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Anti-Cancer Effects

sweet wormwood for cancer treatmentPart of the reason that Sweet Wormwood may
be effective for both cancer and malaria is the fact that Artemisinin contains a reactive
endoperoxide bridge.
The action of endoperoxides has been shown to be effective in treating malaria,
though studies are still underway in regard to their efficacy in cancer treatments. The
endoperoxide bridge found in Artemisinin reacts with the mineral iron to form what
are known as cytotoxic free radicals. Because of the cytotoxicity, Artemisinin and its
derivatives may initiate apoptosis (cellular death) in certain cancer cell lines.
The endoperoxide bridge is necessary for the anti-cancer activities of artemisinin
and other derivatives of Artemisia annua. This process occurs through the formation
of free radicals. Free radicals cause oxidation, which damage or destroy cells in the
Think of oxidation as the rust that forms on a car that gradually eats away at the metal.
The same process is true of free radicals on cellular structures. While the actions of
artemisinin and its derivatives can destroy cancer cells through a pro-oxidant effect, in
normal healthy cells it actually has an anti-oxidant effect.
Compounds found in artemisinin are also believed to have anti-inflammatory, antiangiogenic, as well as anti-metastasis effects. While these effects may make it
plausible as an adjunct chemotherapy drug option, it is also known that artemisinin
derivatives are not as potent as currently utilized chemotherapy cancer drugs and have
very short plasma half-lives. As such, use of artemisinin-based therapies would
require more frequent treatments as well as higher dosages in order to be effective in
cancer treatments. Studies are underway to improve the efficacy and the targeting
abilities of these artemisinin compounds found in Sweet Wormwood for cancer
For more information click on this link #SweetWormwoodCancerPrevention

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