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Three Dimensions of Reality

A dimension is a measure of spatial extent. Matter and space have three

dimensions: length, width and height. All objects possess a three-dimensional
shape. There are no objects in reality which can be said to be 0D, 1D, 2D, 4D,
5D, etc. All real objects, without exception, are 3D. It is impossible to show a Extra Dimensions
picture of anything with more or less dimensions than three. Lower and higher are Impossible
dimensions are impossible to imagine. But wait a minute, some might say, what
Updated on June
about a piece of paper? That looks pretty flat and 2D, doesnt it? But no, thats
wrong. A piece of paper (like everything else) is three-dimensional. The paper is 10, 2014
made of 3D atoms and those atoms are made of even smaller 3D particles and so
on and so forth, ad-infinitum.

3D Atoms

The tesseract is supposed to be the 'fourdimensional analogue of a cube'. Really?

Cause this image looks rather 3D to me,
pure fantasy.

A physical object with the dimensions of

length, width and height.

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