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-------------1. Mount and install AOE2.mds = Age of Kings

2. Mount and install AGE2_X1.mds = Age of Conquerors (Expansion) into AOK folder
3. Install 1.0e-Patch.exe. Its an unofficial patch for AoC.
4. Unpack to AoK folder (maybe have a look at http://w, whether there is a newer version)
5. Optional: Install Wippien. Its a free VPN client that works fine with Age of E
mpires II. (maybe have a look at, whether there is a newe
r version)
---------You can mount .mds files with UltraISO or Alcohol 120%
Running Forgotten Empires:
---------------------------Go to your AoE Folder. In this example it is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Ag
e of Empires II
Run this file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Age of Empires II\age2_x1\age2_x
I recommend to create a Desktop Shortcut.
Known bugs:
------------If you want to play AoC without Forgotten Empires extension, kill your explorer
.exe before you start to play. You will have nice graphic errors, if you dont.
-Age of Empires sometimes is very strange if you want to start a network game. S
ometimes you dont see network games at all, sometimes it works by manually enteri
ng the IP-Address and sometimes you see your friends game, but you cannot join.
--> Make sure that you all use exactly the same version of AoK/AoC/AoFe. It is
not enough that all of you have the 1.0e version. <-Sometimes it works without having exactly the same version. If not: Tell yo
ur friends to download this stuff here.
-Turn of your Windows Firewall if your Network Game doesnt work.
---------------------------------------------------------| Have fun with Microsofts evergreen: Age of Empires II |

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