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Kettlbell Long Cycle Program


Bogatyr: a term applied to warriors in Ancient Russia. Bogatyri are the

main characters of ancient epic folk stories. These heroes were often
attributed divine powers and strength.

Thierry Sanchez

Bogatyr Rising Kettlebell Long Cycle Program

Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Basic Safety Rules...................................................................................................................................... 4
Blisters....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Warm up ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Session outline .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Table 1 : LC template ................................................................................................................................ 8
How to read the whole program .............................................................................................................. 9
Assistance training .................................................................................................................................. 10
Table 2 : the weekly schedule ................................................................................................................. 14
Recovery.................................................................................................................................................. 16
Stalling..................................................................................................................................................... 16
Whats next ? .......................................................................................................................................... 17
Training for a competition ...................................................................................................................... 19
Final words .............................................................................................................................................. 20
Disclaimer................................................................................................................................................ 21

Thierry Sanchez, 2013, all rights reserved

The goal of this program is to last a 10 minute Long Cycle set with 2x24kg kettlebells, and take your
numbers to a competitive level, of roughly 60-90 reps, depending on your bodyweight.
By the end of this program, youll have a solid base to work from to start lifting heavier kettlebells.
You may then wish to repeat the program with 2x28kg and see how far it takes you. Youll be well
on your way to turn into a true Bogatyr!
You may have to start this program with light kettlebells, and go through the whole process a
couple of time, before being able to confidently handle the 24kg kettlebells on a regular basis.

Equipment recommended
Kettlebells: 2x12kg, 2x16kg, 2x20kg, 2x24kg, (2x28kg)
Barbell, plates, squat stand, bench, pull up bar, thick rope
Options are given in the assistance section if you do not have access to barbells.

Bogatyr Rising calls for 3 main days of training (Long Cycle and assistance work), and 2-3 days of
cardio a week.
The program runs with 2 parallel templates, which progress at their own pace.
There is one template (table 1) for the actual Kettlebell Long Cycle (LC) part, which is organized in
levels with set benchmarks for progression.
The second template (table 2) is for all the assistance work. It is organized into training days
throughout the week.
It may sound a bit complex, but it is the only way that I can think of to include enough variables and
progression in the program to make it work. Email me if in doubt.
Progressions are gradual to ensure you get accustomed to the training with the least possible risk
of injury.

Thierry Sanchez, 2013, all rights reserved

Understand that the number of levels in the template does not represent the number of actual
training sessions. You may be lucky to be able to go up a level each training session, or you may
Do not plan to do other training/ strenuous activities over this program, if youre planning to be
serious about Bogatyr Rising and get results.

Basic Safety Rules

Remove jewelry such as rings and watches.
When training for kettlebell Long Cycle, weightlifting shoes are recommended because of the
improved stability and stiffness. A belt can also be a helpful tool.
Train in a space free of clutter.
Make sure no person or pet comes directly in your immediate training area or line of flight as you
Always use common sense.
Always listen to your body and be ready to adjust your program accordingly.
Practice with a light weight first to understand and master the technique. Do not rush the
progression steps.
Stop lifting before form deteriorates. You should be able to still do at least one more good rep.
Keep moving around when your heart beats hard and fast. Do not just sit down!

You should always try to stop before developing blisters. Good technique spares your grip so that
you do not have to clench the handle hard and create friction in your palm. No friction means no
Blisters are rarely a problem with the kettlebell Long Cycle, unless you are totally new to
In this case, problems usually clear up after a short while, as your skin becomes tougher and
Taping your hands with sports tape can be an option to help if you have fresh sores, but should not
be used as a preventative measure, as it will hamper the natural toughening of the skin.

Thierry Sanchez, 2013, all rights reserved

Warm up
Always do a 5-10 minute warm up. Watch the general warm up video.
The warm up primes your nervous system, increases body temperature and lubricates your joints.
The warm up sequence Ive put together in the video also gets your body moving in patterns that
are very often neglected. It is not a series of random exercises.
Remember that when focusing on a specific movement, over time, you might be creating
imbalances in your body and the way you move.
Long cycle takes place in a linear plane, leaving side movements and rotations out of training.
Moving your body in 3 D and in some unusual positions might help lessen the chance of developing
some injuries, and will help keeping your hips and spine loose.
After that, go on to the specific warm up. Watch the specific warm up video.
Start with a light kettlebell, and progressively increase the load as you decrease the reps. This
ramping up serves to prime your nervous system for the training session.
Start with a light kettlebell:
Hand to hand swing x20-30 reps
Figure 8 to a stop x10 reps
Goblet squat x10 reps
1 arm clean and press x 3 reps e.s (each side) as the load increases, switch to push press and
eventually jerkRepeat the circuit with the next weight kettlebell, and then with 1 weight up.
Then go on to doubles: The drill is called Black Long Cycle.
Swing + clean + bump + jerk x5-8 reps, at a relaxed tempo, below working weight.
Swing + clean + bump + jerk x3-5 reps, at a relaxed tempo, with working weight.
Swing + clean + bump + jerk x1-3 reps, with one size over working weight.

Thierry Sanchez, 2013, all rights reserved

Session outline
The session is divided into 3 parts.
Main LC sets
LC specific drills
Strength assistance
Each session youll be attempting one level of the Long Cycle template for your main sets, as
prescribed on table 1.
Also mentioned on table 1 are the guidelines for the LC specific assistance drills, but only do the
exercises you need to do according to the training day for each week!
Refer to table 2 in the assistance section for which LC specific drills and strength assistance you
have to do on a given day.
Where you start on the template will depend on your abilities. Just make it realistic so that you
achieve success rather than struggle from the start. Some people with time under the bells might
start at level 7 instead of level 1 for example.
As a rule, You only get to progress to a higher level in the template IF you manage to successfully
complete the planned level for the days session (respecting the length of the sets, along with the
tempo on all sets and rest intervals between sets).
However, you may also find out that sometimes you can jump over a level. Do so if you feel
confident about it, you know your body best!
If things get tough on a set and you start falling behind the tempo, do not put the bells down! Try
to finish the set at a slower pace if possible so that you can catch your breath. Youll have to re-do
that level at the right tempo another time to pass it, thats all.
Kettlebell Sport requires pacing to last the 10 minutes.
All your main sets are to be practiced at a certain tempo. Tempo is called RPM, which stands for
Repetitions Per Minute.
As a rule, the heavier the load, the slower the tempo. What is heavy and slow is of course
relative to your current physical abilities, and will change over time.

Thierry Sanchez, 2013, all rights reserved

Guidelines for starting the program

With 2x16kg, start at 7-8 rpm. If you can do 100 reps with 16s, start the program with 20s.
With 2x20kg, start at 6-7 rpm. If you can do 90 reps with 20s, start the program with 24s.
With 2x24kg, start at 5-6 rpm.
These are guidelines, and not written in stone. You may need to start at a slower or faster tempo according
to your own level.

In general, Id recommend you to keep the same tempo you start with on the first level right until
you reach the last level of the template, at the very least the first time you try the program, and
then repeat it at a faster tempo. The program works just fine that way.
However, keep in mind that by creating this template, things have to be kept as simple as possible
and still be able to work and deliver results. It is not to say that this is the best or only way to train.
If you have some experience in strength training and are good at evaluating feedback from your
sessions, you might introduce a little variation to keep the program challenging you.
This little aside is a simplification of training principles you can use for yourself or if youre coaching
Adding variation through manipulation of tempo and weight
Short sets (1-2 min): fast tempo or use a KB one size heavier and adjust the tempo accordingly.
Medium sets (2-5 min) : medium tempo.
Long sets (5 min +): slow tempo (which in theory would represent your base tempo or a tempo you
could work for a 10 min set) or use a KB one size lighter and adjust the tempo accordingly.
Fast tempo for Long cycle: (10-12)rpm
Medium tempo: (7-9) rpm
Slow tempo: (4-6) rpm
Start with the lowest number in each bracket, and keep those 3 tempos constant until you reach
the last level of the program. Again, these are guidelines, and everything depends on load, your
overall strength, local endurance and cardio-respiratory fitness.
How to progress after you finish one cycle is explained in the section Whats next?

Thierry Sanchez, 2013, all rights reserved

Table 1 : LC template
Level Main LC sets




5 sets of 1:00
6 sets of 1:00
4 sets of 1:30
3 sets of 2:00
2 sets of 2:30
1 set of 3:00 - Rest 3:00 - 1
set of 2 min- rest 2min 1
set of 1 min
6 sets of 1:00
7 sets of 1:00
8 sets of 1:00
5 sets of 1:30
3 sets of 2:00 + 1 set of
2 sets of 3:00 +1 set of
1 set of 4:00 - Rest 4:00 - 1
set of 2:00 - rest 2 min 1
set of 2min
8 sets of 1:00
9 sets of 1:00
10 sets of 1:00
4 sets of 2:00
5 sets of 2:00
3 sets of 3:00
2 sets of 4:00 + 1 set of
1 set of 5:00 - Rest 5:00 - 1
set of 3:00- rest 3 min- 1
set of 2 min-

main sets

1 arm jerk Bumps

with 2 KB

1 arm
1:00 -1:30 2:30 e.s

1 arm

1:00-1 :30
1:00 -1:30
1:30 - 2:00

1:00 e.s

1:00 1:30 e.s

1:00 -1:15
1:00 -1:15
1:00 -1:30

1:30 e.s

No LC specific assistance training this day.

1:00 -1:30 3:00 e.s

x2 sets,
1:00 rest

1:30 -2:00


No LC specific assistance training this day.

1:00 -1:15
1:00 -1:15
1:00 -1:15
1:30 - 2:00
2:00 2:30
2:00 2:30

1:00 e.s
x2 sets,
1:00 rest


No LC specific assistance training this day.

1:30 -2:00 3:30 e.s


Thierry Sanchez, 2013, all rights reserved

2:00 2:30 e.s


10 sets of 1:00
11 sets of 1:00
12 sets of 1:00
6 sets of 2:00
4 sets of 3:00
3 sets of 4:00
2 sets of 5:00
1 set of 8:00 - Rest 5:00 - 1
set of 4:00
Level Main LC sets

1:00 -1:15
1:00 -1:15
1:00 -1:15
1:00 -1:30
2:00 -3:00
3:00 - 4:00
3:00 - 5:00

1:30 e.s
x2 sets,
1:00 rest

1:30 -2:00 4:00 e.s

x2 sets,
1:00 rest

main sets

1 arm jerk Bumps

with 2 KB

2:30 -3:00

No LC specific assistance training this day.

1 arm

1 arm

How to read the whole program

Print both table 1 and table 2. Have them side by side.
Do the prescribed sets (table 1) for your main sets, according to the level you are at.
For the LC assistance work, refer to the training day of the week (table 2 below) to figure out which
exercise(s) you need to do. The prescription for the LC assistance work can be found in table 1, and
stays the same for several levels.
Strength assistance exercises and cardio days are also found on table 2.

Thierry Sanchez, 2013, all rights reserved

Assistance training
The Kettlebell Long Cycle is the primary goal and focus of this program and anything else can be
called assistance training.
Take a 5 min rest after your last main set, before moving on to assistance training.
There are both some LC specific assistance drills and strength training exercises with barbells.
Assistance training is planned for every session, but it will of course depend on factors such as the
time you have available for training, your work capacity and recovery ability. Be sensible and
always ready to reduce the volume of assistance training if needed. Err on the side of caution,
especially in the beginning.
For assistance exercises with a single kettlebell, remember to always start a set with your weakest
hand, so that you can easily match the same results with the stronger hand.
e.s stands for each side.
Keep the rest intervals short between exercises, about 1:00 to 1:30.
As you repeat the program a faster tempo in the following cycles, you may have to do some light
adjustments to the LC assistance training that is beyond the scope of a template.
You may increase time (not much more than 30 sec per set), tempo or weight.
On the other hand, as your main sets will be more demanding, you will be more tired and in fact
could just stick to the same guidelines for a while. Setting PRs in those drills is not the goal of
assistance training, so do not over think this!
There are 4 LC specific assistance drills on the program:
1 arm jerk, done with 1 weight over that of your main set.
Bumps with 2 kettlebells, done with 1 weight over that of your main set.
1 arm clean with gloves, done with 1 weight under that of your main set. Tempo is free.
1 arm swing, done with 1 weight over that of your main set. Tempo is free.
The assistance drills are done for 1 set only.
The purpose of the clean with gloves drill is to further tax the grip. Optionally, you could do snatch
with gloves, if needing variation at some stage.
Fleece gloves offer more challenge as they are often thicker than cotton gloves. It can be a good or
bad thing


Thierry Sanchez, 2013, all rights reserved

The strength training assistance work is done in superset fashion. Do not rush back and forth from
set to set, but try to keep the rest interval about 1:00 to 1:30.
The format of the supersets looks like this:
A1 x2-3 sets
A2 x2-3 sets
B1 (same as A1) x2-3 sets
B2 x2-3 sets
Rep range is waved as throughout the week. It will be up to you to find out the correct weight for
the rep range. Do not be caught up too much in this process, or try to test your 1RM and work out
percentages. Remember this is assistance training, not powerlifting! You can always correct the
load on the successive sessions.
Do not increase the load (and make a small jump in weight only) before you can maintain the high
end of the rep range on all sets. Also, try to leave 1 rep in the tank, instead of going all out on each
Stick to the same strength exercises for a period of time. When stalling, add a small variation.
Deadlifts are to be done as RDL from the floor or off boxes (for partials, the bar should be just
below or over knee cap). If you have a trap bar make sure to still perform a RDL, not a conventional
Use a high bar or low bar placement for back squats. Front squats and bottom up squats are also
good variations. Go to the depth that is best and safest for you.
The bench press is to be done with medium grip, about shoulder width. If you have access to
dumbbells or a Swiss bar, press with hands facing each other.
If possible, use fatgrips for your pull ups, and a thick rope for the suspended rows. Youll eventually
have to load those movements.
For abs, include flexion, lateral and rotation work to compensate all the extension and lifting done
in the sagittal plane.


Thierry Sanchez, 2013, all rights reserved

End the session by hanging from a pull up bar for 1-2 min to further challenge your grip, but even
more importantly, to remove the compression from your spine.
Here are some exercise options, if you do not have barbell, cannot squat or need variation.
Reverse lunges, reverse lunges from deficit (10-15 cm box), Bulgarian split squats (20-30 cm
Double suitcase KB deadlifts and farmers walk
Sandbag clean or shouldering
KB floor presses
1 arm rows
If you do not have barbells, you can always make your own heavy sandbags. They are cheap,
challenging and can be used for many exercises. A sandbag can be loaded across the shoulder or on
one side only.
For lunges, kettlebells can be held on the shoulders or in the hands.

Cardio is done on alternate days from your Long Cycle training days.
The goal of cardio days is three fold: increase you aerobic capacity, improve your clean technique,
and promote recovery from the LC training days.
Start off by just doing cardio. After 4-6 weeks from starting the program, youll introduce 1 timed
set of double black cleans after your cardio (except on the last session of the week which is
meant to be light and easy).
This double black clean set is done at your own tempo. Focus on perfecting your technique and
rack position, not on the amount of reps. Black means youll be doing 1-2 swings for every clean.
Start with 2 min, and build up from there.
When you can easily reach 7 min, increase the weight to the next size kettlebells or repeat without
doing any extra swings between reps, or try to do it at a faster tempo.
Whatever type of cardio you chose is fine, from running, to rope skipping, biking, and rowing. You
could even mix it up. If running on a treadmill, set a light incline. This incline helps also reduce
impact on your body. If your knees are dodgy, bike instead of running.


Thierry Sanchez, 2013, all rights reserved

I personally prefer to run cross country in the forest (and I also run with ski poles), but the
treadmill, rower and spin bike can be useful sometimes. When running cross country, you have to
react to the terrain and the small obstacles along the way, adjust your stride and other factors.
The outdoor environment is not as predictable as indoor cardio, and keeps thing interesting
because you have to stay focused on what youre doing.
Also, youre less likely to stop. On a machine, if you get bored or it gets tough you can just step off
it. In the woods, well, you still have to make your way home ;-)
There are different ways to find your aerobic training zone.
Here is one formula:
Subtract your age from 180 (example: 180-35=145 bmp). If you're a highly trained athlete, you can
add 3 bmp. If you're a de-conditioned athlete, subtract 3 bmp.
This will roughly be around 70% of the heart rate training zone.
Take 10% of that number to find the low end zone.
(Formulas are only a close guess and do not a guarantee a true individual value.)
The 60-70% zone is known as the recovery zone. Training within this zone develops both basic
endurance and aerobic capacity, and does not negatively affect your strength gains. Spend most of
your cardio time around this 60-70% zone.
I recommend putting an absolute ceiling at 75% so that cardio training doesnt eat into your
recovery abilities, and so that you are ready to lift kettlebells on the following day, where it matters
You will be getting plenty of intense work with kettlebells and barbells and need to be as fresh as
possible on those days.
And lastly, try to develop your perception of effort, so that you do not always rely on a heart rate
monitor. That way youll be able to recognize those signals while lifting kettlebells, and this
knowledge can come in handy when you compete.


Thierry Sanchez, 2013, all rights reserved

Table 2 : the weekly schedule

Day #1
LC program
5 min rest
KB assistance:
Bumps, heavy (1 size over main weight)
1 arm clean with gloves (1 size under main weight, free tempo)
Strength assistance:
A1 Squats 2-3 sets of 3-6 reps
A2 Pull ups 2-3 sets of 6-9 reps
B1 Squats 2-3 sets of 3-6 reps
B2 Pushups 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps (eventually add weight)
Abs: 2-3 sets of 10-30 reps
Day #2
Cardio for 25-40 min
Black cleans
Day #3
LC program
5 min rest
KB assistance:
1 arm jerk (1 size over main weight)
Strength assistance:
A1 Bench press 2-3 sets of 3-6 reps
A2 RDL 2- 3 sets of 6-9 reps
B1 Bench press 2-3 sets of 3-6 reps
B2 BW suspended rows 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps (eventually lift feet up and add weight)
Abs: 2-3 sets of 10-30 reps


Thierry Sanchez, 2013, all rights reserved

Day #4
Cardio for 25-40 min
Black cleans
Day #5
LC program
5 min rest
KB assistance:
Bumps, heavy (1 size over main weight)
1 arm swing, heavy (1 size over main weight)
Strength assistance:
A1 Pull up 2-3 sets of 3-6 reps
A2 Bench press 2-3 sets of 6-9 reps
B1 Pull up 2-3 sets of 3-6 reps
B2 Squat 2-3 sets of 6-9 reps
Abs: 2-3 sets of 10-30 reps
Day #6
Recovery cardio, really easy tempo for 40-80 min. Optional, but highly recommended!
Day #7
Joint mobility for 10-15min
Self release massage with foam roller, Tiger tail and tennis ball for 10-15 min


Thierry Sanchez, 2013, all rights reserved

Finish off all your sessions by hanging from a pull up bar 1-2 min to decompress your spine.
Follow this by stretching/ mobilizing your spine and hips (Watch the cool down video), and pay
special attention to the muscles that have been trained and feel tight.
Lay flat on your back and breathe deep for 5 minutes if you have time for it.
Using the stick/ tiger tail, foam rolling or a Lacrosse ball is also strongly advised if you have time.
Otherwise try to fit this recovery routine on your full rest day.
Watch the self massage video.
If you feel your forearms are having a hard time when the sets become long-ish, try massaging your
forearms between sets, using the tiger tail or something similar, to help the blood flow back to
your hands.
I recommend wearing neoprene knee sleeves when training LC, squats or running. Keeping those
joints warm and well lubricated is important for your well being in the long run.
Here are 2 great resources for self release massage
Free PDF about trigger points
The trigger Point Therapy Workbook by Clair Davies

Every once in a while, you might feel you have hit a plateau or things are becoming too hard.
The down side of a template compared to a good coach, is that there is only one way to go: up all
the time. The need to back off is very individual and will be affected by the other things that are
going on in your life.
Listen to your body because it is up to you to adjust the program to make it even better.
Instead of battling hard to try to make it to the next level, go back down a couple of levels (or even
down 1 size kettlebell for a couple of sessions) to allow some extra recovery and easier practice.
You are not meant to always be able to jump to the next level from session to session.


Thierry Sanchez, 2013, all rights reserved

If you are getting small nagging pains and other signals, like mental fatigue at the thought of
training, back off. If you keep pushing, youll end up taking a long rest due to sudden illness or
If you need to back off on your main sets, do not try to catch up when you do assistance work.
Consider doing bodyweight exercises or used lights loads and stay in the 10-20 rep range.
How to tell if you need to rest today
Take your heart rate first thing in the morning for 2 weeks. Find the average Resting Heart
rate (RHR).
If your Resting Heart Rate is 10% higher than average, you should modify your training
for that day and make it a low intensity training.
If your Resting Heart Rate is 15% higher than average, take a full day off.
Over time, your heart rate should decrease at rest, so retest your average RHR every 4-5
weeks. This improvement is a direct result of improved cardiac muscle functionthe heart
becomes stronger and larger, and can pump more blood with each beat.
If you are not fully recovered, your heart rate at rest will be elevated because your body is
busy repairing tissues and replenishing fuels, and your training session will feel like hell.

Whats next ?
So, you just went through the Bogatyr Rising program for a whole cycle, at a certain tempo with a
certain weight. Well done, pat yourself on the back, and take a day off ;-)
Then, do a light and easy session, and the following day try a 10 minute test with the same weight
you used on level 29. Tempo wise, Id recommend going slightly slower, by 1rpm.
Approach this test set as if stepping up on a platform for your first competition.
Remember to maintain a steady tempo throughout your set, only sprinting to the finish if you have
the extra energy for it.
Starting at a fast tempo from the start is not a good idea. Aim to stay in the aerobic zone for as long
as possible, and finish strong!


Thierry Sanchez, 2013, all rights reserved

If 10 minutes goes well, shoot for 12! If it doesnt go well, no stress, youll probably manage after
you repeat one more cycle.
The next thing to do now is to repeat the program at a slightly faster pace.
If you started with 5-6rpm, go up to 7-8rpm, then repeat a third time maybe at 9-10 rpm.
The next progression after you reach a satisfactory tempo (10rpm with 16kg, 8-9rpm with 20kg for
8 minutes) will be to increase the weight and reduce the tempo, and repeat the whole process
again. These again are general guidelines, but whatever you do, do not make an unreasonable
jump. Train smart, stay injury free.
The backing down and building up process is important for your progress.
The body needs easy sessions to recover from the demands of the higher levels of the template.
Also, achieving these numbers once or twice on your way up the levels is very different to actually
owning those numbers.
By cycling through the program a few times, reaching those numbers becomes easier and easier
and the process improves your confidence in your own performance.
If using the variable tempo scheme for your main sets, increase all 3 tempo ranges by 1 rpm when
you repeat a cycle.
As you get better, all your sets (short or long) will end up being performed at a similar tempo. You
cannot just go faster and faster
Be aware that exceeding 12rpm might promote bad technique, lack of fixation in the rack or
overhead. If you can maintain 11-12 rpm for over 8 minutes with 2x24kg, youll be a true Bogatyr!


Thierry Sanchez, 2013, all rights reserved

Training for a competition

You can choose to peak for a competition hoping to reach your goal as a PR, but I would advise to
reach your goal before the competition, about 8 weeks before in fact. Hopefully youll have done at
least couple of 10 min sets by then.
Those last 8 weeks, youll focus on achieving one medium length set on consistent basis, and speed
up the tempo. This will help your being relaxed and confident about your abilities on the day you
have to compete.
The training will switch between two methods: one week of timed sets alternated with one week of
Week 1: timed sets method, 5 sessions a week
5-6 min LC at competition weight and pace (On the first session of the week or when you feel
freshest, shoot for 8 min)
-5 min rest4-7 min LC under competition weight, over competition pace
-5 min restGS Jump squats with 75-100% bodyweight on the bar, 3 sets of 40-60 reps, 1 min rest in between
Pull ups/ suspended rows, 1 set for max reps
Abs, 2-3 sets of 10-30 reps
Finish with 15-20 min cardio
Week 2: interval method, 3 sessions a week
All LC sprint sets are done at maximum pace with good technique.
Keep track of reps for all sets. Over the weeks, reps across all sets should improve.
Work to rest ratio is always 1:1
You can use competition weight for al sets across, alternate light/ heavy from set to set, or do 1
heavy session, 1 light.


Thierry Sanchez, 2013, all rights reserved

Here is a suggestion for how to progress or vary those sprint sets.

1 min sets x 8-10 (1 min on/ 1 min off)
1 min alternating with 2 min sets x3 (1 min on/ 1min off, 2 min on/ 2min off, 1 min on/ 1min
2 min sets x 4-5 (2 min on/ 2min off)
1 min set, 2 min set, 3 min set x2 (1 min on/ 1min off, 2 min on/ 2min off, 3 min on/ 3 min
3 min sets x3 (3 min on/ 3 min off...)
Abs 2-3 sets of 10-30 reps
Finish with 20-30 min of easy cardio to promote recovery. Enjoy the extra days off.
The last week
If you started 8 weeks before the competition, youll be ending your preparation with a week of
timed sets.
The last week, you need to back off training slightly, take a couple of rest days and build up your
volume 2 days before the competition.
Plan an easy day (2 sets of 3 min), a medium day (1 set of 6-7 min) and a PR day!
Alternatively, this approach could be implemented for 8 weeks after a couple of cycles with the
normal template as a break, before you return to the template. High intensity methods works best
in small and short doses, and are not a sustainable approach over long periods.
Final words
I am always interested to hear how you progressed on my programs.
If you stick with the plan, are consistent and do not rush the process, youll watch your kettlebell
clean and jerk numbers explode.
All the best with your training!


Thierry Sanchez, 2013, all rights reserved

Exercise is not without its risks, and this or any other exercise program may result in injury. They
include but are not limited to: risk of injury, aggravation of a pre-existing condition, or adverse
effect of over-exertion such as muscle strain, abnormal blood pressure, fainting, disorders of
heartbeat, and very rare instances of heart attack. To reduce the risk of any injury and /or illness,
before beginning this or any exercise program, please seek medical advice for guidance regarding
appropriate exercise levels and precautions. It is particularly important to seek such advice if you
suffer from an ongoing medical condition which may be affected by exercise. The exercise
instruction and advice presented is for information purposes only and is in no way intended as a
substitute for medical consultation.
Thierry Sanchez and accepts no liability from and in connection with this
program. As with any exercise program, if at any point during your workout you begin to feel faint,
dizzy, or have physical discomfort, you should stop immediately and consult a suitably qualified
health professional.


Thierry Sanchez, 2013, all rights reserved

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