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Kiara Tomlinson

Period 3/ Computer Graphics

Walt Disney Blog

Walt Disney (December 5, 1901 December 15, 1966) was a well-known
entrepreneur, producer, animator, and voice actor who has thus made history in
entertainment and marked as a cultural icon. He has entertained millions of people
worldwide and his works were internationally recognized. His career started with a
newspaper political caricature and a comic strip artist back in 1919.
His first animation was heavily inspired by Edwin G. Lutzs book: Animated Cartoons: How

They Are Made, Their Origin and Development. He then decided to try his animation at
hand. Being successfully made, Disney named his first animation studio the Laugh o Gram.
This studio (opened on May 18, 1922) has hired a number of animators, such as Hugh
Harman, Rudolf Ising, and Ubbe Iwerks.
The first camera Disney bought was a Multi-plane Camera (worth $3,000) and how it
worked was that it came in layers, bringing a 3D effect and having those layers
transparent and seen behind. Throughout his animating career, Disneys well famous
character Mickey Mouse was created (who was and still is the Disney mascot). His first
appearance was from a 1928 animation called Steamboat Willie, with Disney being the

voice actor for the first few years this character was created. Throughout
history, Disney has changed Mickey Mouses style and appearance, with
significant changes of aesthetics.
Over history, Disney has innovated many ideas and projects, such as the establishment of
the Disney land park. He even had many other artists inspired by his own artwork, such as
Salvador Dali and they exchanged ideas for their future films. Other artists such as Bruno
Bozzetto worked on several Disney films, such as Bambi and Fantasia.
By 1966, Walt Disney has died due to lung cancer (from secretly smoking cigarettes).
Though he will be dearly missed, his history of artwork, animation, and innovations will
continue to be enjoyed by people of all ages.

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