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If I could fly

-Visual Script-
by Stephanie Ryan

The boys are wearing this:

Also Liam,is wearing the military

uniform in the firt part of the story.
Intro,the piano
Panel 1:
Theres a landscape with trees (a park)


Panel 2:
If I could fly
A pigeon if flying in from of the camera

Side notes: please use whatever picture with a pigeon in motion

-in the actual video there will be a flipping wings noise added

Panel 3
I'd be coming right back home to you
The camera turns and shows us a man (Harry) standing in front of the window,looking
outside,frowning,talking on the phone.
Side notes: instead of the people in the image please put Harry,talking on the phone,with this
facial expression

And wearing this:

Panel 4:
I think I might give up everything
He turns around(the camera is not in the room)
Side notes: feel free to draw him with his back at the camera however you can.
Also the inside of the room (the BG) could look like an office:

Side notes: i really like the design and everything in the office but the view we have is from
the window into the room.

Panel 5:
Just ask me to
We have Harry reaching for a photo frame thats on his desk,tho we cant really see who is in
the photo, just the shape of two bodies holding eachother.

Side notes: the framed photo is in the background,on the desk,blurred

Panel 6:
Pay attention
The image changes, we now have the scene of someone holding a crumpled letter, a bit dirty
with the ink fading on some parts.

Side note: Without the pen.

Panel 7:
I hope that you listen ...
We have the same image from panel 6,the letter but there are pieces of dirt and ground that
are hitting the paper.

Panel 8:
...'cause I let my guard down
We see Liam on the ground holding the letter, on a war field,behind him theres bombing.

Side notes: in the middle is Liam sitting and holding the letter,the man on the right is yelling
down at him to grab his gun

Panel 9
Right now ...
Close up to Liams face, he is frowning looking at the letter,he looks frustrated.
Side notes: erm.. something like that, feel free to use any other example

Panel 10:
....I'm completely defenseless

-for the video, there will be gun fire noises added

Panel 11:
-for the video, there will be tractor noised added,blending with the gun fire ones
For your eyes only
We can see a farm
Panel 12:
I'll show you my heart
There is someone drinving a tractor on the field

Side note: i like the distance from the camera and the background but please use this kind of
tractor,without nothing above:

Panel 13:
For when you're lonely ...
A close up with the mans hands on the wheel
Side notes: without the gloves and the man is wearing a tank top

Panle 14:
...and forget who you are
The man is weaping the forehead as is very hot outside

Side notes: this is the motion i want to be used,but we only see the hand on the forehead.
Panel 15:
I'm missing half of me when we're apart
We see his back, his hand is reaching his neck,rubbing it

Side notes: just like when you have cramps on your neck and you try to break them,flexing
your neck and rubbing it
Ps: dress the poor boy :D
Panel 16:
Now you know me
Close up with him like this:

Side notes: only his lips

Panel 17:
For your eyes only
Close up only with his eyes

Panel 18:
For your eyes only...
Side note: The same picture with his eyes from above but he looks down

Panel 19:
I've got scars even though they can't always be seen
Liam is woken up by his comandant
Side notes: I cant find any picture with how i want to scene to look like so im gonna describe
it. There is Liams head at the bottom of the screen,his commandant in front of him, on his
feet,his right hand shaking Liam up.

Panel 20:
And pain gets hard
Theres a car waiting for him,his mission is completed

Side note: We see half of Liam in the left side of the screen,the background is not with green
trees and house,but deserted with rocks and dirt.
Panel 21:
But now you're here and I don't feel a thing
We see Liam holding a neckess in his hand smiling, hes finally going to go home

Side note: i like the distance and the facial expression, only him holding a necklace in his
hand needs to be added.

Panel 22:
Pay attention
Niall is with his back to the camera, holding a guitar

Side note: the background would look like a backstage room and he is sitting on a

Panel 23:
I hope that you listen...
Theres a girl in the audience; we only see this:
Panel 24:
...cause I let my guard down
Side note: We have Niall from the front now,his torso turning towards the door at someone
(the person is telling him its his turn)

Panel 25:
Right now I'm completely defenseless
He is on his way to the scens

Side notes: something like that but its only him in the scenes

Panel 26:
For your eyes only
We see Harry in a meeting right in the middle of a discussion,he looks in a certain point, not
focusing on the dicussions.

Side notes: Please draw a larger setting as well need it for a scene later on.Harry is the
woman at the end of the table and his facial expression is something like this:
Panel 27:
I'll show you my heart
We see Niall nervous putting his earpieces on.

Side notes: something like that, there could be a close up only with the hand touching the
Panel 28:
For when you're lonely and forget who you are
Liam is in the plane now,looking outside the window, waiting to land

Panel 29:
I'm missing half of me when we're apart
There is an image with someones hand, rubbing at the wedding ring

Panel 30:
Now you know me
Louis is getting out of the tractor
Side notes: the angle is great,just make sure the tractor is the same like the one in panel 12
and Louis is wearing the right clothes.

Panel 31:
For your eyes only
He is now running towards the house

Side note: Louis is running to get in the house(see the house from Panel 54 and draw it
instead of this from this image)

Panel 32:
For your eyes only
Close up with Harrys eyes, he is frowning
Panel 33:
I can feel your heart inside of mine
Harry is on the meetting
Side notes: Use the same picture from panel 26 but he is looking down at his papers

Panel 34:
I feel it, I feel it
He is frustrared and he slamms his hand hard on the table, gathering his paperwork

Side notes: the angle is great, but his hand (not his fist) is slammed on the table and under
there are some papers

Panel 35:
I'm going out of my mind
He gets out of that meeting,leaving the men in the room speechless
Side notes: Please use the image from Panel 26 but Harry now is sitting up,his papers
collected under his arm (or holding them in his hand) and having a detemined look,he exits
the meeting. The people at the table are looking up at Harry confused.

Panel 36:
I feel it, I feel it
Niall tries to have a peak outside the backstage

Panel 37:
Know that I'm just wasting time
Liam is out of the plane and he is seaching for his wife
Side notes: The guy thats facing us in the image is Liam

Panel 38:
And I
His wife is a bit nervous

Side note: Please draw only from her nose down,just like this picture

Panel 39:
Hope that you don't ...
She finally sees him and smiles
Side note: close up with both of them (there could be added in the same scene with half of
their faces)

Panel 40: from me
He starts running towards her
Side notes: whide scene with them in a sea of people running toward eachother

Side note: Please add each of them in the image above, Liam on the left and his wife on the
right,running towards eachother

Panel 41:
For your eyes only
Louis is undressing
Side note: well.. something like that i guess, i woudve liked the angle to be more with his
back to the camera...

Panel 42:
I'll show you my heart
Leaving a trail of clothes behind him, he goes to take a shower

Side notes: we see the camera as it sits on the floor, we can see only clothes on the floor and
his feet getting in the bathroom - the picture above has perfect angle,tho the clothes on the
floor should be added and the background of the inside of the room and him getting in the

Panel 43:
For when you're lonely and forget who you are
He is in the shower now, getting rid of the tiredness and dirt from a long day on the field

Panel 44:
I'm missing half for me when we're apart
Side notes: The angle is great,Louis is not smiling

Panel 45:
Now you know me
Harry is boarding

Panel 46:
For your eyes only
Louis is packing a bag

Panel 47:
For your eyes only
Niall is singing in front of a few hundred people in the bar

Side note: its a smaller venue

Panel 48:
I'll show you my heart
The girl in the audience is smiling at him and blowing him a kiss

Panel 49:
For when you're lonely and forget who you are
We see the sea of people clapping for Nialls performance

Panel 50:
I'm missing half for me when we're apart
Liam is hugging his wife in the middle of the airport,his kids running to catch their mom and
greeting his dad
Side note: Please use the image from Panel 40 but they are now in the middle and hugging
and 2 kids are running from the right side of the images towards them.

Panel 51:
Now you know me
A car is approaching the farm

Side notes: ok, the angle is perfect, the car tho is going towards the house
Panel 52:
For your eyes only...
A pigeon is landing on the window
Side notes: There are multiple things regarding this scene; ill provide with the details before
being drawn

Panel 53:
For your eyes only...
Louis hears a car approacing and goes to the window

Side notes: more details when the scene is drawn

Panel 54:
For your eyes only...
We see Harry getting out of the car and looking up at the window where Louis is; the pigeon
is flying.

Side notes: i like the angle, please make the scene whider and add Harry in the far left side of
the image (half of him) holding on to the door of the car,Louis is at the window and the
pigeon is flying

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