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Laura Sofa Becerra Pedraza - T1040


How to become a genius in a few seconds?, well, its probably that you wont find a sum up
answer here; according to science, that is impossible! But dont worry and know some
advices that could help you to care of one of the most important and fascinating human
body organs: Brain. This part of the body controls most of the vital functions as
movements, cardiac beat, feelings, sleep, hungry, thirst and so on. Therefore, caring and
exercising are important during brain developments. The mind and whole those functions
are so amazing that the ideas and thoughts create connections in your brain while you are
reading this text, is not awesome?
One of the most important advices is consume a good and rich alimentation of vitamins,
proteins and carbohydrates; you can complement with daily physical and mental exercise
what do you refer with mental exercise? - , for example play Sudoku, Halo (some
videogames could help), Tetris, chess and so on. Also the physical exercise develops the
motor and corporal intelligences, likewise it will keep activated the neural activity.
Have you ever thought to enter to your mind? Is that possible?, of course dear lector! If you
are so close to present, for example, an entrance exam, thinking positive could prepare and
active extra functions that lets new synopsis. This is a good way to learn how to control
your brain in a good manner and create new connections. A great example of that is Goku, a
tvs character, who had singular skills that controls, especially, with his mind:
Kamehameha, the kiahio and so on.
If you want to be smarter, take care your brain of the excessive use of cell phone,
calculator, GPS and other electronic devices that do the thing for you, owing to fact that it
doesnt let that the brain works alone, so you become sloth. Also, reading helps you; its a
useful way to simulate imagination, because when you read, you must make an effort to
imagine the things that the writer tells to you. Be curious, this activity recreate neurons and
helps brain to think in an innovative way. You could work with logical and linguistic
intelligences. Sleeping enough time is too relevant to the brain, because it is for this process
that brain frees toxins and reorganizes the information.
The last and too important recommendation: do different things and live your life in a good
way. If you want to change your life and start to view and feel the world by a different way,
you must work, firstly, witj yourself, in this case your brain, after, you could enjoy the
simple things as a rich man. I guess that in this moment you couldnt understand me but
dont worry, someday you do.

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