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I think that indego

represents her the best

because it represents
that she mournes and
has achieved selfmastery and knowledge
of many things.

I think that this

shows how she
feels inside.
She always
seems to be
sad about not
having her
father see her
nts and never

I once had a loved one

die in my house. She
actually died in my very

After the garden

Before the garden

This character reminds me of the

Grinch because they both watch
the town without ever leaving their
houses and by the time that their
parts of the stories end they feel
sorry about how they thought
about what the people were doing.


I believe that this
word is very
important to this
chapter because he
is always so paranoid
about whether
someone is dead
because his son was
shot and killed. He
also uses this word to
describe thing that
have nothing to do
death at all.

The theme of this
If this part of the book was made
chapter is that we
into a movie the main narrator
should look over our
would maybe be played by Tom
Hanks because he is very good at differences with people
and just help them no
playing country people and just
matter who they are.
always seems to play characters
that are trying to prove that they are
good people and want to help other
people. All of his characters also
have deep and emotionally scarring
things happen to them in their past
just like how Wendels son was


The older you are

the younger you get
when you move to
the United States.

I thought that the tv The lesson of

is most important
this story is
object to Gonzalo in
not to
this chapter was his underestimate
TV because it has
helped him
American culture as
well as being able
to cope with
to a

I think that that this
word is important to
the story because it
shows that she wants
to be seen as a real
person with real
feelings, so she
decides to do things
that are very smart
and no one else would
do to save the garden.

I think that the location of Leona of Leona

affects her because she lives in a place
where she has to take a risk every day
when she lets her kids go to school and
that makes her get some practice on
convincing people over the phone. I believe
that if she did not have the experience she
wouldnt have much to do with the story at

I think that Leona is similar

to Maricela in the sense that
they both talk about their
race quite a bit.

This is also my
symbol to describe
his character.

He learns about some facts

that dont help him at all in
the real world and he tells
people about it. He says,
Paradise comes from a
Persian word. It means
walled park. I told the
woman that. Hes trying to
establish that hes smarter
than everyone else by his
tone and knowledge but he
hasnt posted any valid
evidence on why he is
smarterer than the other
person but he has created
the illusion that he is
higher in IQ.

I sometimes feel like

because I have
been learning about
something on the
internet that wont
help me at all and I
feel like I should tell
people about it even
though thats
something that only
would do.

Before the Garden


I can relate to this character a lot because I am really happy when I escape from
my 180 day sentence at that horrible prison camp they call school. I once was so
happy that my school year was over after fifth grade that I shredded my textbooks
and burnt them in a bonfire while I played polka and partially danced around it like
some kind of ritual.

I think that this word is
the most important word
in this chapter because
she if forced into being
afraid of everybody
because of the armed
robbery of her shop. She
then chooses to try to
overcome that fear to
work in the garden.

Sae Young

I think that the most

important object to this
chapter is the coat that
the robber was wearing.
I believe it is this
because her job is too
clean coats just like that
and now it is time for that
coat to clean her of her
faith in mankind.

The lesson of this story

is not to dwell on fear
and I think that the
people who are running
for president can really
be much if they do this,
but they definitely will

With this body, I had other

girls hanging on me at the
time. Some of em I just
couldnt brush off. When
Lateesha found out, she
slammed the door in my face
so hard the paint cracked. You
dont know what you have
once its gone. I felt like this
shows that he is very good
looking to the woman in his
city and that is a set back to
him because the writer kind of
hints that he cheated on his
girlfriend. I think that hes
really sorry and is the kind of
guy who wants to settle down
but is still guided by

I believe that Curtis is very

affected by his residence because
he even says that, because he
lives close to a gym he gets a
high workout. Because he gets a
good workout he is very strong
so that is the reason he has so
many girls that want to get with
him. If he wasnt as strong he
probably wouldnt have cheated
on his girlfriend, or maybe he
wouldnt even have a girlfriend.

Curtis is much different than

Sae young because he has a
problem with being too social
and she has a problem being
too anti social.

If this chapter was put into a movie I

think that she would be played by
Lorraine Ashbourne because she is
british, she has a simaler hairstyle,
she has the same color of hair, she
looks the same age, and she is
skinny, like Nora.

that her tone is that of a kind and compassionate

. My evidence is that she says, What a marvelous
was to behold Mr. Myles furrowed black face
ting his smooth-skinned young, just arrived the
hed shortly leave. To understand why I chose this
you have to understand that she went through hard
o help him make these plants all because she
d to see his smile. I know that she wants to make
but she still feels for him and want him to be

I think that I can kind of

relate to this lady
because I used to push
my great aunts
wheelchair around
whenever I saw her
before she died in 2011

I think that this word is very important
to this chapter because a very big
theme this chapter is to overcome
your beliefs of other people and work
together and forgive together.

This also says the
theme just fine.

The picture =s
working together.

Before Maricela went
to the garden she
wanted to get rid of
her child but once she
went to the garden
she decided not to.

I chose the color green because it

represents life and the biggest
problem with her is that she has more
than one life inside of her body.
Before the garden I would say that
she definitely was not this color but
afterwards she definitely was.

I think that the theme of this chapter

is that you shouldnt feel ashamed
because of your body. I think this
because for pretty much the whole
chapter she is talking about how ugly
she is and how she cant have any
fun because all of her friends dont
want to hang around her

I was just a watcher, but I was proud of the garden as if it were mine. I
think that this summarizes her character the best because all she does in
her chapter is look out the window. She has absolutely nothing to do with
this story. Even Ana has some play in the good of the garden. I mean she at
least picks out Kims seeds. Florence doesnt do anything, better or for
worse, to the garden. She shouldnt be in the book. All it does is give us
more work to do.

I think that this symbol is

perfect because this chapter
is very stupid and it should
not be in here.

I I think that
florence is very
similar to Anna
because they both
watch people all
day because they
have nothing else to

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