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Hello future connoisseur of all things brain related.

We wish you well in your

studies of human behavior, and maybe one day you will create the next major
change to benefit all of humankind! For now, lets go over a few procedures
that youll see through your career as a doctor of the mind.
The Art of lobotomy

So you think you can lobotomize? This is a risky process, with maximum
results. You might be asking yourself, how does this work? What tools should
I use to get the job done? How do you successfully change the entire persona
of a sick minded individual? This is your chance to become a master at
lobotomy! Here, well explain everything you ever wanted to know about this
prestigious, glorious art.
What Is A Lobotomy?

Lobotomy is the art of severing connections within the prefrontal lobe of the
brain. This lobe plays an important role within cognitive behaviors, social
behaviors, decision making, and thought processes. With some patients being
afflicted with mind sickness specific to these regions of the brain, such as
depression, schizophrenia, and manic behaviors to name a few, severing these
connections allows for a literal resetting of the brain, and the personality as
This practice stemmed in about the late 1880s when doctors had begun
learning how to calm patients housed in asylums. Swiss physician Gottlieb
Burckhardt had begun removing parts of the cortex of the brain in patients
afflicted with schizophrenia., with the notion that it had begun making them

more relaxed. Documenting his work, Portuguese neurologist Antnio Egas

Moniz used this to inspire his creation of the lobotomy.
Yale neuroscientist John Fulton and a colleague used this new methods of
treating patients on chimpanzees, in order to study the after effects in 1935.
Moniz and his colleague performed the first human experiment later on in the

How do I perform a lobotomy?

Congratulations! Youre on your way to becoming a certified lobotomy expert!

Before you start curing the sick minded, heres a bit of history.
Early procedures consisted of cutting a hole into the skull, and injecting
ethanol into the brain, destroying the fibers that connected the frontal lobe to
other parts of the brain. This method was then corrected by Moniz, who
invented an instrument he called a leucotome, which contains a wire loop that
rotated in order to create circular lesions within the brain.
Italian psychiatrist Amarro Fiamberti then developed another method that
involved accessing the frontal lobe through eye sockets which then led to the
modern, and commonly used transorbital lobotomy in 1945, which would cease
the need for a traditional surgeon and operating room.

Transorbital lobotomies involve a technique using a orbitoclast, which is a

modified ice pick, which a physician would insert through a patient's eye socket
using a hammer. They would then move the instrument side to side to separate
the frontal lobe from the thalamus, and any parts of the brain that receives
and relays sensory input.
------------------------------------Day 3

They told me I was sick. I didnt understand why, I feel fine,

but they insisted. I had to agree, and now, here I am. Perhaps I am
sick. They say theyll make me better, but I dont know if theyre
telling the truth. Sometimes, they can lie. Even with proper training,
one cant cure ignorance.
I cant sleep at night. Theres too much going through my head.
Sometimes, they wake me, and ask me questions. Sometimes it gets so
bad that I start screaming. They dont understand me. I dont
understand them. They tell me I can get better, if I trust them. I
dont really know if I can.
I hear screaming. People are getting hurt. People are dying. I
dont know what to think, but I already know its not going to be good.
I want to go home. They told me I wasnt well enough to leave. They
keep using words Ive never heard. They promise Ill get better, but
I dont know. Minds are strange, but according to them, mine is broken.
Im not special, but I know Im not broken. Im much more than that.
I guess Ill wait it out. Maybe things will be okay.

Sometimes your patient may need a much more in depth procedure. Not to worry future
curer of the sick! There are a multitude of ways to fix the mind. Some as simple as ice picks
into the eye socket, to drilling holes into the skull. Todays lesson is
Trephination, the art of
creating holes into the skull, in order to relieve a variety of different problems!
What is Trephination?

Sometimes called burr holes, this practice involves drilling holes, usually about an inch
thick, exposing the brain, specifically the dura mater, in order to cure anything from a
variety of afflictions, such as headaches, schizoid personalities, and even aids in the
cleansing process within demonic possession.
This art goes back all the way to pre-Columbian MesoAmerica, in order to relieve pains
within the head. However, as time passed, and we move into this era, the art has been
redefined, in order to cause less pain to the patient, and more effective, efficient results.
How is this performed?
Trephination involves mildly sedating your patient, usually via rendering them unconscious
through electric shock, and beginning by creating a small incision at the top of the head,
peeling back the skin, and exposing the skull.

Once exposed, you then must take your instrument, one will be provided for you, and create
small, one inch holes throughout the top of the skull, located near the dura matter. You
will then scrape this area, leaving the holes open,. However, depending on the
circumstance, you may not even need to scrape anything through the brain. Sometimes, the
illness occurs outside the brain, which allows for more flexibility. You may then consider
creating several holes throughout the top half of the skull, and suturing the patient back
up, and allowing them to recover, monitoring them for signs of improvement
One should always make sure the patient isnt heavily sedated, as their impaired response
is very troublesome in terms of recovery.

--------------------------------------------------------------Day 4

One of the girls on the ward complained of a headache. I thought

she was being overdramatic, but apparently it was bad enough to send

her to the operating theatre. I didnt see her for awhile, but once she
came back, she was bandaged completely from the head down. She
couldnt speak, and her eyes were bruised. During her operation, there
was lots of screaming. They told us not to mind it, but I knew
something was wrong.Im scared, but I dont show it. I didnt know
the girl too much, and I didnt know why she was here, but I knew it
was for something much worse than me. Some say she was possessed
She didnt seem normal from the start, but then again, none of us are
really sane. I hate these feelings.
They tell me not to worry, that itll all be over soon, but Im not too
sure. My head tells me differently. It tells me that theyre going to
hurt me, but the pain is something I deserve. I dont like having too
many opinions. I never wanted to come here in the first place.
I tried talking to the girl again. She still couldnt talk, but she was
able to write a bit. I could tell no one ever taught her how to spell.
I took it upon myself to try and help her, though it probably wouldnt
do much good. She didnt understand what I was trying to say to her.
She did seem capable of drawing though. We started with that.
It didnt take me long to figure out what theyd done to her. Holes in
her head. Searing pain. A complete loss of self. Maybe she was
possessed. Maybe they removed the demons. Maybe shed be able to get
out someday.
I was wrong. She died in her sleep a few nights later.

Common Illnesses Plaguing The ,Mind

With a constantly growing knowledge database, comes a constant sense to be up to date with the
variety of new information coming along each and everyday. Sure, there are illnesses that have
been common since the dawn of time, however, with an constantly growing population comes a
constantly growing need for mind doctors. Fear not, young researcher of the sick! Here is your
insight on everything you needed to know about anything afflicting the brain.

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