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Qn 1 and 2) Iteration and matlab seems to be most people's strengths.

Do be careful of bracketing
during coding.
Qn 2) After finding Ti (or To), remember to calculate the other T. Don't just stop after finding the first T.
The question requires a single non-linear equation to be formed. Matrices are not accepted.
Qn 3) Some students didnt attempt question 3 at all. Not sure how to start? Or miss out the question?
Qn 3c) Question mentions that the wall thickness is 0.01m. both the cases drawn below are acceptable:





3d) Question states use secant method. Many students use newton raphson method, thinking that it's
secant method.
The formula for newton raphson method is

x n +=1 x n

f (x n )
f '( x n )

The formula for secant method is

x n +=1 x n

f ( x n )( x n 1 x n )
f ( x n 1 ) f ( x n )

Qn 3e) thickness = 0.5*(OD - ID). It's not just (OD - ID). OD = outer diameter, ID = inner diameter.

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