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(1 Thessalonians 5:17)
Jesus told his apostles at the garden of Gethsemane, Pray that you
may not undergo the test. (Luke 22:40) St. John XXIII taught, The very
order of things therefore, demands that during this sacred season we pray
earnestly to Him who by His bitter passion and death washed away men's
sins, which are the fountainhead of discord, misery and inequality; to Him
who shed His blood to reconcile the human race to the heavenly Father,
and bestowed the gifts of peace. (Pacem en Terris, 169) St. John Paul II
said, Praying thus, the Church unceasingly professes her faith that there
exists in our created world a Spirit who is an uncreated gift. He is the
Spirit of the Father and of the Son: like the Father and the Son he is
uncreated, without limit, eternal, omnipotent, God, Lord. (Dominum et
Vivificantem, 67)
Pope Benedict XVI also exhorted, Clearly, the Christian who prays
does not claim to be able to change God's plans or correct what he has
foreseen. Rather, he seeks an encounter with the Father of Jesus Christ,
asking God to be present with the consolation of the Spirit to him and his
work. (Deus Caritas Est, 37)
Pope Francis also tells us, When
evangelizers rise from prayer, their hearts are more open; freed of selfabsorption, they are desirous of doing good and sharing their lives with
others. (Evangelii Gaudium, 282)
The Saints of the Church and our Church leaders have found the
treasure and lived out prayer in their lives. Therefore, it is but fitting for
us in Ang Buhing Pulong Community whose primary commitment is to
pray, to take heed of this great gift of relationship with our God who
reveals Himself to us in Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. When we
pray, we come to know more about God, know more about ourselves and
know more about our community.
This prayer guide is composed of three introductory meditations
from September 14 16, 2014 to prepare each member to receive Gods
word and thirty days of prayer on the themes of the Images of Jesus from
September 17 October 16, 2014 and an anniversary prayer on October
17, 2014 as we celebrate our 28 th anniversary of Ang Buhing Pulong
Community to bring us to the Word of God in scripture to live out our
commitment, to nourish our relationship with Him who is the Living Word
of and for the Church. The prayer guide is rooted in scriptures, the basic
instructions from God through the Holy Spirit. We reflect, we meditate,
we commune, we celebrate and we cherish Gods presence in our lives and

amongst us. The scripture passages are already included so that this
prayer guide will be convenient and handy for all the members to bring
even if they go on travel during these days of prayer. It is advised that
the prayers be done in the morning, reflected the whole day through and
repeated in the evening. It is good for the member to write the results of
his/her prayers on his/her journal which can be useful during sharing of
Gods abiding presence.
As St. Paul further exhorts the Romans and every believer, In the
same way, the Spirit too comes to the aid of our weakness; for we do not
know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit itself intercedes with
inexpressible groanings. (Romans 8:26) We therefore rely on the Spirit
of Jesus and the Father to lead us to Him, who is our God, our all. God
bless everyone!

September 14, 2014

The Power in Gods Words
(Hebrews 4:12 13)
Indeed the word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged
sword, penetrating even between soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and
able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart. No creature is
concealed from him, but everything is naked and exposed to the eyes of
him to whom we must render and account.
Lord God, help me start this period of intense prayer in an attitude
of confident and unselfish generosity and to offer you, my God and
Creator, my entire enthusiasm and my freedom to act, so that in regard to
myself and to my various spiritual exercise, you may arrange according to
your good pleasure the circumstances in which they may serve you.
Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of all inordinate
attachments, and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my
role in the Paschal Mystery of your Son.
Slowly read Hebrew 4: 12-13 and prayerfully consider how the Word
of God the divine message of salvation in Christ Jesus has the power to
lay open to man Gods intention and purpose for him. Truly God

continuously invite man to believe in his message and to preserve in living

out his message. Hid message indeed is saving, but also one that judges,
since it condemns those who refuse to listen. But the Christian who holds
fast to his faith in Jesus, as high priest, have no fear even of his own
weakness, for his appeal is to a high priest who understands the human
condition from his own suffering and temptation, sin excepted. Reflect
how true this has been in your own life. How often you take Gods word,
and, yet, through Christs saving actions, God has continually poured out
on you his tremendous love and mercy. Speak to God, your Father, and to
Christ, His Son and your Brother, to allow you during this period of intense
prayer to have the power of the word of the Spirit to discern what He wills
to reveal to you and to generously respond to His message. Ask Him to
remove all ill-ordered attachments or hostilities in you may prevent you
from understanding His message.
In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from
Hebrew, do not rush on any of them. Give each idea or insights as much
time as you wish. Let God gently convince you of the power of His word to
reveal to you what he wants you to understand during this period of
prayer in preparation for the 28th anniversary of ABP and how you shall
respond to His concrete personal message to you. Be wrapped and lost in
His presence and express to Him whatever feelings have been evoked in
you through the insights He has inspired you to see.
September 15, 2014
Confidence in Gods Words
(Isaiah 40:28 31)
Do you not know or have you heard? The Lord is the eternal God, creator
of the ends of the earth. He does not faint nor grow weary, and his
knowledge is beyond scrutiny. He gives strength to the fainting; for the
weak he makes vigor abound. Though young men faint and grow weary,
and youths stagger and fall, they have hope in the Lord will renew their
strength, they will soar as with eagles wings; they will run and not grow
weary, walk and not grow faint.
Lord God, help me start this period of intense prayer in an attitude
of confident and unselfish generosity and to offer you, my God and
Creator, my entire enthusiasm and my freedom to act, so that in regard to
myself and to my various spiritual exercise, you may arrange according to
your good pleasure the circumstances in which they may serve you.


Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of all inordinate
attachments, and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my
role in the Paschal Mystery of your Son.
Prayerfully consider Isaiah 40:28-31 and reflect on how Gods words
widen mans sense of his own helplessness and deepen His appreciation of
Gods redeeming power. Look into your life, especially since God has called
you to generosity. Also recognize in Gods words how His care and concern
for you reaches our father than you can imagine. With His loving care and
protection, He draws you to Him with greater confidence. Have you got
that confidence in Him? The very fact that you are beginning this period of
intense prayer should inspire you with great confidence. For it is He who
has made you come to this in spite of the fear, the anxiety and the doubt
that may have accompanied your decision. Establish a sincere and honest
dialogue with God through the Spirit of His Son, asking Him to help you
grow in your confidence in Him during this period so that you will have the
courage needed to give yourself totally to Him in the specific vocation to
which He has called you being a member of ABP, in filial trust and loving
In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from Isaiah,
do not rush on any of them. Give each ideas or insight as much time as
you wish. Let God gently convince you that His word can truly give you the
confidence needed to carry you through this period of intense prayer to
prepare for the celebration of the 28 th anniversary of ABP and the courage
to surrender yourself totally to Him in the specific vocation to which He
has called you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence and express to Him
the sense of gratitude and confidence that may have been evoked in you
at the moment.
September 16, 2014
Readiness to Listen to God
(Matthew 17:5 8)
While he was still speaking, behold, a bright cloud cast a shadow over
them, then from the cloud came a voice that said, This is my beloved Son,
with whom I am well pleased; listen to him. when the disciples heard
this, they fell prostrate and were very much afraid. But Jesus came and
touched them, saying, Rise, and do not be afraid. And when the disciples
raised their eyes, they saw no one else but Jesus alone.

Lord God, help me start this period of intense prayer in an attitude
of confident and unselfish generosity and to offer you, my God and
Creator, my entire enthusiasm and my freedom to act, so that in regard to
myself and to my various spiritual exercise, you may arrange according to
your good pleasure the circumstances in which they may serve you.
Lord God, grant me the grace that all my powers and performance in
this period of prayer may be fully oriented in witness and worship of you.
Slowly read Matthew 17:5 8 and prayerfully ponder how one needs
great faith not only to listen to what God wants to reveal but also, and
more importantly, to respond to his message with great love and
confidence. For if one truly wants to be Gods disciple, he need not only
receive His message but also constantly act by it. This is your task: to be
more and more aware of what God wants of you so that you can sincerely
and truly respond to Him to be more and more open to His invitation to
hand over yourself to Him in filial trust and loving obedience. How much
have you been aware of what God wants of you? If not much, is it because
you are not sensitive to his leading? Why not? Is it because you think too
much of yourself? Is it because you lack the basic detachment to be able
to listen to God? If you have been aware of what God wants of you, how
have you responded? Wholeheartedly? Generously? Sincerely? Have you
been open to Gods grace, drawing you more and more to an intimate
relationship of friendship with him? He wants you to be extra generous for
He truly wants you to experience His love, His friendship!
In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from
Matthew, do not rush on any of them. Give each ideas or insight as much
time as you wish. Let God gently convince you that His word can truly give
you the confidence needed to carry you through this period of intense
prayer to prepare for the celebration of the 28 th anniversary of ABP and
the courage to surrender yourself totally to Him in the specific vocation to
which He has called you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence and express
to Him the sense of gratitude and confidence that may have been evoked
in you at the moment.
September 17, 2014
(Luke 11:1 4)

He was praying in a certain place, and when he had finished, one of his
disciples said to him, Lord, teach us to pray just as John taught his
disciples. He said to them, When you pray, say:
Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. Give us each day our
daily bread and forgive us our sins for we ourselves forgive everyone in
debt to us, and do not subject us to the final test.
Lord God, as I enter into the first day of intense prayer for the
celebration of the 28th anniversary of ABP, grant me the grace to know
more of who you are in my life so that I may come to have a deeper
knowledge of who am I. Grant me also the grace to have a deeper
knowledge of the community where you called me to participate, to
celebrate and to share your presence in our midst. I thank you for my
family, this little Church that you allow me to belong. I offer everything
back to you O Lord in this period of prayer.
Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of any distractions,
and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my role in ABP
and in your Church where you allow me to be a member.
Slowly read Luke 11:1-4 and prayerfully consider how the experience
of Jesus as a human being fully devoted to an act of constant and
consistent prayer life. Assess your life, how have you been devoted to the
virtue of prayer. Are you constant and consistent in your life of prayer?
When yo0u pray what do you tell God? What is convenient to you with
Him? Have you experienced Gods presence recently? Talk to God. Be
open to him. Be loving to him, express yourself freely as a son/daughter
expresses himself/herself to his/her parents. Do not be afraid, Jesus
listens intently to what you say.
In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from Luke,
do not rush on any of them. Give each idea or insights as much time as
you wish. Let God gently convince you of the power of His word to reveal
to you what he wants you to understand during this period of prayer for
the 28th anniversary celebration of ABP and how you shall respond to His
concrete personal message to you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence
and express to Him whatever feelings have been evoked in you through
the insights He has inspired you to see.

September 18, 2014

(John 1:1 5, 10 14)
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word
was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being
through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has
come into being with him was life, and the life was the light of the people.
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.
He was in the world, and the world came into being through him; yet the
world did not know him. He came to what was his own, and his own
people did not accept him. But to all who received him, who believed in
his name, he gave power to become children of God, who were born, not
of blood or of the will of the flesh or of the will of man, but of God. And
the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, and we saw his
glory, the glory as the Fathers only Son, full of grace and truth.
Lord God, as I enter into the second day of intense prayer for the
celebration of the 28th anniversary of ABP, grant me the grace to know
more of who you are in my life so that I may come to have a deeper
knowledge of who am I. Grant me also the grace to have a deeper
knowledge of the community where you called me to participate, to
celebrate and to share your presence in our midst. I thank you for my
family, this little Church that you allow me to belong. I offer everything
back to you O Lord in this period of prayer.
Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of any distractions,
and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my role in ABP
and in your Church where you allow me to be a member.
Slowly read John 1:1-5, 10-14 and prayerfully consider how Jesus as
the Living Word of the Father continues to reveal himself to each one of
his beloved brothers and sisters. The Word must be spoken in order to
relay the message to the listeners. A disciple must practice the virtue of
listening and it is in being constant and consistent in his/her prayer life
that he/she can develop himself/herself into the great listener of Gods

voice. He/she is able to recognize Gods voice in his/her life if he/she

continues to listen to Jesus.
In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from Luke,
do not rush on any of them. Give each idea or insights as much time as
you wish. Let God gently convince you of the power of His word to reveal
to you what he wants you to understand during this period of prayer for
the 28th anniversary celebration of ABP and how you shall respond to His
concrete personal message to you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence
and express to Him whatever feelings have been evoked in you through
the insights He has inspired you to see.
September 19, 2014
(Matthew 3:13 17)
Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be baptized by him.
John trying to prevent him, saying, I need to be baptized by you, and yet
you are coming to me? Jesus said to him in reply, Allow it now, for thus it
is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness. Then he allowed him. After
Jesus was baptized, he came up from the water and behold, the heavens
were opened [for him], and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a
dove [and] coming upon him. And the voice came from the heavens,
saying, This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.
Lord God, as I enter into the third day of intense prayer for the
celebration of the 28th anniversary of ABP, grant me the grace to know
more of who you are in my life so that I may come to have a deeper
knowledge of who am I. Grant me also the grace to have a deeper
knowledge of the community where you called me to participate, to
celebrate and to share your presence in our midst. I thank you for my
family, this little Church that you allow me to belong. I offer everything
back to you O Lord in this period of prayer.
Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of any distractions,
and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my role in ABP
and in your Church where you allow me to be a member.
Slowly read Matthew 3:13-17 and prayerfully consider how the
Father relates to his beloved Son, Jesus. Relationships are inherent in
humanity. It is our nature because God creates us to be so. How are you

in your relationship with yourself?

Do you consider yourself well
everyday? Do you take care of your body properly and appropriately? It is
good that from time to time one considers the gift of his body from God.
Too much of anything in this world (such as stress, toxins, cigarettes,
liquor, etc) is bad for ones health, even too much gossip is dangerous for
the body. Then consider your relationship with the people around you:
your family, your friends, your brothers and sisters in your MWG/MG/WG,
your companions in the office. Good relationships are keys to harmonious
relationship with our God. Consider all these in this period of prayer.
In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from Luke,
do not rush on any of them. Give each idea or insights as much time as
you wish. Let God gently convince you of the power of His word to reveal
to you what he wants you to understand during this period of prayer for
the 28th anniversary celebration of ABP and how you shall respond to His
concrete personal message to you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence
and express to Him whatever feelings have been evoked in you through
the insights He has inspired you to see.
September 20, 2014
(Luke 2:25 38)
Now there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon. This man was
righteous and devout, awaiting the consolation of Israel, and the Holy
Spirit was upon him. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he
should not see death before he had seen the Messiah of the Lord. He came
in the Spirit into the temple; and when the parents brought in the child
Jesus to perform the custom of the law in regard to him, he took him into
his arms and blessed God, saying: Now, Master, you may let your servant
go in peace, according to your word, for my own eyes have seen your
salvation, which you prepared in the sight of all the peoples, a light for
revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory for your people Israel. The
childs father and mother were amazed at what was said about him; and
Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, Behold, this child is
destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be
contradicted (and you yourself a sword will pierce) so that the thoughts of
many hearts may be revealed. There was also a prophetess, Anna, the
daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was advanced in years,
having lived seven years with her husband after her marriage, and then as
a widow until she was eighty-four. She never left the temple, but
worshiped night and day with fasting and prayer. And coming afterward at
that very time, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all
who were awaiting the redemption of Jerusalem.

Lord God, as I enter into the fourth day of intense prayer for the
celebration of the 28th anniversary of ABP, grant me the grace to know
more of who you are in my life so that I may come to have a deeper
knowledge of who am I. Grant me also the grace to have a deeper
knowledge of the community where you called me to participate, to
celebrate and to share your presence in our midst. I thank you for my
family, this little Church that you allow me to belong. I offer everything
back to you O Lord in this period of prayer.
Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of any distractions,
and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my role in ABP
and in your Church where you allow me to be a member.
Slowly read Luke 2:25-38 and prayerfully reflect on the Blessed
Virgin Marys role in the humanity of Jesus. Consider the humanity of
Jesus. He is like us. He experiences pain, rejection, suffering and all that
we experience as human beings. Jesus is one with us. He is like us. That
is why we should hesitate to tell him all that happens to us interiorly and
exteriorly because he will always understand. He is man because he is the
son of Mary who also suffered in this world.
In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from Luke, do not
rush on any of them. Give each idea or insights as much time as you wish.
Let God gently convince you of the power of His word to reveal to you
what he wants you to understand during this period of prayer for the 28 th
anniversary celebration of ABP and how you shall respond to His concrete
personal message to you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence and
express to Him whatever feelings have been evoked in you through the
insights He has inspired you to see.
September 21, 2014
(John 8:12)
Jesus spoke to them again, saying, I am the light of the world. Whoever
follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.

Lord God, as I enter into the fifth day of intense prayer for the
celebration of the 28th anniversary of ABP, grant me the grace to know
more of who you are in my life so that I may come to have a deeper
knowledge of who am I. Grant me also the grace to have a deeper
knowledge of the community where you called me to participate, to
celebrate and to share your presence in our midst. I thank you for my
family, this little Church that you allow me to belong. I offer everything
back to you O Lord in this period of prayer.
Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of any distractions,
and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my role in ABP
and in your Church where you allow me to be a member.
Slowly read John 8:12 and prayerfully consider Jesus as the light of
the world. When we are in suffering, trials, difficulties, tribulations and
sinfulness it seems everything is dark for us, our lives, our relationships,
ourselves. But God never forsakes us. He sends his only begotten Son to
be our light. Have you experienced Jesus being the light of your life?
Reflect and ask him never to leave your life so that you will always under
his protection and guidance.
In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from Luke,
do not rush on any of them. Give each idea or insights as much time as
you wish. Let God gently convince you of the power of His word to reveal
to you what he wants you to understand during this period of prayer for
the 28th anniversary celebration of ABP and how you shall respond to His
concrete personal message to you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence
and express to Him whatever feelings have been evoked in you through
the insights He has inspired you to see.

September 22, 2014

(Romans 5:12 21)
Therefore, just as through one person sin entered the world, and through
sin, death, and thus death came to all, inasmuch as all sinned for up to
the time of the law, sin was in the world, though sin is not accounted when
there is no law. But reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who did

not sin after the pattern of trespass of Adam, who is the type of the one
who was to come. But the gift is not like the transgression. For if the
many died how much more the grace of God and the gracious gift of the
one person Jesus Christ overflow for the many. And the gift is not like the
result of the one person sinning. For after one sin there was the judgment
that brought condemnation; but the gift, after many transgressions,
brought acquittal. For if, by the transgression of one person, death came
to reign through that one, how much more will those who receive the
abundance of grace and the gift of justification come to reign in life
through one person, Jesus Christ. In conclusion, just as through the
disobedience of one person the many were made sinners, so through the
obedience of one the many will be made righteous. The law entered in so
that transgression might increase but, where sin increased, grace
overflowed all the more, so that, as sin reigned in death, grace might
reign through justification for eternal life through Jesus Christ.
Lord God, as I enter into the sixth day of intense prayer for the
celebration of the 28th anniversary of ABP, grant me the grace to know
more of who you are in my life so that I may come to have a deeper
knowledge of who am I. Grant me also the grace to have a deeper
knowledge of the community where you called me to participate, to
celebrate and to share your presence in our midst. I thank you for my
family, this little Church that you allow me to belong. I offer everything
back to you O Lord in this period of prayer.
Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of any distractions,
and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my role in ABP
and in your Church where you allow me to be a member.
Slowly read Romans 5:12-21 and prayerfully consider how Jesus was
totally different to Adam of old. Adam succumbed to disobedience while
Jesus totally obeyed the Fathers will. How about you? Assess your life in
this period of prayer and consider the times you were disobedient to Gods
will just like Adam. But do not forget that even with your disobedience,
Jesus obedience to the Father saves us from the eternal damnation that
our disobedience inflict us.
In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from Luke,
do not rush on any of them. Give each idea or insights as much time as
you wish. Let God gently convince you of the power of His word to reveal

to you what he wants you to understand during this period of prayer for
the 28th anniversary celebration of ABP and how you shall respond to His
concrete personal message to you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence
and express to Him whatever feelings have been evoked in you through
the insights He has inspired you to see.
September 23, 2014
(John 3:14 17)
And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son
of Man be lifted up that whoever believes in him may have eternal life. For
God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that
everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.
Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world,
but in order that the world might be saved through him.
Lord God, as I enter into the seventh day of intense prayer for the
celebration of the 28th anniversary of ABP, grant me the grace to know
more of who you are in my life so that I may come to have a deeper
knowledge of who am I. Grant me also the grace to have a deeper
knowledge of the community where you called me to participate, to
celebrate and to share your presence in our midst. I thank you for my
family, this little Church that you allow me to belong. I offer everything
back to you O Lord in this period of prayer.
Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of any distractions,
and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my role in ABP
and in your Church where you allow me to be a member.
Slowly read John 3:14-17 and prayerfully consider your own
sinfulness in front of our God. Make an examination of conscience in this
period of prayer. But allow the Spirit of Jesus to console you that even
with the sins you committed in life, as Moses raised the serpent in the
desert in order to heal those who were afflicted by the serpents, it is Jesus
himself who was raised on the cross to save humanity from the sting of
sins. Be grateful with Jesus, the new Moses for this great gift he gives to
each one of us.

In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from Luke,

do not rush on any of them. Give each idea or insights as much time as
you wish. Let God gently convince you of the power of His word to reveal
to you what he wants you to understand during this period of prayer for
the 28th anniversary celebration of ABP and how you shall respond to His
concrete personal message to you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence
and express to Him whatever feelings have been evoked in you through
the insights He has inspired you to see.
September 24, 2014
(Romans 4:13, 5:5)
It was not through the law that the promise was made to Abraham and his
descendant the he would inherit the world, but through the righteousness
that comes from faith . . . and hope does not disappoint, because the love
of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that
has been given to us.
Lord God, as I enter into the eighth day of intense prayer for the
celebration of the 28th anniversary of ABP, grant me the grace to know
more of who you are in my life so that I may come to have a deeper
knowledge of who am I. Grant me also the grace to have a deeper
knowledge of the community where you called me to participate, to
celebrate and to share your presence in our midst. I thank you for my
family, this little Church that you allow me to belong. I offer everything
back to you O Lord in this period of prayer.
Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of any distractions,
and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my role in ABP
and in your Church where you allow me to be a member.
Slowly read Romans 4:13, 5:5 and prayerfully consider how Abraham
took heed to Gods command for him and his clan to move from his
comfort zone to the promised land. Abraham is not only the father of faith
but also a personification of the gift of hope. Jesus as the descendant of
Abraham brings us to the fulfillment of these virtues in our lives. These
virtues are necessities for a believer of God. These virtues help us to
fulfill Gods commandment to love him and to love our neighbor. Reflect
on this in your life.

In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from Luke,

do not rush on any of them. Give each idea or insights as much time as
you wish. Let God gently convince you of the power of His word to reveal
to you what he wants you to understand during this period of prayer for
the 28th anniversary celebration of ABP and how you shall respond to His
concrete personal message to you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence
and express to Him whatever feelings have been evoked in you through
the insights He has inspired you to see.

September 25, 2014

(John 10:11 15)
I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
The hired hand, who is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep,
sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and runs away and the wolf
snatches them and scatters them. The hired hand runs away because a
hired hand does not care for the sheep. I am the good shepherd. I know
my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the
Father. And I lay down my life for the sheep.
Lord God, as I enter into the ninth day of intense prayer for the
celebration of the 28th anniversary of ABP, grant me the grace to know
more of who you are in my life so that I may come to have a deeper
knowledge of who am I. Grant me also the grace to have a deeper
knowledge of the community where you called me to participate, to
celebrate and to share your presence in our midst. I thank you for my
family, this little Church that you allow me to belong. I offer everything
back to you O Lord in this period of prayer.
Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of any distractions,
and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my role in ABP
and in your Church where you allow me to be a member.

Slowly read John 10:11-15 and prayerfully consider Jesus as the Good
Shepherd. How do you understand this in your life? Is it not good to know
that Jesus knows us truly and is willing to rescue us when we are at the
brink of the hands of the devil?
How do you apply the virtue of
shepherding in your own life? Do you seek to be like Jesus always willing
to help others so that they may not fall to the trap of evil? Ask Jesus to
grant you the gift of shepherding to help him in shepherding your own
family, friends and brothers and sisters in Buhing Pulong.
In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from Luke,
do not rush on any of them. Give each idea or insights as much time as
you wish. Let God gently convince you of the power of His word to reveal
to you what he wants you to understand during this period of prayer for
the 28th anniversary celebration of ABP and how you shall respond to His
concrete personal message to you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence
and express to Him whatever feelings have been evoked in you through
the insights He has inspired you to see.

September 26, 2014

(John 10:7 10)
So Jesus said again, Amen, Amen, I say to you, I am the gate for the
sheep. All who came [before me] are thieves and robbers but the sheep
did not listen to them. I am the gate. Whoever enters through me will be
saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture. A thief comes only to
steal and slaughter and destroy; I came so that they might have life and
have it more abundantly.
Lord God, as I enter into the tenth day of intense prayer for the
celebration of the 28th anniversary of ABP, grant me the grace to know
more of who you are in my life so that I may come to have a deeper
knowledge of who am I. Grant me also the grace to have a deeper
knowledge of the community where you called me to participate, to
celebrate and to share your presence in our midst. I thank you for my
family, this little Church that you allow me to belong. I offer everything
back to you O Lord in this period of prayer.

Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of any distractions,

and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my role in ABP
and in your Church where you allow me to be a member.
Slowly read John 10:7-10 and prayerfully consider how Jesus gives
his life as the door, the gate just to protect the sheep, us whom he loves
very much. The door/gate is a symbol of protection for those inside the
house or its premises. It assures safety to our homes. This is the role of
Jesus in each one of us. He would allow himself to be buffeted by robbers
just so to protect us from them.
In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from Luke,
do not rush on any of them. Give each idea or insights as much time as
you wish. Let God gently convince you of the power of His word to reveal
to you what he wants you to understand during this period of prayer for
the 28th anniversary celebration of ABP and how you shall respond to His
concrete personal message to you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence
and express to Him whatever feelings have been evoked in you through
the insights He has inspired you to see.
September 27, 2014
(John 1:35 42)
The next day John was there again with two of his disciples, and as he
watched Jesus walked by, he said, Behold, the Lamb of God. The two
disciples heard what he said and followed Jesus. Jesus turned and saw
them following him and said to them, What are you looking for? They
said to him, Rabbi, where are you staying? He said to them, Come,
and see. So they went and saw where he was staying, and they stayed
with him that day. It was about afternoon. Andrew, the brother of Simon
Peter, was one of the two who heard John and followed Jesus. He first
found his own brother Simon and told him, We have found the Messiah.
Then he brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, You are
Simon the son of John; you will be called Kephas.
Lord God, as I enter into the eleventh day of intense prayer for the
celebration of the 28th anniversary of ABP, grant me the grace to know
more of who you are in my life so that I may come to have a deeper
knowledge of who am I. Grant me also the grace to have a deeper
knowledge of the community where you called me to participate, to

celebrate and to share your presence in our midst. I thank you for my
family, this little Church that you allow me to belong. I offer everything
back to you O Lord in this period of prayer.
Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of any distractions,
and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my role in ABP
and in your Church where you allow me to be a member.
Slowly read John 1:35-42 and prayerfully consider how Jesus calls
each one of us unto his fold.
Jesus uses the Ang Buhing Pulong
Community to call you closer to him. What is your reaction of this fact?
Have you expressed your gratitude to him with this rare grace that he
gives you? How serious are you of his calling? Assess your life in
community in this period of prayer.
In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from Luke,
do not rush on any of them. Give each idea or insights as much time as
you wish. Let God gently convince you of the power of His word to reveal
to you what he wants you to understand during this period of prayer for
the 28th anniversary celebration of ABP and how you shall respond to His
concrete personal message to you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence
and express to Him whatever feelings have been evoked in you through
the insights He has inspired you to see.
September 28, 2014
(John 15:1 10)
I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine grower. He takes away every
branch in me that does not bear fruit, and everyone that does he prunes
so that it bears more fruit. You are already pruned because of the word
that I spoke to you. Remain in me, as I remained in you. Just as a branch
cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine, so neither can
you unless you remain in me. I am the vine, you are the branches.
Whoever remains in me, and I in him will bear much fruit, because without
me you can do nothing. Anyone who does not remain in me will be thrown
out like a branch and wither; people gather them and throw them into a
fire and they will be burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in
you, ask for whatever you want and it will be done for you. By this my
Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples. As
the Father loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love. If you keep my

commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I kept my Fathers

commandment and remain in his love.
Lord God, as I enter into the twelfth day of intense prayer for the
celebration of the 28th anniversary of ABP, grant me the grace to know
more of who you are in my life so that I may come to have a deeper
knowledge of who am I. Grant me also the grace to have a deeper
knowledge of the community where you called me to participate, to
celebrate and to share your presence in our midst. I thank you for my
family, this little Church that you allow me to belong. I offer everything
back to you O Lord in this period of prayer.
Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of any distractions,
and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my role in ABP
and in your Church where you allow me to be a member.
Slowly read John 15:1-10 and prayerfully consider Jesus as the
true/real vine and we are the branches. You are a specific branch of Jesus,
apart from him you can do nothing. Do you nurture your connection with
Jesus? How? Assess your sincerity in being a member of Ang Buhing
Pulong all these years and relate this with your relationship with Jesus.
In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from Luke,
do not rush on any of them. Give each idea or insights as much time as
you wish. Let God gently convince you of the power of His word to reveal
to you what he wants you to understand during this period of prayer for
the 28th anniversary celebration of ABP and how you shall respond to His
concrete personal message to you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence
and express to Him whatever feelings have been evoked in you through
the insights He has inspired you to see.
September 29, 2014
(Mark 10:32 34)
They were on the way, going up to Jerusalem, and Jesus went ahead of
them. They were amazed, and those who followed were afraid. Taking the
Twelve aside again, he began to tell them what was going to happen to
him. Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of man will be
handed down over to the chief priests and the scribes, and they will

condemn him to death and hand him over to the Gentiles who will mock
him, spit upon him, scourge him, and put him to death, but after three
days he will rise.
Lord God, as I enter into the thirteenth day of intense prayer for the
celebration of the 28th anniversary of ABP, grant me the grace to know
more of who you are in my life so that I may come to have a deeper
knowledge of who am I. Grant me also the grace to have a deeper
knowledge of the community where you called me to participate, to
celebrate and to share your presence in our midst. I thank you for my
family, this little Church that you allow me to belong. I offer everything
back to you O Lord in this period of prayer.
Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of any distractions,
and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my role in ABP
and in your Church where you allow me to be a member.
Slowly read Mark 10:32-34 and prayerfully consider Jesus courage to
face his suffering not for his own sake but for our sake. It is because of
our sinfulness that the Son of God suffered and yet many are not taking
this seriously. Jesus suffered for us. He is worthy of our praise, adoration
and thanksgiving because without his great act of love for all of us, we are
nothing today. Thank Jesus for this and make a commitment for your life
to announce to others the goodness He has done for us.
In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from Luke,
do not rush on any of them. Give each idea or insights as much time as
you wish. Let God gently convince you of the power of His word to reveal
to you what he wants you to understand during this period of prayer for
the 28th anniversary celebration of ABP and how you shall respond to His
concrete personal message to you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence
and express to Him whatever feelings have been evoked in you through
the insights He has inspired you to see.
September 30, 2014
(Luke 8:40 56)
When Jesus returned, the crowd welcomed him, for they were all waiting
for him. And a man named Jairus, an official of the Synagogue, came

afterward. He fell at the feet of Jesus and begged him to come to his
house, because he had an only daughter, about twelve years old, and she
was dying. As he went, the crowd almost crushed him. And a woman
afflicted with hemorrhages for twelve years, who [had spent her whole
livelihood on doctors and] was unable to be cured by anyone, came up
behind him and touch the tassel on his cloak. Immediately her bleeding
stopped. Jesus then asked, Who touched me?While all were denying it,
Peter said, Master, the crowds are pushing you and pressing in upon
you. But Jesus said, Someone has touched me; for I know that power
has gone out from me. When a woman realized that she had not escape
notice, she came forward trembling. Falling down before him, she
explained in the presence of all people why she had touched him and how
she has been healed immediately. He said to her, daughter, you faith has
saved you; go in peace. While he was still speaking, someone from the
synagogue officials house arrived and said, Your daughter is dead; do
not trouble the teacher any longer. On hearing this, Jesus answered him,
Do not be afraid; just have faith and she will be saved. When he arrived
at the house he allowed no one to enter with him except Peter, John and
James, and the childs father and mother. All were weeping and mourning
for her, when he said, Do not weep any longer, for she is not dead, but
sleeping. And they ridiculed him, because they know she was dead. But
he took her by the hand and called to her, Child, arise! Her breath
returned and she immediately arose. He then directed that she should be
given something to eat. Her parents were astounded, and he instructed
them to tell no one what had happened.
Lord God, as I enter into the fourteenth day of intense prayer for the
celebration of the 28th anniversary of ABP, grant me the grace to know
more of who you are in my life so that I may come to have a deeper
knowledge of who am I. Grant me also the grace to have a deeper
knowledge of the community where you called me to participate, to
celebrate and to share your presence in our midst. I thank you for my
family, this little Church that you allow me to belong. I offer everything
back to you O Lord in this period of prayer.
Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of any distractions,
and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my role in ABP
and in your Church where you allow me to be a member.


Slowly read Luke 8:40-56 and prayerfully consider how Jesus uses his
power to bring healing to those who believe in him. Have you experienced
this in yourself or the members of your family or your friends or brothers
and sisters? God heals. We enter into this world prone to the wounds of
our experiences with things, people and events. Assess yourself in the
wounds you have experienced in life. Are there wounds that have not
healed. It is only Jesus who can heal us.
In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from Luke,
do not rush on any of them. Give each idea or insights as much time as
you wish. Let God gently convince you of the power of His word to reveal
to you what he wants you to understand during this period of prayer for
the 28th anniversary celebration of ABP and how you shall respond to His
concrete personal message to you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence
and express to Him whatever feelings have been evoked in you through
the insights He has inspired you to see.

October 1, 2014
(Luke 4:31 37)
Jesus then went down to Capernaum, a town of Galilee. He taught them on
the Sabbath, and they were astonished at his teaching because he spoke
with authority. In the synagogue there were a man with the spirit of an
unclean demon, and he cried out in a loud voice, Ha! What have you to do
with us, Jesus of Nazareth? I know who you are the Holy One of God!
Jesus rebuked him and said, Be quiet! Come out of him! Then the demon
threw the man down in front of them and came out of him without doing
him any harm. They were all amazed and said to one another, What is
there about his word? For with authority and power he commands the
unclean spirit, and they come out.And news of him spread everywhere in
the surrounding region.
Lord God, as I enter into the fifteenth day of intense prayer for the
celebration of the 28th anniversary of ABP, grant me the grace to know
more of who you are in my life so that I may come to have a deeper
knowledge of who am I. Grant me also the grace to have a deeper
knowledge of the community where you called me to participate, to
celebrate and to share your presence in our midst. I thank you for my

family, this little Church that you allow me to belong. I offer everything
back to you O Lord in this period of prayer.
Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of any distractions,
and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my role in ABP
and in your Church where you allow me to be a member.
Slowly read Luke 4:31-37 and prayerfully consider how Jesus was
feared by demons. Have you experienced the evils of your life? How were
you able to deal with them?
Has somebody consulted you of an
experience of evil in humanity? What did you give him as an advice? Evil
is real in this world and it is only Jesus who can scourge them for our sake.
In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from Luke,
do not rush on any of them. Give each idea or insights as much time as
you wish. Let God gently convince you of the power of His word to reveal
to you what he wants you to understand during this period of prayer for
the 28th anniversary celebration of ABP and how you shall respond to His
concrete personal message to you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence
and express to Him whatever feelings have been evoked in you through
the insights He has inspired you to see.

October 2, 2014
(John 8:1 11)
Then each went to his own house, while Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.
But early in the morning he arrived again in the temple area, and all
people started coming to him, and he sat down and taught them. Then the
scribe and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in
adultery and made her stand in the middle. They said to him, Teacher,
this woman was caught in the very act of committing adultery. Now in the
law, Moses commanded us to stone such women. So what do you say?
They said to test him, so that they could have some charge to bring
against him. Jesus bent down and began to write on the ground with his
finger. But when they continued asking him, he straightened up and said
to them, Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a
stone at her. Again he bent down and wrote on the ground. And in

response, they went away one by one, beginning with the elders. So he
was left alone with the woman before him. Then Jesus straightened up and
said to her, Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you? She
replied, No one, Sir. Then Jesus said, Neither do I condemn you. Go
[and] from now on do not sin any more.
Lord God, as I enter into the sixteenth day of intense prayer for the
celebration of the 28th anniversary of ABP, grant me the grace to know
more of who you are in my life so that I may come to have a deeper
knowledge of who am I. Grant me also the grace to have a deeper
knowledge of the community where you called me to participate, to
celebrate and to share your presence in our midst. I thank you for my
family, this little Church that you allow me to belong. I offer everything
back to you O Lord in this period of prayer.
Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of any distractions,
and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my role in ABP
and in your Church where you allow me to be a member.
Slowly read John 8:1-11 and prayerfully consider the image of Jesus
who is always ready to forgive sins. Is there someone who has sinned
against you and is difficult to forgive? Or have you hurt another person
and you found it difficult to ask for forgiveness? Reflect on the story of
that adulterous woman and in great silence allow the Spirit of Jesus to
give you his message for your life. You will be able to teach others of this
In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from Luke,
do not rush on any of them. Give each idea or insights as much time as
you wish. Let God gently convince you of the power of His word to reveal
to you what he wants you to understand during this period of prayer for
the 28th anniversary celebration of ABP and how you shall respond to His
concrete personal message to you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence
and express to Him whatever feelings have been evoked in you through
the insights He has inspired you to see.
October 3, 2014
(Matthew 16:13 20)

When Jesus went into the region of Caesarea Philippi he asked his
disciples, Who do people say that the Son of Man is? They replied,
Some say John the Baptist, others Elijah, still others Jeremiah or one of
the prophets. He said to them, But who do you say that I am? Simon
Peter said in reply, You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God. Jesus
said to him in reply, Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. For flesh and
Blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father. And so I say to
you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates
of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to
the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bound on earth shall be bound
in heaven and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Then he strictly ordered his disciples to tell no one that he was the
Lord God, as I enter into the seventeenth day of intense prayer for
the celebration of the 28th anniversary of ABP, grant me the grace to know
more of who you are in my life so that I may come to have a deeper
knowledge of who am I. Grant me also the grace to have a deeper
knowledge of the community where you called me to participate, to
celebrate and to share your presence in our midst. I thank you for my
family, this little Church that you allow me to belong. I offer everything
back to you O Lord in this period of prayer.
Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of any distractions,
and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my role in ABP
and in your Church where you allow me to be a member.
Slowly read Matthew 16:13-20 and prayerfully consider Jesus role as
our Savior, our Redeemer. Have you thought that we always need a savior
in our life? That we need to be redeemed each time we enter into the
darkness of sin? Have others approached you because they are afraid or
ashamed to approach Jesus? How have you helped them? Have a close
encounter with the Savior and Redeemer in this period of prayer.
In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from Luke,
do not rush on any of them. Give each idea or insights as much time as
you wish. Let God gently convince you of the power of His word to reveal
to you what he wants you to understand during this period of prayer for
the 28th anniversary celebration of ABP and how you shall respond to His
concrete personal message to you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence

and express to Him whatever feelings have been evoked in you through
the insights He has inspired you to see.
October 4, 2014
(Matthew 11:25 30)
At the time Jesus said in reply, I give praise to you, Father, Lord of
heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the
wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike. Yes, Father,
such has been handed over to me by my Father. No one knows the Son
except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and
anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal him. Come to me, all you labor
and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and
learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest
for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.
Lord God, as I enter into the eighteenth day of intense prayer for the
celebration of the 28th anniversary of ABP, grant me the grace to know
more of who you are in my life so that I may come to have a deeper
knowledge of who am I. Grant me also the grace to have a deeper
knowledge of the community where you called me to participate, to
celebrate and to share your presence in our midst. I thank you for my
family, this little Church that you allow me to belong. I offer everything
back to you O Lord in this period of prayer.
Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of any distractions,
and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my role in ABP
and in your Church where you allow me to be a member.
Slowly read Matthew 11:25-30 and prayerfully consider Jesus
readiness to accommodate anyone who would go to him for help, for rest.
We are many times burdened by many things, concerns, events or people
in this world. There are times that it seems our burdens are very heavy
that we can no longer take it to move to the next day of our life. Always
remember that in every difficulty and burden there is always Jesus who
can accommodate us. Cherish this truth of Jesus for us.
In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from Luke,
do not rush on any of them. Give each idea or insights as much time as
you wish. Let God gently convince you of the power of His word to reveal

to you what he wants you to understand during this period of prayer for
the 28th anniversary celebration of ABP and how you shall respond to His
concrete personal message to you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence
and express to Him whatever feelings have been evoked in you through
the insights He has inspired you to see.
October 5, 2014
(Matthew 9:27 31)
And as Jesus passed on there, two blind men followed [him], crying Son
of David, have pity on us! When he entered the house, the blind men
approached him and Jesus said to them, Do you believe that I can do
this Yes, Lord, they said to him. Then he touched their eyes and said,
Let it be done for you according to your faith. And there eyes were
opened. Jesus warned them sternly, See that no one knows about this.
But they went out and spread word of him through all that land.
Lord God, as I enter into the nineteenth day of intense prayer for the
celebration of the 28th anniversary of ABP, grant me the grace to know
more of who you are in my life so that I may come to have a deeper
knowledge of who am I. Grant me also the grace to have a deeper
knowledge of the community where you called me to participate, to
celebrate and to share your presence in our midst. I thank you for my
family, this little Church that you allow me to belong. I offer everything
back to you O Lord in this period of prayer.
Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of any distractions,
and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my role in ABP
and in your Church where you allow me to be a member.
Slowly read Matthew 9:27-31 and prayerfully consider how Jesus
gives mercy to those who need them.
Jesus mercy is abundant,
unfathomable by any human being. We must believe in this otherwise we
will not be able to approach him for this grace. Many testimonies of those
who believe in this grace have experienced this truthfully since the time
Jesus lived with us. Mediate on this reality in this period of prayer and
you will understand this mystery of Jesus.

In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from Luke,

do not rush on any of them. Give each idea or insights as much time as
you wish. Let God gently convince you of the power of His word to reveal
to you what he wants you to understand during this period of prayer for
the 28th anniversary celebration of ABP and how you shall respond to His
concrete personal message to you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence
and express to Him whatever feelings have been evoked in you through
the insights He has inspired you to see.

October 6, 2014
(John 14:1 6)
Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; Have faith also
in me. In my Fathers house there are many dwelling places. If there were
not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? And
if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you in
myself, so that where I am you also may be. Where [I] am going you know
the way. Thomas said to him, Master, we do not know where you are
going; how can we know the way? Jesus said to him, I am the way, the
truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Lord God, as I enter into the twentieth day of intense prayer for the
celebration of the 28th anniversary of ABP, grant me the grace to know
more of who you are in my life so that I may come to have a deeper
knowledge of who am I. Grant me also the grace to have a deeper
knowledge of the community where you called me to participate, to
celebrate and to share your presence in our midst. I thank you for my
family, this little Church that you allow me to belong. I offer everything
back to you O Lord in this period of prayer.
Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of any distractions,
and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my role in ABP
and in your Church where you allow me to be a member.

Slowly read John 14:1-6 and prayerfully consider Jesus as the only
way for each one of us. Many times our hearts are stubborn and like
children would always want to try many things, new things which is of the
world. God allows us to have that for us to realize the significance of him
who is the only way. But like the childrens story about the mother moth
instructing her child moth not to approach the lamp for it would burn its
wings, may we take heed to Gods instruction so that we will not fall into
the flames that will never end. Cherish this lesson in this prayer.
In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from Luke,
do not rush on any of them. Give each idea or insights as much time as
you wish. Let God gently convince you of the power of His word to reveal
to you what he wants you to understand during this period of prayer for
the 28th anniversary celebration of ABP and how you shall respond to His
concrete personal message to you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence
and express to Him whatever feelings have been evoked in you through
the insights He has inspired you to see.

October 7, 2014
(John 18:33 38)
So Pilate went back into the praetorium and summoned Jesus and said to
him, Are you the King of the Jews? Jesus answered, Do you say this on
your own or have others told you about me? Pilate answered, I am not a
Jew, am I? Your own nation and the chief priests handed you over me.
What have you done? Jesus answered, My kingdom does not belong to
this world. If my Kingdom belongs to this world, my attendants [would] be
fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my
Kingdom is not here. So Pilate said to him, Then you are a King? Jesus
answered, You say that I am a king. For this I was born and for this I
came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the
truth listen to my voice. Pilate said to him, What is the truth?
Lord God, as I enter into the twenty-first day of intense prayer for
the celebration of the 28th anniversary of ABP, grant me the grace to know
more of who you are in my life so that I may come to have a deeper
knowledge of who am I. Grant me also the grace to have a deeper
knowledge of the community where you called me to participate, to
celebrate and to share your presence in our midst. I thank you for my

family, this little Church that you allow me to belong. I offer everything
back to you O Lord in this period of prayer.
Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of any distractions,
and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my role in ABP
and in your Church where you allow me to be a member.
Slowly read John 18:33-38 and prayerfully consider Jesus as the
Truth. Our world today is beset by many false realities. Even our leaders
in government are scampering to cover whatever is exposed and tries to
cover what is true by the methods of the world. The world is sick of lies.
And so each of us but many times we are deceived that lies save us from
the consequences of the darkness of sins we commit. Examine yourself.
How have you been faithful to the truth in your life? Spend this period of
prayer to gain wisdom from Jesus who is the Truth.
In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from Luke,
do not rush on any of them. Give each idea or insights as much time as
you wish. Let God gently convince you of the power of His word to reveal
to you what he wants you to understand during this period of prayer for
the 28th anniversary celebration of ABP and how you shall respond to His
concrete personal message to you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence
and express to Him whatever feelings have been evoked in you through
the insights He has inspired you to see.

October 8, 2014
(John 6:47 51)
Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes has eternal life. I am the
bread of life. Your ancestor ate manna in the desert, but they died; this is
the bread that comes down from heaven so that one may eat it and not
die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this
bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life
of the world.
Lord God, as I enter into the twenty-second day of intense prayer for
the celebration of the 28th anniversary of ABP, grant me the grace to know
more of who you are in my life so that I may come to have a deeper

knowledge of who am I. Grant me also the grace to have a deeper

knowledge of the community where you called me to participate, to
celebrate and to share your presence in our midst. I thank you for my
family, this little Church that you allow me to belong. I offer everything
back to you O Lord in this period of prayer.
Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of any distractions,
and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my role in ABP
and in your Church where you allow me to be a member.
Slowly read John 6:47-51 and prayerfully consider how the world
today does not give importance to life. Abortion, euthanasia, suicide,
terrorism are rampant including wars. Humanity slowly relies on the
standards of the flesh rather than of the spirit. Our world is leading us to
darkness rather than to light. In this period of prayer, take Jesus reality
as the life. He saves life and gives eternal life for all humanity and yet
many do not believe. Do you? Go to the depths of your person and allow
the Spirit of Jesus to teach deepest realities of him who is Life.
In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from Luke,
do not rush on any of them. Give each idea or insights as much time as
you wish. Let God gently convince you of the power of His word to reveal
to you what he wants you to understand during this period of prayer for
the 28th anniversary celebration of ABP and how you shall respond to His
concrete personal message to you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence
and express to Him whatever feelings have been evoked in you through
the insights He has inspired you to see.

October 9, 2014
(Luke 7:11 17)
Soon afterward he journeyed to a city called Nain, and his disciple and a
large crowd accompanied him. As he drew near to the gate of the city, a
man who had died was being carried out, the only son of his mother, and
she was a widow. A large crowd from the city was with her. When the Lord

saw her, he was move with pity for her and said to her, Do not weep. He
stepped forward and touched the coffin; at this time the bearer halted,
and he said, Young man, I tell you, arises! The dead man sat up and
began to speak, and Jesus gave him to his mother. Fear seized them all,
and they glorified God, exclaiming, A great prophet has arisen in our
midst, and God has visited his people. This report about him spread
through the whole of Judea and in all the surrounding region.
Lord God, as I enter into the twenty-third day of intense prayer for
the celebration of the 28th anniversary of ABP, grant me the grace to know
more of who you are in my life so that I may come to have a deeper
knowledge of who am I. Grant me also the grace to have a deeper
knowledge of the community where you called me to participate, to
celebrate and to share your presence in our midst. I thank you for my
family, this little Church that you allow me to belong. I offer everything
back to you O Lord in this period of prayer.
Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of any distractions,
and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my role in ABP
and in your Church where you allow me to be a member.
Slowly read Luke 7:11-17 and prayerfully consider our baptismal
mission of being prophets to the world. Jesus is the prophet not only
because he tells people of the possibilities of their lives but also because
he announces to them Gods everlasting love and goodness. That is also
our role, to tell others of the immensity of Gods love for all of us, to bring
hope to those who are hopeless and to encourage those who are burdened
with life to approach Jesus. Let this period of prayer be a renewal of your
commitment to be a prophet like Jesus.
In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from Luke,
do not rush on any of them. Give each idea or insights as much time as
you wish. Let God gently convince you of the power of His word to reveal
to you what he wants you to understand during this period of prayer for
the 28th anniversary celebration of ABP and how you shall respond to His
concrete personal message to you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence
and express to Him whatever feelings have been evoked in you through
the insights He has inspired you to see.

October 10, 2014

(Hebrews 8:1 6)
The main point of what has been said is this: we have such a high priest,
who has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in
heaven, a minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle that the
Lord, not a man, set up. Now every high priest is appointed to offer gifts
and sacrifices; thus the necessary for this one also to have something to
offer. If then he were on earth, he would not be a priest, since there are
those who offer gift according to the law. They worship in a copy and
shadow of the heavenly sanctuary, as Moses was warned when he was
about to erect the tabernacle. For he says, See that you make everything
according to the pattern shown you on the mountain. Now he has
obtained so much more excellent a ministry as he is mediator of a better
covenant, enacted o better promises.
Lord God, as I enter into the twenty-fourth day of intense prayer for
the celebration of the 28th anniversary of ABP, grant me the grace to know
more of who you are in my life so that I may come to have a deeper
knowledge of who am I. Grant me also the grace to have a deeper
knowledge of the community where you called me to participate, to
celebrate and to share your presence in our midst. I thank you for my
family, this little Church that you allow me to belong. I offer everything
back to you O Lord in this period of prayer.
Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of any distractions,
and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my role in ABP
and in your Church where you allow me to be a member.
Slowly read Hebrew 8:1-6 and prayerfully consider your baptismal
mission of being a priest. Jesus is the high priest who brings us to the
presence of the Father. Being a priest, we have the authority to celebrate
Gods presence in personal and communal prayer and in the highest form
of prayer, the Eucharist. This priestly task is also present in the way we
forgive each other. Forgiveness brings us to the presence of the Holy
Spirit because without Him we can never forgive each other. All the
sacramental celebrations in the Church are occasions of priestly act. How
about you? When was the last time you function as priest of Jesus?

In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from Luke,

do not rush on any of them. Give each idea or insights as much time as
you wish. Let God gently convince you of the power of His word to reveal
to you what he wants you to understand during this period of prayer for
the 28th anniversary celebration of ABP and how you shall respond to His
concrete personal message to you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence
and express to Him whatever feelings have been evoked in you through
the insights He has inspired you to see.
October 11, 2014
(John 13:1 17)
Before the feast of Passover, Jesus knew that his hour had come to pass
from this world to the Father. He loved his own in the world and he loved
them to the end. The devil had already induced Judas, son of Simon the
Iscariot, to hand over him. So, during supper fully aware that the Father
had put everything into his power and that he had come from God and was
returning to God, he rose from supper and took off his outer garments. He
took a towel and tied it around his waist. The he poured water into a basin
and began to wash the disciples feet and dry them with the towel around
his waist. He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, Master, are you
going to wash my feet? Jesus answered and said to him, What I am
doing, you do not understand now, but you will understand later. Peter
said to him, You will never wash my feet. Jesus answered, Unless I
wash you, you will have no inheritance with me. Simon Peter said to him,
Mater, then not only my feet, but my hands and head as well. Jesus said
to him, Whoever has bathed has no need except to have his feet washed,
for he is clean all over; so you are clean, but not all. For he knew who
would betray him; for this reason, he said, Not all of you are clean. So
when he had washed their feet [and] put his garments back on and
reclined on the table again, he said to them, Do you realize what I have
done for you? You call me teacher and master, and rightly so, for
indeed I am. If I, therefore, the master and teacher, have washed your
feet, you ought to wash one anothers feet. I have given you a model to
follow, so that as I have done for you, you should do also. Amen, amen, I
say to you, no slave is greater than his master nor messenger greater
than the one who sent him. If you understand this, blessed are you if you
do it.
Lord God, as I enter into the twenty-fifth day of intense prayer for
the celebration of the 28th anniversary of ABP, grant me the grace to know
more of who you are in my life so that I may come to have a deeper

knowledge of who am I. Grant me also the grace to have a deeper

knowledge of the community where you called me to participate, to
celebrate and to share your presence in our midst. I thank you for my
family, this little Church that you allow me to belong. I offer everything
back to you O Lord in this period of prayer.
Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of any distractions,
and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my role in ABP
and in your Church where you allow me to be a member.
Slowly read John 13:1-17 and prayerfully consider the kingship of
Jesus. Jesus kingship is opposite to the worldly kingship. The kings of the
world sat in thrones and are being served by servants. Jesus kingship on
the other hand is about servant-hood. Like Jesus we can perform our
baptismal kingship as we bend our knees to serve those around us
especially those who are badly in need of our attention. We just need to
look around and there are plenty in our midst who need our services. In
this period of prayer renew your baptismal calling of servanthood.
In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from Luke,
do not rush on any of them. Give each idea or insights as much time as
you wish. Let God gently convince you of the power of His word to reveal
to you what he wants you to understand during this period of prayer for
the 28th anniversary celebration of ABP and how you shall respond to His
concrete personal message to you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence
and express to Him whatever feelings have been evoked in you through
the insights He has inspired you to see.
October 12, 2014
(1 Corinthians 12:12 31)
As a Body is one though it has many parts, and all the parts of the body,
though many, are one body, so also Christ. For in one Spirit we were all
baptized into one Body, whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free persons,
and we were all given to drink of one Spirit. Now the Body is not a single
part, but many. If a foot should say, Because I am not a hand I do not
belong to the body, it does not for the reason belong any less to the
Body. Or if an ear should say, Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to
the body, It does not for this reason belong any less to the body. If the
whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole body

were hearing, where the sense of smell be? But as it is, God placed the
parts, each one of them, in the Body as he intended. If they were all one
part, where would the body be? But as it is, there are many parts, yet one
body. The eye cannot say to the hand, I do not need you, nor again the
head to the feet, I do not need you. Indeed, the parts of the body that
seem to be weaker are all the more necessary, and those parts of the body
that we consider less honorable we surround with greater honor, and our
less presentable parts are treated with greater propriety, whereas our
more presentable parts do not need this. But God has so constructed the
body as to give greater honor to a part that is without it, so that there
may be no division in the body, but that the parts may have the same
concern for one another. If [one] part suffers, all parts suffer with it; if one
part is honored, all the parts share its joy. Now you are Christs Body, and
individually parts of it. Some people God has designated in the church to
be, first, apostles; second, prophets; third, teachers; then, mighty deeds;
then gift of healing, assistance, administration, and varieties of tongues.
Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work mighty
deeds? Do all have gift of healing? Do all speak in tongues? Do all
interpret? Strive eagerly for the greatest spiritual gifts.
Lord God, as I enter into the twenty-sixth day of intense prayer for
the celebration of the 28th anniversary of ABP, grant me the grace to know
more of who you are in my life so that I may come to have a deeper
knowledge of who am I. Grant me also the grace to have a deeper
knowledge of the community where you called me to participate, to
celebrate and to share your presence in our midst. I thank you for my
family, this little Church that you allow me to belong. I offer everything
back to you O Lord in this period of prayer.
Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of any distractions,
and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my role in ABP
and in your Church where you allow me to be a member.
Slowly read 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 and prayerfully consider Jesus
role as head of the Church. Without the head a body can never function.
It become wayward and will never know where it will be going. In your life
have you constantly and consistently connect yourself to Jesus who is the
Head? Headship is also important in communities beginning with our
families, our mens and womens groups. Headship is not about who
rules, but is about who loves truly. This is the example of Jesus being the

head, always willing to suffer even if it means the crown of thorns for the
sake of his beloved, even if it means the cost of his life. In this period of
prayer, ask Jesus to teach you the virtue of headship so that you will be
able to lead others to him.
In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from Luke,
do not rush on any of them. Give each idea or insights as much time as
you wish. Let God gently convince you of the power of His word to reveal
to you what he wants you to understand during this period of prayer for
the 28th anniversary celebration of ABP and how you shall respond to His
concrete personal message to you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence
and express to Him whatever feelings have been evoked in you through
the insights He has inspired you to see.
October 13, 2014
(John 11:17 27)
When Jesus arrived, he found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb
for four days. Now Bethany was near Jerusalem, only about two miles
away. And many of the Jews had come to Martha and Mary to comfort
them about their brother. When Martha heard about that Jesus was
coming, she went to meet him; but Mary sat at home. Martha said to
Jesus, Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. [But]
even now I know that whatever you ask of God, God will give you. Jesus
said, You brother will rise. Martha said to him, I know he will rise, in
the resurrection on the last day. Jesus told her, I am the resurrection
and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and
everyone who live and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?
She said to him, Yes, Lord. I have come to believe that you are the
Messiah, the Son of God, the one who is coming into the world.

Lord God, as I enter into the twenty-seventh day of intense prayer
for the celebration of the 28 th anniversary of ABP, grant me the grace to
know more of who you are in my life so that I may come to have a deeper
knowledge of who am I. Grant me also the grace to have a deeper
knowledge of the community where you called me to participate, to
celebrate and to share your presence in our midst. I thank you for my
family, this little Church that you allow me to belong. I offer everything
back to you O Lord in this period of prayer.


Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of any distractions,
and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my role in ABP
and in your Church where you allow me to be a member.
Slowly read John 11:17-27 and prayerfully consider Jesus teaching
of the resurrection. He is the resurrection and the life. This is great hope.
No one rises without dying. That is why we need to die in order to rise
again. The act of dying is fearsome, difficult and a great burden. But this
is our calling, to die with Jesus as an act of love and then rise again with
him so that wherever he is, there we will be. We begin by dying to our
own pleasures and allow the burdens of carrying the presence of God so
that others may also believe in him. In this manner we fulfill our task
bringing others to Jesus even if it means death for us.
In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from Luke,
do not rush on any of them. Give each idea or insights as much time as
you wish. Let God gently convince you of the power of His word to reveal
to you what he wants you to understand during this period of prayer for
the 28th anniversary celebration of ABP and how you shall respond to His
concrete personal message to you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence
and express to Him whatever feelings have been evoked in you through
the insights He has inspired you to see.
October 14, 2014
(John 6:35 40)
Jesus said to them, I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will
never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst. But I told you
that although you have seen [me], you do not believe. Everything that the
Father gives me will come to me, and I will not reject anyone who comes
to me, because I came down from heaven not to do my own will but the
will of the one who sent me. And this is the will of the one who sent me
that I should not lose anything of what he gave me, but that I should raise
it [on] the last day. For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who
sees the Son and believes in him may have eternal life, and I shall raise
him [on] the last day.


Lord God, as I enter into the twenty-eighth day of intense prayer for
the celebration of the 28th anniversary of ABP, grant me the grace to know
more of who you are in my life so that I may come to have a deeper
knowledge of who am I. Grant me also the grace to have a deeper
knowledge of the community where you called me to participate, to
celebrate and to share your presence in our midst. I thank you for my
family, this little Church that you allow me to belong. I offer everything
back to you O Lord in this period of prayer.
Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of any distractions,
and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my role in ABP
and in your Church where you allow me to be a member.
Slowly read John 6:35-40 and prayerfully consider Jesus as the bread
of life. Jesus is the Eucharist, the bread that come down from heaven to
nourish humanity whose hunger can never be satiated by the food of this
world. The Eucharist is not only a memorial, a remembrance, it is food for
our journey towards heaven. Have we been faithful to the Eucharist?
When was the last time you went to mass?
Are you constant and
consistent in your Sunday obligation? Have you been an instrument so
that others will also be attracted to the Eucharist, our Sunday worship,
our Sunday opportunity to meet and eat with and the Lord? Cherish this
period of prayer reflecting on the significance of the Eucharist to your life.
In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from Luke,
do not rush on any of them. Give each idea or insights as much time as
you wish. Let God gently convince you of the power of His word to reveal
to you what he wants you to understand during this period of prayer for
the 28th anniversary celebration of ABP and how you shall respond to His
concrete personal message to you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence
and express to Him whatever feelings have been evoked in you through
the insights He has inspired you to see.
October 15, 2014
(JOHN 7:37 39)
On the last and greatest day of the feast, Jesus stood up and exclaimed,
Let anyone who thirsts come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as
scripture says: River of living water will flow from within him. he said
this is the reference to the Spirit that those who came to believe in him

were to receive. There was, of course, no Spirit yet, because Jesus had not
yet been glorified.
Lord God, as I enter into the twenty-ninth day of intense prayer for
the celebration of the 28th anniversary of ABP, grant me the grace to know
more of who you are in my life so that I may come to have a deeper
knowledge of who am I. Grant me also the grace to have a deeper
knowledge of the community where you called me to participate, to
celebrate and to share your presence in our midst. I thank you for my
family, this little Church that you allow me to belong. I offer everything
back to you O Lord in this period of prayer.
Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of any distractions,
and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my role in ABP
and in your Church where you allow me to be a member.
Slowly read John 7:37-39 and prayerfully consider Jesus as the Water
of Life. We hunger and we also thirst. Jesus does not only give the
Eucharist as food, he also sends us the Holy Spirit to quench our thirst for
the presence of God in our lives. We need God and it is a reality and
nothing can ever replace that thirst of Gods presence except the Spirit
alone. When was the last time you feel thirsty of Gods presence? Have
you correctly identified it as thirsting for God? Have you called him to be
with you? In this period of prayer call the Holy Spirit to come to you.
In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from Luke,
do not rush on any of them. Give each idea or insights as much time as
you wish. Let God gently convince you of the power of His word to reveal
to you what he wants you to understand during this period of prayer for
the 28th anniversary celebration of ABP and how you shall respond to His
concrete personal message to you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence
and express to Him whatever feelings have been evoked in you through
the insights He has inspired you to see.
October 16, 2014
(Luke 22:14 20)
When the hour came, he took his place at the table with the apostles. He
said to them, I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before

I suffer, for, I tell you, I shall not eat it [again] until there is fulfillment in
the Kingdom of God. Then he took the cup, gave thanks, and said, Take
this and share it among yourselves; for I tell you [that] from the time on I
shall not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes.
Then he took the bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them,
saying, This is my body, which will be given for you; do this in memory of
me. And likewise the cup after they had eaten, saying, This cup is the
new covenant in my blood, which will shed for you.
Lord God, as I enter into the thirtieth day of intense prayer for the
celebration of the 28th anniversary of ABP, grant me the grace to know
more of who you are in my life so that I may come to have a deeper
knowledge of who am I. Grant me also the grace to have a deeper
knowledge of the community where you called me to participate, to
celebrate and to share your presence in our midst. I thank you for my
family, this little Church that you allow me to belong. I offer everything
back to you O Lord in this period of prayer.
Teach me, Father, to dispose myself to be rid of any distractions,
and, find your divine will in the disposition of my life for my role in ABP
and in your Church where you allow me to be a member.
Slowly read Luke 22:14-20 and prayerfully consider Jesus as the new
covenant. From of old, according to the story of Israel, God established
his covenant with Israel to reveal to them who he is. That is why Israel is
considered as the chosen race. But when Jesus came, the fulfillment of
that covenant happened and Jesus is the personification of the new
covenant. This covenant seals our relationship with God. God relates to
us not once, but all the time of our lives so that we will be able fulfill his
will that wherever he is we will also be there. In this period of prayer,
renew your personal covenant with Jesus, the new covenant of the Father
to humanity.
In reflecting on any of the ideas and insights suggested from Luke,
do not rush on any of them. Give each idea or insights as much time as
you wish. Let God gently convince you of the power of His word to reveal
to you what he wants you to understand during this period of prayer for
the 28th anniversary celebration of ABP and how you shall respond to His
concrete personal message to you. Be wrapped and lost in His presence

and express to Him whatever feelings have been evoked in you through
the insights He has inspired you to see.
October 17, 2014
(Matthew 28:16 20)
The eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had
ordered them. When they saw him, they worshiped him, but they doubted.
Then Jesus approached and said to them, All power in heaven and on
earth had been given to me. Go therefore, and make disciples of all
nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of
the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.
And behold I am with you always, until the end of the age.
Lord God, as we, the whole ABP Community celebrate today our 28 th
anniversary, I thank you for granting me the gift of perseverance in prayer
for the last thirty-three days. Thank you for your generosity in granting
me the grace to know you more and to know more about myself and about
the ABP community. Thank you for allowing us to reach 28 years of your
love, presence, graces, and blessings. Thank you for the help in times of
trials and difficulties. Thank you for revealing yourself to me.
Father, allow me to retain the disposition of prayer for the past
thirty-three days. Let this be constant and consistent in me so that I will
continue to discover day-by-day of who you are in my life. Let you be my
model of prayer.
Slowly read Matthew 28:16-20 and prayerfully allow the abiding
presence of Jesus to envelop your whole person and cherish this moment
that He is with you. Talk to Jesus and tell him how grateful you are. Then
spend moments of silence so that Jesus can express himself to you . . .
Today is OUR 28th anniversary, a time of joy, a time of celebration
and the best celebration we can do is to commune with our God in prayer.

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