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if a country has a health culture, what does it mean?

Does singapore have a health culture?

Does RGS have a health culture?
1. health culture refers to the health-related attitude of the people. If a country has a good health
culture, it means that its citizens are aware of their health and fitness, and know how to maintain
i thought it was a system to maintain health
Acceptable weight range?

2. Yes no maybe so. Singaporeans are very aware that most (i.e. all) of our favourite hawker
foods could potentially cause heart disease.
3. *laughs sarcastically* RGS has a culture of healthy people, where this group of people are
very mindful of their health due to CCA diets and other personal reasons. And, yknow, general
health. And then theres us in the clubs and societies where we generally get whatever we have
to do done then we go to pizza hut or something and have a party ((people who have money))
haha wat is money even

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