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Breast Cancer Screening

Screening helps us find and diagnose breast cancer early- when the
chance of successful treatment is at its highest. There is commonly
two tests performed when testing for breast cancer:
Mammogram- an x-ray exam of the breasts to look for changes that
are not normal.
CBE- Clinical breast exam- the doctor looks and feels the breast and
under the arms for lumps/anything unusual.
For those who are at higher risk due to family history and other factors
doctors may choose to use other forms of mammograms and possible
MRIs. However, just because there may be an abnormal finding found
in one of the screening methods this does not call for an automatic
diagnosis. Additional tests and full history by a physician will be
required. Some tests may be required such as:

Diagnostic mammogram. This type of mammogram uses

x-rays to take more detailed images of areas that look
abnormal on a screening mammogram- more specific than
screening mammogram.

Ultrasound exam. Sound waves help your doctor see if a

lump is solid (could be cancer) or filled with fluid (a fluid-filled
sac that is not cancer).

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Radio waves and a

powerful magnet linked to a computer are used to create
detailed pictures of areas inside the breast. MRI may be used
if enlarged lymph nodes or lumps are found during a clinical
breast exam that are not seen on a mammogram or

Breast biopsy. Fluid or tissue is removed from the breast

and checked for cancer cells. There are many types of biopsy.
A biopsy is the only test to find out if cells are cancer. (Not
always necessary if the doctor is 100% sure it is not cancer).

For men it is very similar (with some differences in early screening

due to various factors), a complete personal and family medical
history will be collected. A breast exam is performed for suspicious
findings. Men will also receive a diagnostic mammography (often

more accurate for them), a breast ultrasound, an MRI, and a

possible biopsy.


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