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Tx: UTI, septicemia, meningitis, STI (syphilis), Pneumonia and other resp infections
Prescribed as a prophylaxis for Potential secondary bacterial infection and Potential
infection in high-risk patients
Adverse Reactions gastrointestinal

Glossitis (inflammation of the tongue)

Stomatitis (inflammation of the mouth)
dry mouth
abdominal pain
hypersensitivity reactions

anaphylactic shock
cross sensitivity/cross allergenicity
contraindications: pts with hypersensitivity to penicillin or cephalosporins
caution: pts with renal disease, asthma, bleeding disorders, gastrointestinal
disease,pregnancy or lactation, history of allergies.

D/D Int: Oral contraceptives-decrease effectiveness.

tetracyclines- decrease effectiveness
anticoagulants-increase bleeding risk

cephalosporins: effective in the treatment of all strains of bacteria affected by penicillins

and some strains resistant to penicillins.
Tx: urinary tract infections, bone/joint, and respiratory infections, otitis media,
genitourinary tract.
Adverse Reactions: Headache; dizziness; malaise; heartburn; fever; nephrotoxicity;
hypersensitivity; aplastic anemia; toxic epidermal necrolysis
What percent of people allergic to penicillin are allergic to cephalosporins?
Caution: pts with renal disease, hepatic impairment, bleeding disorder, pregnancy.

D/D Int: aminoglycosides-increase risk for nephrotoxicity.


oral anticoagulants-increase risk for bleeding

loop diuretic- increase cephalosporin blood level

Nursing alert for cephalosporins

alcohol within 72 hours.

THey can have a horrible reaction when mixed with

Carbapenems: inhibit synthesis of the bacterial cell wall

Vancomycin: inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis and increases cell wall permeability
Adverse Reactions: rash, abscess, tissue sloughing, or phlebitis at the injection site
Contraindicated: patients with renal failure; children younger than 3 years;
pregnant/lactating women
Caution: CNS disorders, seizure disorder, renal or hepatic failure

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