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HVAC for Large Spaces: The Sustainable Benefits of HVLS (High Volume/Low Speed)
In the face of common wisdom that higher fan speeds deliver better cooling effect, HVLS fans are
proven to be considerably more effective and energy efficient for large spaces.
December 2009

Sponsored by MacroAir Technologies

Karin Tetlow
For centuries, people living in hot climates have known the cooling powers of
slowly moving air. Large ceiling fans were favored in southern antebellum
dining rooms, and in British India, servants used a foot to push overhead
swinging fans called punkas.
With the advent of the electric motor, fans were among the first devices to be
mechanized. Thinking that moving more air was better for cooling, engineers
increased the speed of fans in order to increase air displacement. But as anyone
knows, a gentle breeze is cooling, while a wind is unpleasant and disruptive - as
unfortunate diners in excessively cooled and draughty hotel banquet rooms will
testify. Air speed beyond four or five miles per hour usually offers little, if any,
additional cooling benefit. In fact, in very hot, low humidity conditions, very
slow moving air cools and ventilates best.
Until a couple of decades ago, large spaces were mostly cooled by small
high-speed fans that didn't cover a wide enough area. They were inefficient,
consumed excessive and costly energy, and required ongoing maintenance. In
1995 mechanical engineer and race car designer Walter Boyd applied the law of
physics to how ceiling fans cool and developed what are now known as
High-Volume/Low-Speed, or HVLS, fans for use in large open spaces in
commercial, institutional, industrial, and agricultural buildings.
For some designers, raised in the belief that cooling and heating is delivered via
HVAC systems or not at all, the application of HVLS fans for cooling large
spaces was, and still is, new and virtually unknown. Just as significant for
engineers who are aware of the effectiveness of fans is the fact that it is the
aerodynamic design of the fan blade itself that impacts airflow.

Continuing Education
Use the following learning objectives to focus
your study while reading this months
Continuing Education article.
Learnin g Objectives - After reading this
article, you will be able to:
1. Explain how the simple physics of
moving air makes HVLS fans a low
energy, more sustainable alternative to
traditional high-speed fan and HVAC
2. Identify the numerous applications
where HVLS fans offer an equal or
better alternative to traditional HVAC
3. Identify the design aspects and
ventilation benefits of HVLS fans that
contribute to sustainability and
LEED credits.
4. Specify HVLS fans that efficiently meet
client and user needs.

The key metric for evaluating fan effectiveness is the amount of air moved, measured in cubic feet (of air moved) per minute (CFM).
Performance is based on the energy cost of moving that amount of air.

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Six-blade HVLS fan cools the wine tasting room in the

OSO Libre Winery, Paso Robles, CA
Photo courtesy of MacroAir Technologies

The physics of cooling air is relatively simple (for a more detailed explanation see sidebar The Physics of Moving Air - on page 2).
Displacement, the amount of air actually moved through a fan, is not the whole story. Instead it is the downstream effects of that air
movement that are important. Also important is the fact that a large column of air travels farther than a small one. HVLS fans
generate a large column of air that gently flows down to the ground and outward along the floor plane in all directions - if unimpeded
- 360 degrees. The large, slow moving air mass moves throughout the space, mixing, circulating and cooling air efficiently, without
generating a great deal of noise and dust.
In cooler weather, when the fan is close to the ceiling or when the direction of blade rotation is reversed, the benefits obtained for
cooling are equally applicable to heating. The physics are the same, only in reverse. Warm air is mixed with cooler air and distributed
efficiently (Pignet and Saxena, quoted in Report on Measurement, 23, see References).
Energy Efficiency of HVLS Fans
Calculations based on ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers) data and conservative
facility design criteria (see Heat Savings Chart on page 7) show a five year return on investment after installing HVLS fans of $11,530
in Minneapolis, MN, and $5,350 in St. Louis, MO. In one actual 'before' and 'after' study, data show average energy cost savings
averaging 49 percent plus consequent reductions in the generation of CO2 and carbon (see table: CO2, Carbon and Cost Savings
After Installing HVLS Fans on page 8).
Airflow Pattern From A 24-ft Diameter
2 Horsepower, 6-Blade Hvls Fan

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Airflow nearest the fan hub (green) drops and extends over 100 feet, the furthest compared
with airflow from the end of the fan (blue), which reaches only half the distance.
Image courtesy MacroAir Technologies

Airflow Pattern Resulting From 24-ft 2 Horsepower Blade

With Winglets

Airflow drawn into the fan (red and blue) drops with an irregular flow and extends a shorter
horizontal distance compared with the airflow moved by a fan with no winglets. Note the
absence of air dropping close to the fan's hub (no green). (Santolucito, see References)
Image courtesy MacroAir Technologies

HVLS fans are best suited for large, mostly open spaces with a minimum ceiling height of 15 feet. Studies by mechanical efficiency
experts (Report on Measurement, see References) show that HVLS fans are the most energy efficient air circulating fans available.
High-speed fans focus on using their speed to increase air displacement. According to the fan laws, a common subset of the laws of
physics, the power to drive a fan is equal to the cube of the speed. If you double the speed of a fan, it requires (2 times 2 times 2) or 8
times the amount of electrical power. For example, a high speed commercial fan delivering air at 20 mph requires about 64 times as
much power as one of the same size delivering air at five mph. HVLS fans, on the other hand, focus on using size, not speed, to move
air. The Air Movement and Control Association International (AMCA), the body that certifies fan performance has defined airflow
(CFM) as a function of fan diameter and thrust. Under this AMCA formula, increasing either diameter or thrust results in an increase
in CFM; increasing thrust requires more input power, while increasing diameter does not. Regardless of diameter, all HVLS fans in
the same series (for example, 1 HP fans) use the same motor and draw approximately the same current through the controller. This
means that doubling the size of a fan requires less than twice the power.
A number of independent studies reveal that a few HVLS fans can provide as much air movement in a given space as several
high-speed fans. One such study, performed at UC Davis, determined that two 20-ft 1HP fans were as effective as twelve 3-ft
high-speed fans at ventilating a 200-cow pen, while providing an 86% reduction in electrical consumption (Shultz, 1). This kind of
efficient performance translates into any environment, not just commercial dairies.
Additionally, considering the sheer mechanics of moving air with conventional forced air units in something like a 200,000 sq. ft.
warehouse with 30-ft ceilings is very revealing. In addition to the size (tonnage) of the unit required for such a large space, an

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enormous amount of ducting would be needed for merely adequate coverage. In addition several supplementary fans would be
required to move the air nearly 30 feet to the floor and feed it back to the system. All this would create both high initial and high
energy costs and make maintenance difficult and costly - all very good reasons why many people choose to go without any air-moving
system. HVLS fans, on the other hand, are designed to move air in just this type of space without the huge up-front investment or the
follow-on operating and maintenance costs. This makes them an excellent alternative or supplement to forced air units in large
HVLS fans reduce thermal loads, electricity use, and mechanical heating and cooling times. Because HVLS fans circulate air so
efficiently, they reduce the load of a building's HVAC system in many ways. In spaces with large, relatively open floor plans,
air-conditioned air can be moved farther with less ductwork and even reduced tonnage. Heated air from radiant heaters can be
circulated more efficiently with HVLS fans reducing or eliminating pooling, and increasing the efficiency of the heaters while
potentially reducing the number of heaters required. Thanks to the destratifying effect (mixing of air in order to eliminate layers of air
at different temperatures) of HVLS fans, thermostats can be adjusted to more energy-efficient settings. The same number of air
exchanges - which means the same air quality - can be achieved with fewer ventilation fans due to the high volume of air moved by
energy efficient HVLS fans.
Adding solar
In 2010, standalone solar-powered HVLS fans will become available. Energy operating costs of these models will approach zero. In
addition to many applications in a range of building types, they could be well suited for facilities that require constant cooling or
refrigeration. In cold storage or refrigerated rooms, they can continue to operate during power outages or intentional shutdowns
during the hottest times of the day. This can reduce the chance of the product warming above unsatisfactory temperature levels due
to stratification (the building up of layers of air at different temperatures.)
LEED Credits
As of September 1, 2009, 45 states, 194 localities, 13 federal agencies or departments, 17 public school jurisdictions and 39
institutions of higher education have adopted various LEED initiatives and
requirement ( Since heating and cooling systems make up a
large part of a building's energy use, HVLS fans can make a significant contribution to cutting those costs while increasing the
effectiveness of the building's HVAC system. LEED v.3 categories where HVLS fans can contribute to prerequisites and points are:
Energy and Atmosphere (35 possible points), Indoor Environmental Quality (15 possible points) and Innovation in Design (6
possible points.)
There are two major categories of HVLS fans: more efficient, lower horsepower (3/8 HP to 1 HP) models specifically designed to
enhance the comfort of people, and higher horsepower (1-2 HP) models best suited for extreme moisture or wet conditions and
areas where some turbulence is acceptable.
When used as a stand-alone cooling system, HVLS fans can provide a cooling effect equal to a reduction in temperature of up to 8
degrees F. within the fan's coverage area of up to 20,000 sq ft per 2HP 24-ft fan. (Report on Measurement, 3, see References)
More efficient, lower horsepower HVLS fans. 3/8HP to 1HP, often with six blades, 8-ft to 24-ft in diameter, deliver non-disruptive
cooling that helps improve productivity and comfort of the work environment. AMCA testing (non-certified) shows that one
manufacturer's 24-foot, 6-blade, 1HP HVLS fan produces 275,694 CFM. When installed at a height of 18-ft, as in the AMCA test, this
is an effective coverage area of over 15,000 sq. ft., with an average calculated airspeed of only 609 ft/minute. By comparison, another
manufacturer's 30-inch high speed 1HP fan delivers 12,000 CFM at an average calculated airspeed of 4,800 ft/minute. When used in
conjunction with air conditioning or evaporative cooling systems, these lower-horsepower HVLS fans can efficiently circulate cooled
air throughout the structure.
The Physics of Moving Air

Called a horizontal floor jet, the deep wall of horizontal

moving air is relative to the diameter of a fan and, to a

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lesser degree, the speed of a fan. Once the floor jet

reaches its potential, it migrates outward until it meets a
side wall or other vertical surface. There it continues to
entrain and circulate additional air. Under ideal
conditions, an 8-ft fan produces a floor jet of air
approximately 36 inches deep. A 24-ft fan produces a
floor jet 108 inches deep.
Image courtesy of MacroAir Technologies

A large column of air travels' farther than a small one. The friction between moving and stationary air occurs
at the periphery of the moving column. The perimeter of a column varies directly with the diameter. And while
the cross-sectional area varies with the square of the diameter, the large column has proportionately less
periphery, and therefore, less drag.' The air column from a 3-ft diameter fan has more than 6 times as much
friction interface' per cubic foot as the air column from a 20-ft fan.
When the down column of air off a HVLS air circulating fan reaches the floor the air turns in the horizontal
direction, following the floor, away from the column in all directions. The air flowing outward is called the
horizontal floor jet.' The height of the floor jet is determined by the diameter of the column of air. The larger
the HVLS air circulating fan, the larger the column and the higher the floor jet.

HVLS fans provide superior benefits in many situations:

For hot months in facilities without air conditioning. Slowly moving air at three to five miles per hour breaks up the moisturesaturated boundary layer surrounding the body; this accelerates evaporation to produce a cooling effect.
Where an excessive amount of heat has risen and become trapped near the ceiling. Trapped heat stagnates and interferes with
proper ventilation. HVLS fans circulate the trapped heat, continually forcing it to circulate down and throughout the structure
without creating an uncomfortable windy effect.
In un-insulated buildings and those with large open doors and/or open-sides.
For operations which produce smoke or fumes requiring continuous ventilation, such as welding and fabrication, metal casting
and forging, or painting and finishing.
In large, sparsely populated warehouses where air-conditioning would be wasteful.
Where the dehydrating effect of air-conditioning is undesirable, for example, in commercial bakeries, operations requiring the
application of chemicals, or produce handling/packing operations.
Where the installation of air-conditioning would disrupt operations.
For example, renovations in large factories where existing machinery will not be removed, or shipping/receiving operations where
conveyor systems would interfere with installing ducting.
Anywhere the costs of air-conditioning are prohibitive or irrecoverable.
For instance, aircraft hangars or facilities over 500,000 sq ft.
For even-air distribution in buildings with conventional evaporative coolers.
Higher horsepower HVLS fans.1 or 2 HP, often fitted with six blades, 20-ft to 24-ft in diameter, are an efficient and cost-effective
alternative when higher velocities are required or where extreme moisture, bacteria, mold, mildew, and wet conditions, such as wet
floors, exist in, for example, food processing plants.
Adding HVAC.Under moderate heat conditions, industrial-size HVLS fans can be run without air conditioning, which reduces energy
consumption and cuts operating costs while still producing a pleasant open-air environment. However, they can also be used with
more traditional HVAC systems, new or existing, to increase the efficiency of the overall system.
On hot days, since slow-moving air produces a cooling effect, they can be run with the air-conditioning thermostat set 10 degrees
to 15 degrees warmer for equivalent cooling effect (See Chart For 24 Foot Diameter 2 Hp 6 Blade Fan on page 1).
Due to better air mixing, HVLS fans provide adequate ventilation while requiring less cooled air to be replaced with hot air from
In a system designed around HVLS fans, cool air distribution costs will consequently be reduced.

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In new construction, the cost of the industrial fans may be completely offset by the elimination of expensive ducting and the
reduction in required air-conditioning capacity.
Cutting heating costs with HVLS fans. In most commercial and industrial buildings heaters are mounted overhead so as to not
interfere with working space. Unfortunately, this results in a heat gradient differential or heat stratification of 10 degrees F to 35
degrees F from the floor to the ceiling depending on the height of the ceiling. While running an HVLS fan in forward mode will draw
heated air down, more air is drawn in from the sides of the fan than the top, leaving some warm air undisturbed close to the ceiling.
On the other hand, an HVLS fan run in reverse clears warm air off the ceiling, pushing it to the walls and down to the floor, which
provides a more even distribution of heat from top to bottom - especially important when employees are working at different levels
within a generally open structure.
Winter Destratification

HVLS fans help to destratify heat levels in winter. For every foot of ceiling height,
temperatures rise .5 to 1 degree (Sad, McDonald, and Durrant). A space with a 25-ft ceiling
could have a variance of 12 to 25 degrees from ceiling to floor.
Image courtesy MacroAir Technologies

Following are some of the benefits of HVLS fans for heating:

More effective and energy efficient than the high-speed fans that are typically used to draw warm air down from high-mounted
Thermostats are effectively lowered and heating costs reduced. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, for each degree the
thermostat setting can be lowered, a three percent reduction in fuel consumption can be achieved (
Virtually eliminates the pool of overheated air above the heaters, thus reducing heat loss through roof vents and skylights and
increasing heater efficiency.
Provides adequate ventilation while requiring less heated air to be replaced with cold air from outside.
Mixes air to eliminate hot and cold spots on the floor as well as overall stratification - especially important in buildings where
people are working at different elevations.
Quiet and non-disruptive operation.
In new construction, the cost of HVLS commercial fans may be completely offset by elimination of ducting, HVAC tonnage, and
auxiliary system fans.

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Due to the Coanda effect, which is the tendency of a fluid jet to be attracted to a nearby surface (in physics, air is considered a fluid),
fresh air tends to travel from the inlet opening (door, window or vent) to the exhaust fan along the path of least resistance, typically
up the wall, across the ceiling, and out through the fan. This means that most of the air that is exhausted from the building is the
fresh air that has just been drawn in instead of the stale air that was supposed to be exhausted. Since HVLS fans continually mix the
air in a space, stale air gets mixed with the incoming fresh air and exhausted, so less incoming air is required to produce the correct
number of air exchanges in any given building.
This reduced volume requirement:
Reduces the number of high-speed exhaust fans needed, in some cases eliminating them altogether, cutting exhaust fan power
consumption accordingly. (ASHRAE Standard 62)
Reduces the loss of heated or cooled air since less "virgin" air must be drawn in from outside - thus reducing heating or
air-conditioning costs.
Compared with helicopters and airplanes, ceiling fans arouse little curiosity as to what makes them work. Yet they follow the same
complex principles of aerodynamics and must be constructed in such a way that they are both efficient and do not negatively interfere
with other environmental fields. As Jeff Johnson, Applications Engineer at MacroAir Technologies and former race car builder, says,
"When I took a job to work on fans, I thought it would be boring. But between air and electricity and electronics they have come up
with real surprises. There's a lot more going on than meets the eye. You'd think something as basic as a fan would be simple, but it's
the devil in the details." CFM rating, airfoil blade design, EMI compliancy, and solidity ratios are some of those details. Design
professionals should be acquainted with them when evaluating HVLS fans.
CFM ratings
The amount of air that passes through the swept area of a fan is measured as a volume of air over a period of time, usually expressed
in cubic feet per minute, or CFM. This metric is generally referred to as CFM for the sake of convenience and consistency. Measuring
the CFM of a very large-diameter fan is challenging because of its sheer size and the low pressures created by HVLS fans. The
accepted method of obtaining this performance measurement is to measure the thrust, or force the fan produces as a reaction to the
air it is moving, and use a formula to convert that number to CFM. In order to measure thrust, an apparatus that measures force,
must be installed between the fan and its mounting point on a structure. As most manufacturers build their own testing equipment,
their results can vary, sometimes widely.
Air Performance Certified Ratings

Click on image to see details, (PDF).

AMCA, a non-profit international association of air system equipment manufacturers, measures and certifies the performance of all
types of air moving equipment, including HVLS fans. They have built equipment especially for measuring the thrust of large HVLS
fans, following ANSI's testing guidelines. Some HVLS manufacturers have hired AMCA to test their fans' performance and certify
those 12 feet in diameter and below. Unfortunately, larger fans cannot be certified because to meet ANSI requirements, such
certification would require a room whose length and width would each be twice the diameter of the fan, and AMCA's testing facility
lacks a large enough room to certify fans larger than 12 feet in diameter.
Different manufacturers describe the performance of their fans in different ways. Some use measured thrust value, converted CFM
value, and/or AMCA certified values when listing their fans' airflow. Others do not describe how their fans' performance is measured.
When evaluating HVLS fan performance, it is important to consider how much effort a manufacturer has made to ensure that their
numbers are accurate.
Airfoil blade design
The original HVLS fans had ten blades manufactured from extruded aluminum. Recent developments have been made to reduce the
number of blades (to six, for example) and improve their design. One such redesigned airfoil blade has all the properties and
attributes of the original design with the addition of an anodized finish, which increases surface tension and makes the surface less

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porous and therefore resistant to corrosion. It also has a much longer chord length that yields more air flow and higher mechanical
efficiencies. (The chord' is a line that touches the circumference of an imaginary circle drawn around the profile of a fan blade in
its installed position at two points. The longest chord length is from the leading edge of the blade to the trailing edge of the blade and
represents the surface that moves air.)
EMI and RFI compliancy

Example of hollow extruded aluminum airfoil blade

used in recent HVLS models has a longer chord length
than earlier models.
Image courtesy of MacroAir Technologies

Just as electromagnetic energy radiated by laptops and personal digital devices might interfere with an airliner's avionics, so design
professionals should be aware of the potential for electromagnetic interference (EMI) or radio frequency interference (RFI) from
HVLS fans. Unless several steps are taken to reduce the EMI or RFI produced by a fan's controller and motor, they have the potential
for disrupting any or all electronic systems within a building. Because virtually all facilities rely on some level of computerization, any
interference could have serious repercussions. These steps include using an input filter on the controller, using shielded motor cable
between the controller and the fan, and reducing the length of the cable run between the controller and the fan (which also increases
the life of the fan's motor and gearbox). The best solution is to use fans from manufacturers who have taken these steps for the
customer, making their standard package compliant. Retrofitting a non-compliant installation can be difficult and costly, and doing
so can risk losing the warranty due to controller modification. Paying extra for optional equipment drives up the price of the fan, and
adding non-standard equipment can also increase installation costs. With this in mind, design professionals should ask
manufacturers if their fans as sold are compliant with worldwide RFI and EMI standards and FCC part #15 legislation or whether
optional additional equipment is needed to achieve compliancy.
Solidity Ratio
From an engineer's perspective, fans are viewed in plan and in motion. They appear as a disc - known as a rotor disc' - where
blade and hub are indistinguishable. Solidity ratio' refers to the obstruction potential of the rotor disc and is determined by the
total area of the blades and the width of the blades plus the size of the solid hub section (the solid' component of the rotor disc)
compared with the total area of the rotor disc. In general, if the fan has more blades and/or its blades are wide, its solidity ratio is
higher. If a fan has fewer blades and/or the blades are narrow extrusions, its solidity ratio is lower.
The NFPA provides very specific guidelines regarding potential fire sprinkler obstructions, including moving HVLS fans. While
research and testing are currently being conducted to determine if these rules need to be changed, they will no doubt continue to be
an important consideration when selecting fans. The solidity ratio of a fan is a major component of the NFPA guidelines; therefore,
since fans with lower solidity ratios offer less potential sprinkler obstruction, they are preferred to fans with higher solidity ratios.
Published solidity ratios vary from approximately 30 percent to 70 percent, so design professionals should check with
manufacturers to learn the solidity ratios for particular models (NFPA research is available at

Typical 10-blade one-piece cast aluminum hub (left);

New model 6-Blade Hybrid Hub (right)
Image courtesy of MacroAir Technologies

Motors. Typically, HVLS fans are powered by 1HP to 2 HP insulated motors. For ease of maintenance and replacement, design

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professionals should consider manufacturers who use only over-the-counter gearboxes and motors and non-custom frames, hubs,
bushings, and safety systems. In addition, standard forward and reverse modes for use in both hot and cold weather helps maximize
the customer's ROI.
Hubs. A typical HVLS fan hub is a one-piece cast aluminum unit with integral "winglets" to hold the blades. New designs are
emerging, however. One company uses an innovative hybrid hub with a cast aluminum body and, in place of "winglets", bolt-on blade
struts made from extruded aluminum to allow for easy installation and replacement of a damaged blade. Some hub designs allow the
blades to be easily turned over in order to blow air upward, allowing the fan to be reversed more efficiently.

Example of a free floating mount for an HVLS fan. This

type of mount is vibration resistant, can be mounted at
nearly any angle, and can be adapted for beams of
various sizes and construction.
Image courtesy of MacroAir Technologies

Mounting system. Typical mounting systems for HVLS fans consist of several pieces. In general, these include a yoke that attaches to
the beam in some fashion, a second yoke that bolts to the fan's motor frame, and a post or universal joint to attach the two together.
It is important to be sure that any mounting system include safety cables and guy wires that are easy to install and strong enough to
support the hanging weight of the fan. Some issues that often arise when placing HVLS fans into various kinds of structures include
attaching the fan to either an angled beam, glued laminated timber construction, or an oversized beam. Mounting options for each of
these should be available at little to no added cost. It is also important to specify a mounting system that does not transmit vibration
to the building structure.
Reliability and durability. Always an indication of the reliability and durability of any product, length of warranty is a useful measure
for design professionals. HVLS fan manufacturers offer warranties that vary from 3 to 12 years for service life. Some manufacturers
also offer a lifetime warranty on items such as motor frames, hubs, bushings, and safety systems. When a fan is manufactured using
standard motor and gearbox components, parts are easier (therefore cheaper) to replace and cost less if replacement is required after
the warranty period expires. Design professionals should also ask about materials and methods used in constructing such parts as
motor frames and mount components, as these can also vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Finally, they should ask how
extensively a manufacturer works with its suppliers to ensure that components are perfectly matched for each model.
Sizes and finishes. Standard fan sizes start at 8-ft and go to 24-ft in 2-ft increments. Most manufacturers offer custom colors and
finishes for most components, including faux wood finishes and color anodizing.

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Components of a typical six-blade HVLS fan

Image courtesy of MacroAir Technologies

Boyd's original challenge was to help create an efficient system to cool dairy cattle in California (dairy cattle stop eating when they
suffer from heat stress, with the result that milk production slows or ceases). Yet HVLS fans have multiple applications, including
cooling in commercial, manufacturing, and distribution facilities,
schools, government buildings, and innumerable one-of-a-kind spaces - plus the capability to interface with most building
management systems. When used with traditional heating systems, they contribute energy savings, especially in colder regions.
Some areas have special utility incentives that may be available after installing energy-efficient HVLS fans.
Installation basics
HVLS fans are best suited where ceilings are at least 15 ft high.
Allowance for fan clearance: 3 ft but 5 ft is optimal
Allowance for blade clearance: 15% of fan diameter or more
Power source: 208-230 single or three phase, 480 volt three phase
The solar fan does not need line power or grid power.
For a 100,000 sq. ft. facility, typically five to ten fans will provide optimal airflow and coverage. Most manufacturers have engineers
on staff who will estimate fan needs according to the requirements of individual facilities. (See chart "Typical Fan Diameters and
Specifications" on page 9)
Manufacturing, assembly, and production
In these types of facilities, HVLS fans offer several benefits. Their cooling and destratification effects can improve employee comfort
in all kinds of seasons while reducing the need for heating or air conditioning. Their ability to effectively circulate air provides
efficient removal of light airborne contaminants such as smoke, reducing the load on air handling equipment. The slow moving air
they produce provides these other benefits without the detriment of disturbing papers and settled dust and particulate debris.

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Heat savings is based on ASHRAE data (city-specific heating degree days, current natural gas cost estimates per
BTU ($11.30 per 1000 cu ft), conservative facility design criteria and a ceiling height of 20-ft). Return on
investment (ROI) and net present value (NPV) assumes an installed cost of $5,500 per fan and an annual
interest rate of 6 percent. No energy cost increase over five years is assumed. Actual installed fan costs per 20,000
sq ft of facility may vary.
Image courtesy of MacroAir Technologies

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Six-blade 14-ft HVLS fan cooling the service center at

Mercedes Benz of Beverly Hills, Beverly Hills, CA.
Image courtesy of MacroAir Technologies

Distribution and warehousing

In these large, ever-changing environments requiring open doors, obstructive machinery, and almost constant movement, heating,
cooling, and proper ventilation are often challenging undertakings. HVLS fans can help by providing ventilation in areas that are far
from side walls or hemmed in by equipment. They can circulate air from air conditioning or heating systems to hard-to-reach or
reconfigurable spaces without requiring extensive ducting systems. In addition, they can be positioned to provide ventilation for
people working inside trailers and containers without creating an uncomfortable windy sensation.
Cold rooms
Cold rooms present their own unique challenges. Temperatures stratify in these rooms just as in other areas, forcing cooling units to
do extra work. HVLS fans destratify the air, allowing the cooling units to do less work. They also help circulate the air over and
through product racks, improving the effectiveness of the cooling units. Solar-powered HVLS fans can continue to operate during
power outages or intentional shutdowns, reducing the chance of the product warming to unsatisfactory levels.

Commercial facilities
From big box retailers and shopping malls to auto dealerships, auditoriums, and sports complexes, customers must be kept
comfortable. This is usually achieved by installing substantial air-conditioning and heating systems, often supplemented with small
high-speed fans. HVLS fans can reduce the tonnage requirements for HVAC systems in these spaces because they do what they were
designed to do: circulate air effectively and efficiently and provide a cooling effect in the process.
Agricultural applications such as horse and dairy barns
High temperatures have an adverse affect on both workers and animals. In high stakes horse barns and other animal environments
deficient cooling and ventilation can negatively impact performance. In commercial dairy barns, for example, repeated studies have
found that HVLS barn fans lower temperatures by 6-8 degrees F, resulting in significant increases in milk production. In addition,
lower temperatures reduce spoilage and encourage flying insects to stay away or keep on the ground. Birds also react to large slow
moving fan blades and stay outside. In cooler months, HVLS fans redistribute warmer air generated by animals, increasing comfort

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for both animals and workers without requiring a significant investment in expensive heating equipment.
One-of-a-kind spaces
HVLS fans have been used in a wide variety of unique spaces, from churches to fitness centers. Most manufacturers are happy to
work with architects and engineers to develop custom solutions for all sorts of situations. HVLS fans allow designers to think outside
the box because they can be adapted to many different environments.
By employing the physics that explain the effectiveness of a centuries-old method of cooling, manufacturers of High Volume/Low
Speed fans offer a viable option for architects and designers seeking sustainable design. As a standalone cooling system or in
conjunction with HVAC, they provide an efficient, cost-effective solution to cooling and heating large open spaces that enhances the
comfort and productivity of occupants. Yielding documented cost savings, HVLS fans contribute to LEED certification and building
system economies in many building types including manufacturing, production, warehousing, commercial and numerous one of a
kind spaces such as churches and gymnasiums. When specifying HVLS fans, design professionals should take into account not only
the amount of air moved or maximum effective area, but also details such as mounting system safety and usability, EMI/RFI
compliancy, and warranted service and component life.

ASHRAE. ASHRAE Standard 62. Comprehensive summary
"Report on Measurement of the Air Velocities from Industrial Ceiling Mounted, and Floor Mounted
Fans for HVLS Fan Company." Marietta, GA. 2001.
Sad, M.N.A, R.A. MacDonald, and G.C. Durrant. Measurement of Thermal Stratification in Large
Single-Cell Buildings
Santolucito, Phillip. Memo to Tom Helms, MacroAir Technologies.
San Bernardino, CA. 6/23/09
Schirmer Engineering. HVLS Fans and Sprinkler Operation Phase 1 Research Program: Final Report
Shultz, Tom. Abstract-21st Annual Dairy Day, March 20, 2002, Animal Sciences Dept., UC Davis:
Electric Power Saving Options for Cow Cooling

7/5/2011 7:23 AM

McGraw-Hill Construction - Continuing Education Center

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Founded by Walter Boyd, the inventor of HVLS commercial fan technology,

and a family-owned company since its inception in 1995, MacroAir combines
technology with a unique application of the laws of physics to produce
air-circulating fans for use in large industrial, commercial, and
agricultural/farm buildings. For more information about MacroAir
Technologies visit:

Originally published in the December 2009 issue of Architectural Record

7/5/2011 7:23 AM

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