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-UN Definition of Genocide (along with all of the genocide situations

they list)
-8 Stages of Genocide (What are they, how do the work, Analyze them)
Classification, Symbolization, Dehumanization, Organization,
Polarization, Preparation, Extermination and Denial
-Genocide Vocab: Genocide, Atrocity, Classification, Armenians,
Rwanda, Hutu, Tutsi, Cambodia, Ethnicity, Revolution, Conflict, Identity,
United Nations, Polarization, Extermination, Systematic, Ottoman
Turks, Dehumanization, Classification, Denial and Intervention.
-The difference between Genocide and Murder or Genocide and War
-Armenian Genocide (Who is involved, how did this start, who were the
perpetrators, how were the stages evident, how was this carried out,
what was the international response, etc.)
-Rwandan Genocide (Who is involved, how did this start, who were the
perpetrators, how were the stages evident, how was this carried out,
what was the international response, etc.)
-Cambodian Genocide (Who is involved, how did this start, who were
the perpetrators, how were the stages evident, how was this carried
out, what was the international response, etc.)

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