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1/Conditions for privatization:

• The following enterprises are entitled to equitize::

1. Independent State-owned enterprises from Ministries, Industries and localities.

2. Parent company of Economic Group (called Corporation). State- owned corporations

(including State-owned Commercial banks)

3. Parent company in Parent company- subsidiary complex.

4. Independent Accounting Member Company of Government- found& invested

5. Dependent Accounting Unit of Independent State- owned enterprises, Groups, state-

owned corporations, Parent company, Independent Accounting member company ò

6. Limited companies with 100% authorized capital held by Government.

• Conditions for privatization:

1. Those above- mentioned enterprises are to privative only if:

a/ Not classified as those with 100% authorized capital held by Government. The
classification for those with 100% authorized capital held by Government is divided by Prime
Minister upon different operating periods.

b/ With State-owned capital retained after financial settlement and business re-valuation.

2. As for Dependent Accounting Units, they need some additional conditions:

a/ Sufficient criterion for Independent Accounting.

b/ The production efficiency of the company is not affected by the privatization.

c/ Is designated in the General plan of reorganization of enterprises approved by the Prime


3, In case after financial handling and revaluation of the enterprise’s worth according to
regulations in chapter II and III of Decree 109/ 2007 CP, June 26, 2007 and Circular 146/
2007, December 6, 2007, its value is below its payables then it must carry out selling the
company or dissolution and bankruptcy.

By August 30,2008 the authorized capital of Vietcombank is 12,100,860,260,000. The

Government’s capital accounted for 90.72% (approximately 11 thousand billion VND). When
issuing 30% of the capital, the Government had the largest proportion of share. The criterion
mentioned above satisfy requirements for IPO( Initial Public Offerings)

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