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The technology age has had a profound effect on education in

many ways. One of the most important improvements that technology has helped facilitate is parent-teacher communication.
Texting and emailing have become quick and efficient modes of
communication and online reporting systems like Engrade, make
the process of understanding students academic performance
immediate and transparent.
So, whats next? The DOE designated Tuesday afternoon at
2:20pm as parent outreach time. Parent-teachers conferences
have always been an opportunity to meet teachers and gain perspective on a students grades and the curriculum that students
use daily. However, traditionally students are not an integral
part of these conferences. Most do not attend and often, teachers and parents do not include them in the conversation. This is
all about to change!
Beginning this school-year, the DOE is mandating that parentteacher conferences will become student-led conferences. Our
first SLCs will be this March. In this new format, teachers serve
as facilitators while students discuss their academic performance to their parent(s) or guardians. Students use a script to
ensure they cover all the important aspects of the conference
and they bring a portfolio of work from all major subject areas
to discuss their achievements as well as articulate their areas of
This can be an exciting new idea. At 266 we always want students to take charge of their learning. It is also a school-wide
goal to elevate students speaking and listening skills. Studentled Conferences do both. It forces students to understand the
reasons they have been successful and what support they need
when they struggle. Students do the majority of speaking. Parents can ask questions and teachers can clarify points as
needed, but students are the focus of the process.
Conferences typically last about 8-10 minutes. Yes, I know
middle school parents are saying...what? Impossible! Of course
some things will change, and we will be holding parent workshops and sending home information that will clarify the process. In the coming weeks your children will be practicing their
conferences with their teachers (facilitators) and we all are excited to see how well our students do in this structure.



Growth Mindset!
Over the past 3 years, 266 has been involved in a program called Growth Mindset. It is based on the research
done by Carol Dweck, a Stanford professor whose research on brain development proved that intelligence
and brain development continue to develop as we age.
This is contrary to the past understanding of brain research
which most experts believed was fixed, whereby limiting
our ability to continue to expand our intelligence and
ability to learn.
Due to the progress we have made with this program,
266 was asked by the DOE this year to be a host school
for the Learning Partners program. Our team works
closely with 2 other schools to implement and assess the
tenets of Growth Mindset culture in both schools curricula
and classroom dynamics.
Our goal this year is to make Growth Mindset a schoolwide culture. More teachers are being trained and we
hold professional development continually to ensure all of
our staff understands how Growth Mindset can change
the lives of our students. The impact is profound and if
parents can extend Growth Mindset to their homes, there
is the potential for accomplishing great things. Praise effort, encourage risk-taking and view mistakes as a positive
way to learn new things. Never underestimate potential!
In the past we used to tell children they could be anything they wanted...even the president. Growth Mindset
proves that this is not just positive thinking. Its the truth.

NYS ELA and Math Exams

After much debate about the Common Core and
the emphasis on standardized test scores, the
DOE has revised its stance on testing as it applies
to promotional decisions and teachers evaluations.
More information will be forthcoming regarding
how the assessments will be valued. In the mean
time, the ELA and Math tests will still be administered this April. AIS on Weds./Thurs. and/or
Saturday Academy is beginning soon. Encourage
your child to try their best and meet the challenge. Growth Mindset reinforces this mantra
every day.

Earlier this year 266 had its Quality Review. This is a comprehensive review by the Office of School Quality to assess
the quality and effectiveness of our schools curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment practices. It also evaluates how well
we communicate high expectations to our families and the effectiveness of our teacher teams. A reviewer visited classrooms to see instructional practices, spoke with a panel of parents and students about school culture and conducted a
thorough review of all of our schools performance and testing data to assess how we are performing as a school.
At 266, we always strive for excellence. Our teachers work hard every day to deliver the highest level of instruction
to our students. Our parents support our school and together we all make 266 great. This is how we always feel. However, that feeling was validated by our QR. Out of the 5 areas of review, 266 scored a well developed (highest grade
possible) for 4 of the 5 categories. We are proud of our entire school family for making 266 a well developed school.

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