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chance company

1 He walks by the
bus stop and
halfway there he
stops and sees her.
2 Before he
stopped, she was
in the middle of
the street. Some

trucks went
around, while a
car flipped her off
and these she did
not see.
3 One white piece
o f p a p e r, t h e n
another before

picking up a
chunk of palm
bark. She held
what she picked
up and made her
way slowly from
the middle of the
street to the
sidewalk. This is

where she parked

her cart.
4 More rain came
down than before.
No cars go by.
5 Someone lets
out a squeal and it

is for the girlfriend

under the sign.
6 He is walking
from the other
side of the
building before he
sees her leave the
papers and the

bark among her

bags. He gets a
few steps closer,
she lies down,
adjusts her hat
and pulls a blue
blanket off the
edge of the cart. It
covers part of her

bare calf.

chance company

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