infinite knowledge. This functions as the bardic knowledge ability (PH 28), based on
your effective binder level.
Astaroth's Breath: Once every 5 rounds, you can exhale a 60-foot cone of foul-smelling gas. Creatures
within the cone must make a Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round and sickened for an additional 1d4
rounds. Those who make the save are merely sickened for 1 round. Creatures immune to poison or disease
are immune to this effect.
Honeyed Tongue: You gain a +4 competence bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks.
Master Craftsman: While bound to Astaroth, you gain a +4 competence bonus on all Craft checks. In
addition, each time you bind with Astaroth, you may select one item creation feat as a temporary bonus feat.
So long as you continue to bind with Astaroth, you may use that feat as though you possessed it normally;
you must still spend all standard gold and XP for any item you create, and you must still provide all
necessary spells for a given item.
If your effective binder level is not at least as high as the necessary caster level to take a specific item
creation feat, you cannot choose that feat. For instance, a 4th-level binder could not choose any item
creation feat with a prerequisite of caster level 5th or higher.
Word of Astaroth: You may make a suggestion, as the spell, with a caster level equal to your effective binder
level. You must wait 5 rounds before attempting another suggestion, and at any given time, you may only
have a total number of people under the effects of this ability equal to your Charisma bonus.

Cabiri, the Watching Master

[Campaign Vestige]

Vestige Level: 4th

Binding DC: 18
Special Requirement: Yes.
One of the oldest obyriths in existence, Cabiri, the Watching
Master, grants his summoners the ability to see in darkness or
twilight, to observe others from afar, and to uncover potential
Legend: In ages past, when obyriths lorded the Abyss, the
many-eyed tyrant known as Cabiri ruled a large swath of the
layer now known as Pazunia, warring against rival lords such as
Bechard, Pazuzu, and Ubother. The Watching Master kept
careful eyes on his rivals but spent most of his energy scrying
the relatively unknown deeper levels of the Abyss. Some record
of Cabiris observation must have survived in the ruins of his
long abandoned keep, for the Fraternity of Order began its effort
to catalog the layers of the Abyss following its exploration of the
Watching Masters ruined stronghold.
When the Queen of Chaos called the obyriths to war against the
Wind Dukes of Aaqa, she turned to Cabiri for advice many times, drawing upon his ability to divine futures
by utilizing resources in the depths of the Abyss unguessed at by most his kin. Near the end of the war,
Cabiri foresaw the Queens defeat, and fled the field of battle. This act may have ironically been the one that
most crippled the Queens forces and allowed for her subsequent defet. Cabiri fled to the depths of the
Abyss and hid there for eons while he watched the obyriths suffer the humiliating defeat upon the fields of
Pesh, and the subsequent eladrin incations that finished off so many of the survivors.
As Cabiri explored the depths of the Abyss, it is believed that his discovered some of the truth behind the
creation of the obyrith race, a discover that compelled him to resurface and seek out the obscure fiends
known as the Baernoloths. Whatever he confronted them with was enough for them to engineer his capture

and subsequent imprisonment in the then-still-young Wells of Darkness. Yugoloths often visit Cabiris well,
more often than any other will in the layer, which suggests that his imprisonment remains of interest to these
neutral evil fiends.
Special Requirement: Cabiri requires that his seal be drawn with blood, outside at night or during a solar
Manifestation: One or more lights or areas of darkness in the sky abovethe stars, the moon, or the solar
eclipsesuddenly open, revealing a watching eye behind the lid of light. Under its baleful gaze, Cabiris seal
begins to dissolve into a puddle of blood. The puddle suddenly blinks, transforming the pooled blood into a
ring of tiny eyes surrounding a single mouth that speaks with the sonorous voice of lost and distant souls.
Sign: An additional eye appears on your forehead, equidistant from your other eyes.
Influence: Cabiri hungers to see everthing, no matter how horrifying or entrancing. You receive a +4 insight
bonus on Will saves versus figments but suffer a -4 penalty on Will saves versus patterns. You are not able
to avert or close your eyes when confronted by a creature with a gaze attack.
Granted Abilities: Cabiri grants you his ability to observe others from afar, to perceive threats, and to see
unhindered in conditions of twilight or darkness.
Arcane Eye: You can create an invisible magical sensor at will at though you had cast arcane eye (caster
level equals your effective binder level). You can never create more then one arcane eye at a time, and you
can dismiss or renew the effect as a standard action. Once you have used this ability, you cannot use it
again for 5 rounds.
Far-seeing Gaze: You spells and spell-like abilities of the scrying subschool gain a +10 bonus to their save
Seer in Darkness: You gain darkvision to 60 feet and low-light vision. If you already have darkvision, add 60
feet to the range.
Visions of Terror: You can share your terrible knowledge of existence with others. You can cast phantasmal
killer, as per the spell, three times per day (caster level equals your effective binder level).

Desharis, the Sprawling Soul

Vestige Level: 6th
Binding DC: 27
Special Requirement: Yes
The first of the "city-born fey," represented today by such creatures
as the zeitgeist (Cityscape 138) and the gray jester (Heroes of
Horror 151), Desharis is a boon to those who work to spread
civilization, and anathema to most fey and worshipers of the wild. He
grants binders shelter against the dangers of the wild, and he
provides powers to carve out their own niche against nature.
Legend: According to ancient myths, the earliest true community
was a human village called Desh, or "shelter" in the old tongue.
Here the people dwelt together for protection against predators, and
they first constructed structures rather than use existing shelters for
protection against the elements. (For more on the legend of Desh,
see Races of Destiny.)
This legend itself is neither uncommon nor unknown today. What
few realize, however, is how swiftly the natural and magical worlds
adapt to changes within. Desh was not merely the first community,
but it also birthed the first urban fey, a distant ancestor of what
would become the mighty zeitgeist.

Desharis knew nothing of his own origins. He knew only that of his two conflicting urges -- one to protect the
sanctity of the natural world, the other to defend Desh and the people therein -- the latter was by far the
stronger. Invisibly, he worked to stave off attacks from predators; to keep the village free of plague; and to
aid its inhabitants when other humanoids attempted to raid Desh for its supplies. While the people of Desh
thanked the gods and spirits for their fortune, however, they never knew of Desharis himself. The other fey
of the world, horrified at the notion of a spreading society that might supplant the natural order, counted
Desharis a traitor. They worked to thwart his efforts and even destroy him. Though he was, in effect, the
very embodiment of community, Desharis was ever alone.
Desharis grew bitter at the disdain of the other fey, and some suggest that he inspired the spread of
civilization as vengeance against them. Whatever the case, Desharis spread as the notion of community did,
growing ever more diffuse, ever larger. Though he gained in size and influence, he gained nothing in the
way of power; smaller villages added nothing to his abilities, and larger communities frequently birthed their
own urban fey. Eventually, the spirit of community was too diffuse and spread out to exist as a being at all -and yet, as the embodiment of civilization, now a permanent part of the world, he could not entirely fade
Special Requirement: If you have gone more than a day without binding Desharis, you may only draw his
seal in a village or larger city. Attempts to do so elsewhere fail outright. You can, however, "carry" Desharis
into the wild; this is why you may continue to summon him, even outside the urban environment, if you have
not allowed more than a day to lapse since you last did so.
Manifestation: Desharis appears with the sound of a hundred distant voices talking and shouting, though
specific words remain completely unintelligible. A veritable mob of individuals appears as from a great
distance, as though the air above his seal had become a window to some other place. As the mob
approaches, these bare silhouettes meld together even as they take on greater details, eventually combining
to form a single humanoid shape standing 10 feet in height. Though the silhouettes look human, Desharis
himself appears made of equal amounts of stone, wood, metal, and glass.
Sign: While hosting Desharis, your eyes turn to glass. Anyone meeting your gaze sees the movement of
multiple silhouettes behind them, as though looking through a window at a busy street.
Influence: Under Desharis's influence, you cannot stand to be alone, and the more people you have around
you, the better. You never voluntarily accept any task that requires you to be alone, and you argue
vigorously against options that would split the party. If you have the opportunity to socialize with large
groups of people (such as entering a boisterous tavern), you must take it unless doing so is overtly harmful,
or you have reason to suspect the individuals are hostile to you.
Granted Abilities: Desharis grants abilities that reflect his desire to protect the civilized peoples of the
world, plus provides a few that show his anger at the fey and other creatures of nature.
City-Dweller: While hosting Desharis, you move at your normal rate when moving through a crowd, rather
than requiring two squares of movement for every square as is normal. In addition, you gain a +6
competence bonus on Gather Information and Knowledge (local) checks (and may use the latter even if you
have 0 ranks in it).
Infinite Doors: Once per day, you can pass through an exterior doorway (one that leads from inside a
building to outside), and appear through another exterior doorway within 3,000 yards. The two doors must
both be set in buildings made of similar materials; for instance, you could pass from a wooden building to
another wooden building, or a stone building to another stone building. You can either select a specific door
with which you are familiar as the destination, or simply declare that you are appearing through the closest
appropriate door to a given distance. (If no appropriate portal exists within range or in the direction you wish
to travel, the effect does not function.) This is a teleportation effect.
Language of the City: You can speak with any humanoid, as per the tongues spell.
Smite Natural Soul: You may attempt to smite an animal, elemental, fey, or plant with a single melee attack.
You add your Charisma bonus (if any) to the attack roll and deal 1 extra point of damage per effective binder
level. If you accidentally smite a creature that is not one of the above types, the attempt has no effect. Once
you have used this ability, you cannot do so again for 5 rounds.

Spirits of the City: You can animate objects, as the spell, as a caster of your binder level. Once you have
used this ability, you must wait 5 rounds after the effect has expired, or all the objects have been destroyed,
before you may do so again.

Kas, the Bloody Handed

Vestige Level: 4th
Binding DC: 25
Special Requirement: No.
Once the lieutenant of the lichnow godVecna, Kas betrayed
his master, instigating a battle that was thought to have resulted
in both of their destructions. Somehow, even after this
legendary conflict, Kas and Vecna continued their battle, but
only Vecna emerged into being once again. As a vestige, Kas
continues to despise Vecna and all other undead.
Legend: That Vecna, Master of All that is Secret and Hidden,
once existed as a cruel-minded lich is no mystery. Yet, few
know of the figure lurking in the gods past, the betrayer who
crippled the Maimed Lord and bears responsibility for some of
the most infamous artifacts known to the multiverse: Kas the
Bloody Handed.
As Vecna ascended to power on the world of Oerth, armies of
dead rose under his black banner. Among these undead legions
emerged the vampire Kas, a shadow of death clad in iron. A
master of countless darkened battlefields, where Kas drew his blade victory for the lich liege followed.
Although not the greatest of Vecnas warriors, Kas proved to be cunning and ruthless, and showed no fear
of his lord, a quality Vecna respected. As Kass successes in campaign after campaign mounted, Vecna
rewarded his Champion with ever greater rank and profane treasures. At last, Vecna made Kas his Second
in command, gifting the vampire with a sword he had personally forged from black metal fallen from the
Kas and his infamous blade lad Vecnas armies for years, claiming innumerable souls in the lichs name,
forging a legend as bloody as his lords was cruel. As he waged war, Kas increased in power and grew in
ambition. Finally came the day that Vecnas armies faltered. After a significant loss on the field of battle, a
weakened Vecna returned to his throne to find Kas waiting. Armed with his black blade, the betrayer Kas
struck and a titanic battle ensued. None know how long the tireless, undying fiends clashedsome claiming
months, even years. During the fray, despite Vecnas dark powers, Kas sliced the lichs left hand from his
body and cut an eye from his face. Fearing his destruction, Vecna employed frantic dangerous magic that
annihilated both himself and Kasor so it seemed.
Centuries passed. A cult of Vecna arose and the lichs severed hand and eye became legends, while Kass
name passed from memory except in relation to his black sword. What few knew, however, what that in
some misty realm that even the deities avoid Vecna and Kas somehow continued to exist, locked in an
otherworldly battle. For unknown years the archrivals impotently raged. Eventually, through patient plotting,
near-immortal genius, and primordial magic, Vecna shatter his prison and escaped, ascending to godhood
and leaving has rival lost in the ether.
What became of Kas nonenot even the binders who deal with him nowtruly know. Trapped within a
maelstrom of shatter planes and godly magics, Kas was shunted into some new existence, an eternal
oubliette he blames Vecna for imprisoning him in. Yet, as a vestigeor a being very much like onehis
reach again stretches into the mortal world, sowing destruction and working against his rival-turned-gods
immortal aspirations.
Special Requirement: None.
Manifestation: Kas manifests as a sword being drawn from his sign. The hilt appears first, wrapped in red
leather with flecks of gold and with unicorn horns forming its quillons. A knuckle-guard basket made of gold
and shaped like a leering bearded face stretches from the quillons to the pommel, grimacing and groaning
as if in pain as the blade arises from the ground. Casting sparks as it screeches up from the sign, a wavy

blade as black as night with opalescent edges appears. With a jerk the whole of the sword suddenly comes
free, revealing not a point but the back of a blackened and desiccated hand attached to the end of the blade.
The sword then flips upright and turns around, showing a moist, cat-like eye glaring from the palm of the
bony hand. When Kas speaks, his deep and angry voice comes from the basket guard, but it is the eye in
the palm that regards his summoner.
Sign: When a binder makes a pact with Kas, an angry catlike eye opens in the palm of each of his hands.
These eyes dont provide the binder with any extraordinary sight, nor do they inhibit the use of the binders
hands. When the binder uses any power granted by Kas, the eyes weep small amounts of blood for 10
Influence: Kass influence makes a binder act warm and affectionate toward those with whom she speaks.
Kas further requires has host to kill any follower of Vecna or undead creature encountered. In addition, Kas
requires that the binder betray some friend or ally in some manner during the first hour after being
summoned and bound. This betrayal might be as small as breaking a promise to meet at a specific time or
as great as murder, but it must be unexpected, and the ally or friend must realize that a deliberate betrayal
Granted Abilities: Kas grants binders the ability to deceive friends and blind enemies. In addition, Kas
protect binders from their enemies worst blows.
Blinding Strike: When you score a critical hit, the creature struck must make a Will save (DC 10 + Half your
binder level + Charisma bonus) or be permanently blinded. In addition, when you attack undead creatures,
you can affect them with critical hits and the blinding effect of this ability.
Bluff Bonus: You gain +4 competence bonus on Bluff checks.
Kass Protection: While bound to Kas, there is a 25% chance that any critical hit or sneak attack scored
against you is negated and damage is rolled normally. Sneak attacks and critical hits scored on you by
undead are always negated.
Undead Reaper: When you hit an undead creature with a melee or ranged attack, you ignore any damage
reduction it might have.
Weapon Proficiency: You are proficient with the bastard sword, longsword, and short sword.

Primus, the One and the Prime

Vestige Level: 3rd
Binding DC: 24
Special Requirement: Yes.
Formerly a being of godlike power, Primus sought to make
logic and law rule over all the multiverse and in doing so
made its own existence illogical. Primus aids binders in
battling chaos and gives them the power to enforce orders
they give to others.
Legend: According to obscure planar lore, Primus was a
being of law so ordered that none but its race of
servantsstrange creatures know as modronscould bear
to worship it. Beings of pure order, dedicated to advancing
precision and structure throughout the multiverse, the
modrons obey Primus as their god and master. The one
and the Prime represented the races most absolute ideal
of perfect logic, its every command trickling down through
an impossibly complex chain of lieutenants, sub-chiefs,
executors, and managers to reach the ears of every being
in its service. Thus, the modrons worked order upon the
multiverse, and the word of Primus was that order.
In the far-flung reaches of Mechanus, on the sixty-four modron-controlled cogs known as Regulus, there
exists a fantastically complex clock-work fortress known as the Great Modron Cathedral. From this throne
Primus dictated the path of each of its followers. To aid its reasoning, great knowledge constantly streamed
into Primuss cathedral and powerful magical creations, forged from the perfectly attuned gears of the plane,
offered windows onto the whole of the multiverse. One of these magics was the Grand Orrery, an
unfathomably intricate device that measured the shifting of power, planes, and planets, deducing their
cosmic and multiplanar meanings. A cadre of majordomos reported the Gran Orrerys telling directly to
Primus, as well as happenings relayed to them in turn from networks of agents stretched across the
multiverse. At the same time, Primus personally monitored its minions employing another powerful device
known as the Infinity Web. Through this waxy confluence of cords and strands, Primuss consciousness
stretched through its subordinate modrons, witnessing events throughout infinite realities. Thus, the One and
the Prime observed as much as any deity and more.
It was the information that spiraled around the modron throne, the prophecies and reports of the Grand
Orrery and the Infinity Web, that led to Primuss end. Seated as he was at the hub of the largest network of
information in the multiverse there were those who envied Primuss Knowledge.
Thus, when the demon prince Orcus, as his shadow-self Tenebrous, carved his bloody path through the
planes on his unholy quest for divinity, Primus became one of the first casualties. Seeking his lost rod,
Tenebrous infiltrated the One and the Primes sanctuary and ended the incredulous being with a killing word,
adopting its form to bend its intelligence network and legions of servants to his foul purposes. Countless
modrons were lost obeying Tenebrouss cruel whims and when the would-be god gleaned all he desired, he
cast off his faade and left the modron hierarchy in shambles.
Eith the loss of their god and leader, a member of Primuss most immediate lieutenantsthe Secundus
took up the mantle of the Supreme Modron. This new Primus seeing its people crippled, its cathedral
invaded, and its magic corrupted, turned its races attentions inward, calling all modron survivors back to
Regulus and sealing the borders. Since that time few modrons have been seen throughout the multiverse
and their current actions remain mysterious.
Yet despite the former Primuss apparent destruction, a being whose consciousness stretches across planes
cannot so easily be destroyed. From the minds and memories of thousands of tormented modrons on
contact with it at the moment of its destruction, a vestige of the old Primus arose. While logic, law, and a
structured multiverse once dictated its every action, a new directive now inspires this methodical ghost of
order: the destruction of Tenebrous and all similar beings of chaos.

Special Requirement: Primus refuses to appear before a binder already bound to Tenebrous. If the binder
has bound to Tenebrous at any point in the past, Primus knows and requires that its sign be drawn in
conditions of bright light.
Manifestation: When Primus begins to appear, its seal seems to rise up as a floating platform and become
a bronze gear with dozens of smaller cogs and mechanisms within, all whirring and clicking as they turn. A
yellow glow shines up from the ground and through the gears, dimming slightly just before Primus appears
in a burst of rainbow light
Primus stands fully 10 feet tall atop the floating gear-work, its lower body merging with the glow that rises
from the floor. Humanoid in shape, Primuss genderless body seems to be made of solid gold.
Primus stands silently and impassively, saying nothing, its face devoid of all features. When the binder at
last decides to say something, Primus suddenly speaks, its voice sounding hollow and cold, Who summons
Once uttered two holes open on Primuss blank visage where eyes should be, and each dark void spills
black fluid down Primuss face. Where the liquid flows, the vestiges golden body sizzles away in then layers,
as through Primuss tears burn away its body. No matter how deep the channels this darkness creates grow,
Primus never flinches.
Sign: Dozens of small patches of skin on the binders legs and arms become gold, silver, and bronze.
These randomly placed metal plates take the shape of well-formed squares, equilateral triangles, hexagons,
and other geometric shapes. These pieces of metal do not odder any bonus or inhibit the character in
anyway. If removed, they revert to bloody flaps of flesh.
Influence: Primus shows its influence by making a binder ruthlessly practical. The binder evaluates all
activities with an eye towards its ultimate goals, brooking no frivolity or distraction. Every action becomes a
calculated move. In addition, Primus requires that the binder not knowingly break any law or disobey the
direct order of any lawful authority.
Granted Abilities: Primus grants binders the ability to combat chaos, to gain benefit from orderly behavior,
and to briefly access its ability to command all beings.
Divine Structure: If you perform the same actions on consecutive rounds in the same order, you gain a +1
competence bonus on all attacks, saves, and skill checks that round. For example, if you move and make a
standard attack, and then in the following round move and make a standard attack, you would gain the
bonus. If you move and make a standard attack and then in the next round 5-foot adjust and make a full
attack, you would not get the bonus.
Lawful Attacks: Your melee and ranged attacks are considered lawful for the purposes of overcoming
damage reduction, and you deal +1d6 points of damage to any creature of chaotic alignment that you hit
with a melee or ranged attack (included touch attacks, but not ranged touch attacks)
Primuss Order: You can order a creature within 100 feet to perform a specific action. The Creature must be
able to hear you, but it need not understand your language. Pick a command listed under the command
spell when you use this ability. If the target fails a Will save, it performs the action. In addition, targets that
fail their Will save cannot hear or see you for 1d4 rounds or until you attack it, treating you as though you are
under the effect of invisibility and silence spells. Other creatures can perceive you normally. This ability is
not language-based and can affect creatures even if they are immune to mind-affecting effects. Once you
have used this ability, you cannot do so again for 5 rounds.

The Triad


Vestige Level: 6th

Binding DC: 26
Special Requirement: Yes
The Triad is a gestalt of three forgotten gods of a lost civilization
of mystics. They give binders access to both martial abilities and
lore-seeking traits. Inspired by "Beyond the Glittering Veil" by
Steven Kurtzin Dungeon #31.
Legend: Once long ago, a civilization of psionic mystics may have
been the genesis of much of the known psionic knowledge. Their
legacy spanned multiple worlds and planes due to their "glittering
portals" that allowed instantaneous travel from city to city and
plane to plane. Unfortunately, the very gates that allowed them to
rise to greatness also doomed them to darkness. The gates
functioned by passing through the Plane of Shadow and, over
time, the shadows leaked into the gate and then into the travelers.
Eventually, darkness consumed the mystics' cities one by one,
and many of the mystics themselves became shades. Even the
gods of the mystics started to be consumed by shadow.
Gorn, the god of knowledge; Rujsha, the goddess of justice; and Mintar, the god of battle, were the last three
gods of the mystics, and they found themselves losing all their worshipers to shadows. When the shadows
started pulling at them, they decided they had only one way to save themselves. They combined their
essence into one being, and while it saved them from the shadows, it condemned them to existence as a
Special Requirement: The Triad will not bind with someone with any connection to the Plane of Shadow,
whether that's by feat, class abilities, or any other association.
Manifestation: A glowing purple jade statue rises from the seal. As it rotates, it changes form from a young
man with spectacles reading a book (Gorn), to a motherly woman with her eyes covered by bandages
(Rujsha), to a man in armor holding his sword in a salute (Mintar).
They continue each other's sentences, but the style of their speech does change with who is speaking (see
Sign: Your facial features alter slightly each hour you are bound to the Triad; they shift from a young man's
inquisitive face to a woman's concerned features to a bearded masculine face and back again.
Influence: Your mental aspect shifts to match the face that is currently your sign. As Gorn, you are
inquisitive and use many words -- some would say too many. As Rujsha, you are caring and motherly,
speaking to others as if they were children. As Mintar, you are honor-bound and slightly combative in
manner. When your path crosses that of one influenced by shadow, the gestalt insists that you either face
that being first when in combat or avoid that being (and any effects or assistance the being may wish to
provide) outside of combat.
Granted Abilities: While bound to the Triad, you gain a range of abilities that represents the essence of
their former separate beings.
Psionic Boon: You gain 15 power points when you bind to the Triad. These are added to your pool of power
if you already possess psionic power, or they create a pool and you become a psionic creature for the
duration of this binding.
Gorn's Knowledge
Call to Mind: You gain access to the psionic power call to mind for the duration of the binding. You may
manifest the power as a psion would and as if it is a power known by you. You may augment it as a psion
normally could, substituting your effective binder level in place of manifester level.

Psicraft Bonus: You gain a +5 bonus on Psicraft checks, and you can make Psicraft checks as if you were
trained, even if you have no ranks in that skill.
Bardic Knowledge: You can use bardic knowledge as if you were a bard, but to determine your bonus, use
your effective binder level instead of your bard level. Any level-based bonuses for bardic knowleged that are
gained from other sources stack with the bonus gained from effective binder level.
Rujsha's Justice
Empathy: You gain access to the psionic power empathy for the duration of the binding. You may manifest
the power as a psion would and as if it is a power known by you. You may augment it as a psion normally
could, substituting your effective binder level in place of manifester level.
Diplomacy Bonus: You gain a +5 bonus on Diplomacy checks.
Smite Evil: Three times per day, you can attempt to smite an evil creature with a single melee attack. You
add your Charisma bonus (if any) to the attack roll and deal 1 extra point of damage per effective binder
level. If you accidentally smite a creature that is not evil, the attempt has no effect. Once you have used this
ability, you cannot do so again for 5 rounds.
Mintar's Honor
Detect Hostile Intent: You gain access to the psionic power detect hostile intent for the duration of the
binding. You may manifest the power as a psion would and as if it is a power known by you. You may
augment it as a psion normally could, substituting your effective binder level in place of manifester level.
Sense Motive Bonus: You gain a +5 bonus on Sense Motive checks.
Weapon Proficiency: You gain proficiency in all simple, martial, and exotic weapons.

Vanus, The Reviled One

Vestige Level: 6th
Binding DC: 29
Special Requirement: Yes.

Vanus, The Reviled One

Vestige Level: 6th.
Binding DC: 29.
Special Requirement:

Hated out of proportion for his sins, the smiling Vanus

remains an enigma to binders. Vanus provides binders with
the ability to frighten and punish weaker foes, hear evil afoot with uncanny perception, and free allies from
Legend: Legend remembers Vanus by many epithets: the Betrayer, the Craven One, the Foul Prince, the
Maggot, the Fearmonger, and even the Hellbringer. Binders simply call him the Reviled One. The hatred
traditionally heaped upon Vanus seems out of proportion to his faults, a mystery that binders have yet to
The story of Vanus begins in a grand kingdom, a peaceful empire that existed long before the current age.
Human legend ascribes the kingdom to dwarves, while the dwarven story of Vanus claims elves to be that
realms rulers. Elven mythology lays no claim to Vanus, relating instead that the kingdom belonged to a still
more ancient race now largely gone from the world, similar to titans. Despite this difference and other
variations, the basics of the tale remain the same.
The ancient kingdom prospered in peace for years because of the evil it kept trapped at it heart. Before the
kingdom existed, the founders of that great nation fought a terrible battle against a powerful fiend (such as a
balor or pit fiend). Although they could not kill their enemy, they did manage to trap it beneath the earth. To
be certain they could keep their foe in check, they built a castle upon that unholy ground. That castle
became the capitol of their kingdom.

While goodness flowed from that fortress, evil lingered there, ever watchful, always waiting. The leaders of
the country posted a continual guard on the dungeon the fiend remained trapped within, wary of any attempt
to escape. For centuries it remained thus, until the fateful night Vanus took over as guardian.
Vanus was a vain prince of the realm, selfish and obsessed with frivolity. To punish the prince for an
embarrassment his petulance caused, the king commanded Vanus to serve with the guards of the dungeon
during the party to celebrate the monarchs birthday. Deep in the dark and clammy halls, Vanus determined
to ignore the chatter of the guards and strained to hear the noise of the celebration above. He could hear
little, just the distant tones of music punctuated by laughter. As he listened, the sound of one voice became
clearer. A deep and commanding speaker was saying something Vanus could not quite discern. As Vanus
neared the door to the fiends prison, the voice became even clearer, and Vanus thus moved past the
guards and closed the distance to the ancient portal.
When Vanus put his ear to the door, he heard a voice unlike any other, and what it told him terrified him.
Vanus ran from the dungeon screaming that the fiend was escaping. The guards, knowing they were not like
the heroes of old, and seeing the prince of the realm in panic, also fled. The prince ran through the party,
ranting about their coming doom, and soon the whole castle was being evacuated.
Panic spread across the countryside, and the people fought with one another in their haste to escape.
Battles erupted between families and towns, and the citizen of that ancient kingdom left their lands a wartorn ruin. In the conflicts that followed, the people forgot their original cause for leaving and focused on their
new enmity. The kingdom dissolved, the castle fell into ruin, and the fiend laughed in its prison.
Some legends say that the fiend then freed itself, and the gods cursed Vanus for his gullibility and
cowardice. Others say that Vanus returned and freed the fiend, and the gods cursed him for this evil. Still
other legends claim that Vanus became the fomenter of wars and breeder of terror, assuming the fiends
place in the cosmos, becoming imprisoned by his fears even as the fiends evil spread beyond the walls of
the dungeon.
Special Requirement: Vanus will not appear before a binder if his seal is drawn within sight of a doorway or
window of any kind. If such apertures can be hidden from view, Vanus submits to being summoned, but the
moment Vanus sees a door or window, he shrieks and vanishes in a gout of blue flame. Should the binding
attempt be aborted in this manner, Vanus will not appear before the binder for three days.
Manifestation: Vanus appears in his seal as though stepping down from a carriage not visible to the binder.
He always takes the form of a handsome male member of the binders race, dressed in fine clothing as a
person of wealth and privilege. Vanus smiles and bows low to his summoner, but when he rises, his visage
will have changed. Vanus then appears demonic, with six black horns growing from his face, and his skin
covered in dark boils that swim with maggots. Blood wells up in his eyes like tears and pours down his
smiling face to where he licks his lips. In this form, Vanus again bows. When he rises once more, he retains
his demonic body and awaits his summoners pleasure.
Sign: When a binder makes a pact with the Reviled One, a boil appears on his body. Within the ruddy fluid
in this boil swims a maggot. Should the boil be broken, the maggot slides swiftly across the binders body,
eluding any attempt to catch it, and digs again beneath the skin. Before the original boil can scab over,
another grows and the maggot appears within. Only by ending the pact with Vanus can the binder be rid of
the foul insect and the disgusting homes it makes for itself.
Influence: Under the influence of Vanus, you take every opportunity to revel. Even small victories seem like
cause for grand celebrations, and if youre happy, you want everyone around to share your joy. If you see
others in the act of celebration, you must join in. If you achieve victory in combat, you must immediately
spend a full-round action crowing about your triumph.
Granted Abilities: Vanus grants you tremendous hearing, the ability to foment fear by your presence alone,
skill at fighting foes weaker than yourself, and the power to free allies from imprisonment.
Fear Aura: Enemies that you are aware of who come within 10 feet must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 +
1/2 effective binder level + Cha modifier). Those who fail are either shaken or frightened; you decide which
for each. Foes remain shaken or frightened for a number of rounds equal to half your binder level. Creatures
that fail the save must roll again if they again come within 10 feet after the duration expires, but not before. A
creature that makes its save against this ability need not make another save for 24 hours. This is a mindaffecting fear effect.

Free Ally: You may designate any ally within 5 feet per binder level to gain the benefits of the freedom of
movement spell or the gaseous form spell. The ally may also take an immediate move action that it can only
use to move (and not to draw a weapon, etc.). The benefits the ally gains apply only during your turn. Thus,
at the end of your turn, the ally reverts to its natural form.
You can instead use this ability to free a creature from an imprisonment spell or Halphaxs imprison ability if
you witnessed its imprisonment.
You cannot use this ability on yourself. Once you have used this ability you cannot do so again for 5 rounds.
Noble Disdain: When attacking a foe of fewer Hit Dice than yourself with a ranged or melee weapon, you
deal +1d6 points of damage.
Vanuss Ears: Being bound to Vanus grants you a +5 bonus on Listen checks. This bonus increases to +10
if the creature making the noise is evil.

Zceryll, "The Star Spawn"

Vestige Level: 6th
Binding DC: 25
Special Requirement: No.
Zceryll was a mortal sorceress who communed with alien powers from the far realm. She became obsessed
with immortality, seeking out the alien beings in the hopes of learning their eternal secrets. When she died,
she became a hideously twisted vestige, forever seeking to re-enter the Realms via numerous artifacts she
dispersed across the world. Zceryll grants you the ability to transform your body and mind into an alien form,
granting you telepathy, resistance to effects related to insanity, the ability to summon pseudonatural
creatures, and the power to unleash bolts of pure madness.
Legend: Thousands of years ago, an alienist sorceress known as Zceryll learned bizarre powers in a fight to
defend herself against oppression. She was promised untold power by strange, alien beings known as starspawn from beyond the world. All she had to do was to create portals to summon them.
Zceryll created the portals and summoned the star spawn to her aid. She fought back against her
oppressors, finding a newfound purpose in her life. She traveled the world, creating many portals for her
masters and items of her own devising.
Zceryll was unaware of the slow corruptive effect the star spawn had on her. By the time she realized
something was wrong, it was too late to change. Eventually, her body became so suffused with alien power
that she became one of them. When her life came to an end, she was a twisted and bitter old hag. She felt
she had accomplished nothing and became obsessed with youth. When her time was up, her soul vanished
into the far realms, and she became a vestige.
As a vestige, Zceryll, now a phantom twisted alien entity, seeks to exert as much influence over the Realms
as possible. She has whispered clues to those who bind her in an effort to guide them to the location of
artifacts and items she created, such as the bone scepter of Zceryll (in the Well of Dragons), the star-spawn
scepter, the aberrant spheres, the black blood kaleidoscope, and the rod of Taupanga.
Manifestation: The area in and around the seal fills with thousands of tiny circular mirrors. A beautiful
human woman is reflected in all of the mirrors, yet something is off about her features. After a few seconds,
a scream is carried on the air and the image of the woman changes into a hideous mass of writhing
tentacles. The mirrors then shatter, covering the floor with beautiful but alien patterns of glass that hurt the
mind and cause the nose, mouth, eyes, and orifices to bleed black blood.
Sign: Your eyes appear as circular mirrors. In your peripheral vision, all other living creatures appear
twisted, covered in tentacles, extra eyes, and vestigial organs.
Influence: Never admit that you need help or that you are weaker than anyone else. Treat those that are
weaker than you with scorn and contempt, especially young women and spontaneous spellcasters.
Granted Abilities: While bound to Zceryll, your body and mind become alien, allowing you to channel the
power of the star spawn in a variety of ways.

Alien form: While bound to Zceryll, you gain the pseudonatural template (page 161 of Complete Arcane).
Alien Mind: Your mind is alien and does not work like that of a normal mortal. You are immune to confusion,
insanity, and weird spells. In addition, you receive a +1 bonus per four binder levels on saving throws
against mind-affecting effects.
Bolts of Madness: You can fire a ray that dazes an opponent for 1d3 rounds. You must succeed on a ranged
touch attack with a range of 100 ft. + 10 ft./binder level. A successful Will save negates the effect. Once you
have used this ability, you cannot do so again for 5 rounds.
Summon Alien: You can summon any creature from the summon monster list that a sorcerer of your level
could summon. Any creature you summon with this ability gains the pseudonatural template. Thus, at 10th
level you could summon any creature from the summon monster I-V list. When you reach 14th level, you
can summon any creature from the summon monster I-VII list. You can only summon creatures that can be
affected by the pseudonatural template. Once you have used this ability, you cannot do so again for 5
Telepathy: You gain the telepathy ability with a range of 100 feet (as described on page 316 of the Monster
Manual) and the Mindsight feat (as described on page 126 of Lords of Madness).

Zceryll Refference:
Pseudonatural Template (Complete Arcane, p161):
Can be applied to any corporeal creature
Size and Type: Type changes to Outsiders
Special Attacks: Once per day, a pseudonatural creature can cast
True Strike on itself as a supernatural ability.
Special Qualities:
Resistance (Ex): A pseudonatural creature has a resistance to acid
and electricity based on the base creatures Hit Dice, see table
Damage Reduction (Ex): A pseudonatural creature gains damage
reduction based on the base creatures Hit Dice, see table below.

Hit Dice

Acid, Electricity


Spell Resistance (Ex): The creature gain a SR of 10 + Base Creaturess HD (Maximun 25)
Alternate Form (Su): As a standard action, a pseudonnatural creature can take the form of a grotesque,
tentacled mass (or another appropriately gruesome form, as determined by the DM). Despite the alien
appearance, its abilities remain unchanged. Other creatures receive a -1 morale penalty on their attack rolls
against a pseudonatural creature when it is in this alternate form.
Abilities: Same as base creature but Intelligence is at least 3.
Mindsight (Lords of Madness, p126):
A creature that has this feat can detect and pinpoint beings that are not mindless (Anything with an
Intelligence score of 1 or higher) within range of its telepathy. This works much like blindsense the
creature knows what square each thinking being is in, but it does not see the being and the being still has
total concealment unless the creature can see it by some other means.
The creature also perceives several observable characteristics about each being detected with mindsight,
including the beings type and intelligence score. The creature need not take any additional or special
actions to gain this information; it is as obvious to mindsight as the beings race and clothing would be to
Magic Items: Aberrant Spheres Magic Item Compendium, p149

Pact Magic Items

The Sword of Kas: The sword of the vampiric warlord Kas the Bloody-Handed is detailed in the Dungeon
Master 3.5 Guild (p282) and is held in high regards by Binder Scholars:
The vampire Kas was the dreaded lieutenant of Vecna. He used this mighty blade, created by his master, to
betray and attack the Arch-Lich, cutting off his hand and eye in a terrible battle before Vecna destroyed him.
Only his sword survived, and it is said to forever seek vengeance against Vecna. The Sword of Kas is a +6
unholy keen vorpal longsword. It grants the wielder a +10 enhancement bonus to Strength. The sword is
intelligent (Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 16, Ego 34) and chaotic evil. It can be used to cast the following spells, once
per day each: call lightning (10d6 points of damage, Reflex DC 14 half), blasphemy, and unhallow. Once per
week it can be used to slay living.
Overwhelming evocation & transmutation [Evil]; CL 25; Price: The Sword of Kas is a major magical artifact. It
has no set price, and is unique.
Teeth of Dahlver-Nar
The teeth of Dahlver-Nar are fully detailed in Tome of Magic,
pages 77-79. Five additional teeth, corresponding to the vestiges
detailed above have the following powers:
Ahazu: Grants you the ability to make grapple checks as if you
were one size category larger than your actual size, effectively
granting you a +4 size bonus on all grapple checks. Ahazus
influence is also pushed upon you and you must steal small,
precious objects whenever the opportunity presents itself.
Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Price 6,000 gp.
Ansitif: You can use desecrate three times per day.
Faint evocation [evil]; CL 3rd; Price 10,800 gp.
Astaroth: You can use augury three times per day.
Faint divination; CL 3rd; Price 10,800 gp.
Cabiri: You can use clairaudience/clairvoyance (seeing form only)
once per day.
Faint divination (scrying); CL 5th; Price 5,400 gp.
Shami-Amourae: You may use Suggestion three times per day.
Also when ever there are no allies in 30ft of you, you take -1
penalty on Wills saves. Whenever another person compliments
you on your beauty they gain a +4 circumstance on bluff checks
against you.
Moderate enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-affecting]; CL 14th
Price 18,000 gp.

Astaroth, Refference (Item Creation)

The [Item Creation] feats listed below are valid choices for Astaroth, the Unjustly Fallens Master Craftsman
granted ability. You must still meet the prerequisites below.
EBL Required

Item Creation feat


Item Creation

Craft Master Piece (Bardic)

Craft Talisman
Grell Alchemy
Scribe Scroll
Etch Rune
Sanctify Relic Item
Attune Gem
Brew Potion
Craft Wondrous Item
Create Portal
Create Infusion (Imbue Herb)
Tattoo Magic
Craft Aboleth Glyph
Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Craft Construct
Craft Rune Circle
Craft Wand
Craft Skull Talisman
Craft Crystal Weapon
Bind Elemental
Craft Rod
Craft Scepter
Craft Contingent Spell
Forge Ring
Craft Staff
Inscribe Rune
Any of the UA Craft Masterwork X Feats.
Item Creation Modification

Bardic Music, Craft 5 ranks (action, literature, or music; depending on the type of
performance to be created), See Dragon #301 for full details.

Int 13, Dungeoneering 3 ranks

Scribe Scroll
Any Item Creation Feat.
Intelligence 13+, Craft (gemcutting) skill

Craft Wondrous Item

Wilderness Lore 4 ranks
Craft (calligraphy) or Craft (painting) skill
Aboleths Only
Craft Magic Arms and Armor & Craft Wondrous Item

Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft (weaponsmithing) skill

Knowledge (history) 4 ranks

Spell caster level and pre-reqites vary. See Unearthed Arcana.

Create Moving Portal
Exceptional Artisan
Extraordinary Artisan
Improved Flight Item
Legendary Artisan
Portal Master
Adventuring Feats

Create Portal
Any Item Creation Feat.
Any Item Creation Feat.
Craft Wondrous Item, Knowledge (Planes) 6 ranks.
Any Item Creation Feat.
Any Item Creation Feat.


Craft Magic Arms and Armor

Craft Wand
Forge Ring

Attune Magic Weapon

Wand Mastery
Extra Rings

Graft Flesh - Aboleth
Aboleth Only, Heal 10 Ranks
Construct Grafter
Craft (armorsmithing, blacksmithing, or sculpting) 10 ranks
Graft Flesh - Beholder
Heal 10 Ranks
Graft Flesh - Fiendish
Fiends Only, Heal 10 Ranks
Graft Flesh - Undead
Heal 10 Ranks
Graft Flesh - Yuan-ti
Heal 10 Ranks
Graft Flesh - Illithid
Illithids Only, Heal 10 Ranks
Heal 10 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks
Imbued Staff: A variant from Dragon #338. If this variant is taken all of the Staff imbuing options are open to you:

Imbued Defense
Imbued Strength
Enchant Staff
Invest Spell
Recharge Staff

Craft Staff

Psionic Powers
The following is a list of Psionic Powers detailed for [Psionic] Type Vestiges presented in this book.
Irrelevant information has been removed from these entries; for a complete description of each Psionic
Power please check the Expanded Psionics Handbook. Please refer to the beginning of this book when
determining how to treat emulated psionic effects as they do not function normally when used by the Binder
Power Points:
All of the emulated powers have a power point cost which must be spent in order to manifest the power.
Each of the [Psionic] Type Vestiges should grant you a Power Point Reserve and the power point cost is
indicated in each of the Power's description.
Power Point Limit:
Some emulated powers allow you to spend more than their base cost to achieve an improved effect, or
augment the power. The maximum number of points you can spend on a power (for any reason) is equal to
your Effective Binder Level.
last round of the powers duration and dissipates
at the end of its turn.
Animal Affinity
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Duration: 1 min./level
Power Points: 3
You forge a psychometabolic affinity with an
idealized animal form, thereby boosting one of
your ability scores (choose either Strength,
Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, or
Charisma). The power grants a +4 enhancement
bonus to the ability score you choose, adding the
usual benefits provided by a high ability bonus.
Because you are emulating the idealized form of
an animal, you also take on minor aspects of the
animal you choose. If you choose to increase the
ability you use to manifest powers, you do not
gain the benefit of an increased ability score long
enough to gain any bonus power points for a high
ability score, but the save DCs of your powers
increase for the duration of this power.
For every 5 additional power points you spend,
this power grants a +4 enhancement bonus to
another ability.

Astral Construct
Metacreativity (Creation)
Manifesting Time: 1 round
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Power Points: 1
This power creates one 1st-level astral construct
of solidified ectoplasm that attacks your enemies.
It appears where you designate and acts
immediately, on your turn. It attacks your
opponents to the best of its ability. As a free
action, you can mentally direct it not to attack, to
attack particular enemies, or to perform other
actions. The astral construct acts normally on the

Astral constructs are not summoned; they are

created on the plane you inhabit (using
ectoplasm drawn from the Astral Plane). Thus,
they are not subject to effects that hedge out or
otherwise affect outsiders; they are constructs,
not outsiders.
For every 2 additional power points you spend,
the level of the astral construct increases by one.

Body Adjustment
Psychometabolism (Healing)
Manifesting Time: 1 round
Range: Personal
Duration: Instantaneous
Power Points: 5
You take control of your bodys healing process,
curing yourself of 1d12 points of damage. As
usual, when regular damage is healed, an equal
amount of nonlethal damage is also healed.
For every 2 additional power points you spend,
this power heals an additional 1d12 points of

Body Purification
Psychometabolism (Healing)
Manifesting Time: 1 round
Range: Personal
Duration: Instantaneous
Power Points: 5
You restore up to 2 points of damage to a single
ability score. You cannot use body purification to
heal ability drain.
For every additional power point you spend, this
power heals 1 additional point of damage to the
same ability score.

Call to Mind
Telepathy [Mind-Affecting]
Manifesting Time: 1 minute
Range: Personal
Duration: Instantaneous
Power Points: 1
By meditating on a subject, you can recall natural
memories and knowledge otherwise inaccessible
to you.
On a failed Knowledge check, you can manifest
this power to gain a new check with a +4
competence bonus. If successful, you instantly
recall what was previously buried in your

Clairvoyant Sense
Clairsentience (Scrying)
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: See text
Effect: Psionic sensor
Duration: 1 min./level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Power Points: 3
You can see and hear a distant location almost
as if you were there. You dont need line of sight
or line of effect, but the locale must be knowna
place familiar to you or an obvious one, such as
behind a door, around a corner, or in a grove of
trees. Once you have selected the locale, the
focus of your clairvoyant sense doesnt move, but
you can rotate it in all directions to view the area
as desired. Unlike other scrying powers, this
power does not allow psionically or
supernaturally enhanced senses to work through
If the chosen locale is magically or psionically
dark, you see nothing. If it is naturally pitch black,
you can see in a 10-foot radius around the center
of the powers effect or out to the extent of your
natural darkvision. The power does not work
across planes.

is active you cannot be surprised or caught flatfooted by creatures that are susceptible to mindaffecting powers.
While under the effect of this power, you can
make Sense Motive checks as a free action
against anyone within 30 feet of you.
The power can penetrate barriers, but 3 feet of
stone, 3 inches of common metal, 1 inch of lead,
or 6 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.

Telepathy [Mind-Affecting]
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 30 ft.
Area: 30-ft.-radius spread centered on you
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 min./level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Power Points: 1
You detect the surface emotions of any creature
you can see that is in the powers area. You can
sense basic needs, drives, and emotions. Thirst,
hunger, fear, fatigue, pain, rage, hatred,
uncertainty, curiosity, friendliness, and many
other kinds of sensations and moods can all be
You gain a +2 insight bonus on any Bluff,
Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Sense Motive checks
that you make in the round when you cease
concentrating on this power.
You can augment this power in one or both of the
following ways.
For every additional power point you spend, this
powers range and the radius of its area
increases by 5 feet.
If you spend 2 additional power points, this
powers maximum duration increases to 1

Energy Missile
Detect Hostile Intent
Telepathy [Mind-Affecting]
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 30 ft.
Area: 30-ft.-radius emanation centered on you
Duration: 10 min./level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Power Points: 3
While the duration of this power lasts, you
become aware of the presence of any creatures
with hostile intent within 30 feet of you, and their
direction from you (but not their specific location).
The power detects active aggression, as
opposed to vigilance. In addition, while this power

Psychokinesis [see text]

Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./ level)
Target: Up to five creatures or objects; no two
targets can be more than 15 ft. apart.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half or Fortitude half; see
Saving Throw DC: 10 + 1/2 EBL + Cha
Power Points: 3
Upon manifesting this power, you choose cold,
electricity, fire, or sonic. You release a powerful
missile of energy of the chosen type at your foe.
The missile deals 3d6 points of damage to each

creature or object you target, to the maximum of

five targets. You cannot hit the same target
multiple times with the same manifestation of this
A missile of this energy type deals +1 point of
damage per die. The saving throw to reduce
damage from a cold missile is a Fortitude save
instead of a Reflex save.
Manifesting a missile of this energy type provides
a +2 bonus to the save DC and a +2 bonus on
manifester level checks for the purpose of
overcoming power resistance. (Supernatural
abilities are not subject to Power Resistances)
A missile of this energy type deals +1 point of
damage per die.
A missile of this energy type deals -1 point of
damage per die and ignores an objects
This powers subtype is the same as the type of
energy you manifest.
For every additional power point you spend, this
powers damage increases by one die (d6) and
its save DC increases by 1.

Levitate, Psionic
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal or close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: You only
Duration: 10 min./level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Power Points: 3
As the levitate spell, except as noted here.

Read Thoughts
Telepathy [Mind-Affecting]
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 60 ft.
Area: Cone-shaped emanation centered on you
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 min./level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates; see text
Saving Throw DC: 10 + 1/2 EBL + Cha
Power Points: 3
You know the surface thoughts of the mind of any
creature in the area that fails a Will save. A target
that succeeds on its save is not affected by this
manifestation of the power, even if it leaves the
area and then reenters the area before the
duration expires.
Creatures of animal intelligence have simple,
instinctual thoughts that you can pick up. If you
read the thoughts of a creature with an
Intelligence of 26 or higher (and at least 10 points
higher than your own Intelligence score), you are
stunned for 1 round and the power ends. This
power does not let you pinpoint the location of an
affected mind if you dont have line of sight to the
Each round, you can turn to use this power in a
new area. The power can penetrate barriers, but
1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin
sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.

Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
Power Points: 3
You can go without food and water for one day.
Each time you manifest this power, your body
manufactures sufficient solid and liquid
nourishment to satisfy your needs for that time.

Planar Lore
Lesser known Vestiges

Shami-Amourae, Goddess of Debased Eros, [Former, Campaign Vestige]:

Shami-Amourae, The Lady of Delights, did exist as a vestige for the majority of the Campaign events of
Savage Tide. She has had no statistics laid out for her although she did posses a related tooth of DahlverNar which is rumored to no longer function since her release from the Wells of Darkness.
Legend: As one of the first of the succubi birthed from the raw matter of the Abyss, Shami-Amourae's
existence predates most mortal races, including humans. Her skill at her "craft" so impressed the Prince of
Demons Demogorgon that he took her as his consort, thus greatly increasing her personal power and
influence. At the same time, she declared herself the Queen of Succubi and her cult flourished on the Prime
Plane. However, other ambitious succubi also claimed the title and this struggle, known as the War of Ripe
Flesh, became a matter of who will be the last one standing.
Eventually, Shami-Amourae discovered a secret vulnerability of Demogorgon, and she began to manipulate
him, hoping to goad him into attacking the realm of Malcanthet, her greatest rival for the title of Queen of
Succubi. However, Malcanthet revealed to the Prince of Demons his consort's true motives. In a rage, he
had Shami-Amourae imprisoned in the Wells of Darkness, and she has only been able to escape her
imprisonment recently.
Sign: Your skin becomes pale, almost white, and your hair takes on a lustrous golden hue.
Influence: You fall under Shami-Amouraes influence. This manifests as an all-consuming desire for
attention and companionship. It also makes you vain and somewhat haughty. When you have no allies
within 30 feet of you, you suffer a -1 penalty on Will saves. Whenever another person compliments you on
your beauty, they gain a +4 circumstance bonus on Bluff checks made against you.
Granted Abilities: Unknown.

Other Vestiges
Other possible Vestiges who were once Demon-Lords, Arch Devils, Fallen Angels and even Gods exist in
the Wells of Darkness, their powers stemming from the same sources as Vestiges such as Cabiri or
AnsitifThe Shattered NightDungeon Magazine #148 and Fiendish Codex I go into greater detail and
provide background information for each of the prisoners on the 73rd layer of the Abyss.

Three Faces of Astaroth

In the D&D Multiverse, there are at least three planar beings who have gone by the name Astaroth. Powerful
beings sharing a name are not uncommon, for names held in common reduce the chances of mortal
summonings. In the Abyss, Astaroth (Diabolus) was powerful demon lord, now believed to be dead but still
reachable through pact magic. In the nine hells of Baator, Gargauth, the arch-devil-turned-deity who killed
the demon lord Astaroth (Diabolus) has since taken his name as an alias. Finally, a fallen angel named
Astaroth the Unjustly Fallen is now a Vestige as well.
Gargauth is now a demigod that belongs to the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting. More information,
including his profile and related domains, can be found about him in Forgotten Realms: Faiths and

Little Lost Modrons

Lawful Anima Mages or other Arcane spell casters of 5th level or higher that hold Primus in high regards
(Former or Present) may take the Improved familiar feat to gain access to a living construct familiar, a
Monodrone or a Messenger Monodrone (See Dragon Magazine #354 p44).

Vestiges References:

Dragon Magic Source Book (Ashardolon), p85

Dragon #341 (Kas, Primus)

Dragon #357 (Ansitif, Astaroth, Cabiri)

Dungeon #148 (Ahazu)

Dungeon #143 (Tooth of Ahazu), p58

Design and Development article (Vanus,

Minds Eye article (Abysm, Arete, The Triad,

Cityscape Web Enhancement (Astaroth, Deshartis,

Class Chronicles: Binders (Zceryll,

Compiled by: ~L. Palermo

Thanks to: J.W. Ogle


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