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Table of Contents

Working with Money...................................................................................................1

Money vs. the ability to make money...............................................................1
Know your goal................................................................................................4
Power of an intent...........................................................................................12
Once in a lifetime weekly opportunities.........................................................13
Mental conditioning........................................................................................16
Integrating new goals and strategies into the Time Line................................19
What's a Time Line?..........................................................................19
Two types of the Time Line..............................................................20
Making changes in the Time Line..................................................................21
Limiting beliefs...............................................................................................22
What you think is not always true..................................................................25
Example: my eCommerce Experiment...........................................................25
Multiple streams of income............................................................................29
When to talk and when to keep your mouse shut...........................................30
Value of focus.................................................................................................32
How do we know we are not lying to ourselves with affirmations?..............32
Motivation and Focus.....................................................................................33

Working with Money

(C) S Projects. Any distribution of any parts of this site is strictly prohibited, unless explicitly stated in

All contents of this site is provided strictly on the AS IS basis. The author should not be held
responsible for any negative effects that may result from reading or applying the information or using
software provided here. The author does not make any medical, financial or other claims all
statements are author's opinion ONLY. Use your own judgement.

Money vs. the ability to make money.

"He was one of the richest people in this country. But then he lost all his money
during the stock market crash and now he is poor, broken and miserable". How many
times have you heard this story or seen it in the Hollywood movies? Have you ever
ask yourself a simple question...

If "he" was rich before, why wouldn't he become rich again? He should know how to
do it. Right?

Sometimes it is correct. And sometimes not. Sometimes people receive their money
from parents, or from an "accidental" string of luck, or because they had (at that time)
a smile of a movie star and (yet) no drug addiction... The point is they "just
received the money" as opposed to "they got money because they knew all about the

There is a category of people who have money and a category of people who know
where to get them. Two different groups. And totally different mindset, too.

What will give you more confidence? What would you like to have money or the

ability to make money having in mind, that you will have money as the result of
applying this ability?

The answer seems to be obvious. We want to be in control. Always. There is a nice

metaphor in NLP about the "cause" and the "effect". When we say that someone is "at
effect" it means that things are "just happening to him". Like "I cannot help it (feeling
angry, for example) it just the way I feel". And when we say that someone "is at
cause" it means that he is in charge. Like "I decided to feel good about it."

The "at cause" or "at effect" is a reduced form of "at the cause side of an equation"
and "at the effect side of an equation", where the equation looks like C E. Don't ask
me why they call it "equation" it just happened to them!

In the case of money, as always we want to be "at cause". We want to know what is
going on and to be able to shape events rather than being shaped by the events. Very

The interesting part is as soon as you establish yourself "at cause" or "at effect" it
becomes a selfperpetuating state. As if some force is holding you in place.

There is a popular (and show me people who can explain it rather than just talk about
it) term that came from "fuzzy" areas of modern mathematics, called "attractors".
Think about a vortex. If you are far from it, it has no power over you. The closer you
get the higher are the chances that you will be sucked in. The vortex ATTRACTS
you. That's why it is called an attractor. Now think about being poor I am talking
about the mindset here and not about your bank account. If you think as a poor person
("I will never get rich. I am humble...") will you ever become rich? The answer is
NO. You are deep in the "attractor" of the poor state, in the mental trap that you
created for yourself.

And now think about the opposite situation. What if you have a mindset of a rich and
successful person? Will your bank account AUTOMATICALLY adjust? Seems like a
stretch, but it is not same logic applies here! If you think as a rich person, you are in
the ATTRACTOR of the "rich" state and it will not let you out not without efforts
from your side. But why would you want to change this mindset?

You might say something like "have a mindset? So what? You cannot put it in the
bank. It is nothing but an illusion." Not quite. Think about the mindset of "poor"
people. Now give this person money just for the sake of a mental experiment. Is he
rich now? Yes. Is he going to remain rich? No. He knows how to spend, but
whenever he has an opportunity to EARN his mindset will interfere. "It is not for
me". So what will happen he will spend money sooner or later and his financial
state will match his mental state.

Let's do just the opposite. Let's imagine a poor (no money) person with the mindset of
a rich person. Will he become rich eventually? Yes. Same logic. When he see an
opportunity, he will act because that is what successful person is supposed to do. He
will eventually make his bank account to match his mental state.

Don't take me wrong. If I decide that I am rich and prosperous and do nothing about it
I will end up with Napoleon and Godzilla in a nice room with the door that locks
from outside. The mindset is a first step and then you will have to do something "on
the physical level" as (unfortunately) they do not pay money for the mindset. Mindset
however will give you a chance to make money. It is as scratching the nose. First you
make a decision. Then you scratch your nose. The decision itself will not scratch your
nose and yet, you need to make the decision first.

By the way, in the example above you had a mindset of a person that "received" the
money rather than the person who knows ways of money. Otherwise you wouldn't sit
and do nothing, would you?

Know your goal.

What do I mean suggesting that after you get a mindset of a rich person you do
something at a "physical level"? In the eBook called Working with the Future I talk a
great deal about setting and achieving goals. As in any area of human activity, there
are winning and loosing strategies for dealing with goals. And as NLP is about
MODELLING strategies of (successful) people, there is a lot we can learn all
research is already there, waiting for you to apply it!

The following is an example from the book called Multiple streams of Income.
Suppose that you want to put some amount of money to your pension plan. How to
do it, or to put it straight where to get money?

Right from your wallet! By the end of the day you would probably have some change
I mean coins. Not banknotes. Put them in the jar and once a month deposit to the
bank account. This just might qualify as a start, at least it tells us EXACTLY what to

First of all, we need to SET A GOAL. Making money is a goal, but it is too fuzzy to
be successful. In NLP we talk about the WELL FORMED OUTCOME. When our
goal is wellformed, it is much easier to achieve it. Why? Because we removed all
possible points where (according to statistics that NLP collected while studying
people and their goals) things can slow down or go wrong. That's how wellformed
outcome concept is designed. It is a smooth way to your goal.

Before I begin the long and exciting ;))) explanations of what the Well Formed
Outcome is, let me give you an example from my other eBook called the State of

This example is about making sure that you know what you want, as opposed to what

you don't want. Say, you are married (and you are a man in this example). And your
wife is cooking carrots. And you want a roast beef. Tell her. Tell her "I DO NOT
WANT CARROTS". She would understand, would she? Well, not really. Because
next time she cooked stuffed cabbage. And you have no choice but to tell her again:
"I hate this stuffed cabbages". And next time she cooks the chicken pie...

Now was she malicious? No. You just didn't give her the right directions. And if
after the years of pain and suffering you tell her "listen darling, all I want is the roast
beef"... You wouldn't believe how great results would be. No? You don't believe it
would work? How can it be so simple? You spent years trying and then I am telling
you that it can be achieved in a matter of minutes? OK, go back to your old routine.
"I hate this fish cake"...

This was just an example and you might smile at the stupid man... Until you realize
that this is EXACTLY how most of us makes plans about future (all plans are about
future. Sorry).

We go like "I don't want to be a government officer forever". OK, what DO you
want? No idea? Keep having your fish cake then.

The good news, as I already mentioned we have some researches done on how to
make plans to be successful. So all we need is to follow the "path of the wise".

First of all, there is a goal, there is a state and there is a dream. I mentioned
somewhere on my Web site that the goal is a "dream with a deadline". Well... there is
a little more in it.

Dreams are often stated ambiguously. So are states. "I want to be happy" is a dream
describing a state but it is NOT a goal. Goal is always stated specifically. By this
date I will work out the courage to order all eBooks from the

6 is a good example of the goal ;) Go for it ;))

The state can be achieved NOW. Now this might sound strange... How can I
BECOME HAPPY NOW considering the circumstances? Very simple. You
SMILE (more in the State of Power eBook). You see, we can achieve ANY state
NOW this is the whole point of NLP. We need NOTHING from the outside world
to achieve any state with exception of extreme scenarios of acute toothache then
we need to achieve a GOAL of getting the root canal done. But being happy?
Confident? Calm? Not a goal. A state.

You might want to LEARN how to achieve those states, and this would qualify as a
goal. But not the state itself.

Once upon a time a man was walking in the desert, lost and thirsty and tired.
Suddenly the ginny appeared from nowhere and as they usually do, according to
reliable sources he offered man to grant him a wish.

I want to go home, the man said.

OK, let's go, the ginny answered.

No, you don't understand! I want to go home fast!

OK, let's run!

Know your goal. It is an important condition of achieving it ;)

So let me repeat STATE is something we can have here and now. The goal requires

The dream cannot be measured. "I want" cannot be measured. "I will do this and this
to get that" can be measured in terms of steps and for each step we know EXACTLY
when we achieved it. Compare "I want to be smart" to "I want to graduate from the
University, then to complete my PH.D in applied math, and by the year 2005 to
become a chief engineer in Intel". How do you know that you are smart? Oops! But
how do you know you have a Ph.D.? Because you have a verifiable feedback called a

The next statement might sound a bit selfish. Just remember we are looking for the
ways to achieve our goals and not for the way to choose directions in life. Anyway,
the state or dream can be about others. The goal is always about yourself. "I want my
children to go to college" is a dream (of every parent). While "I will put this amount
of money every month AND I will teach my children about values of college
education for one hour every time before the lunch" sounds more like a goal.

Before we move in any direction we need to know where are we going. We need to
know the outcome. We MUST know what we want.

Then we need to take action. As long as you stay on this coach you are not getting
your outcome, unless the outcome is being on a coach.

We need a feedback. Let's have an example. I will go with the old good "men
approaches a woman" routine as when doing so men are performing all mistakes in a
book what better example can I find? So the men is approaching a woman and he
has a pickup line that he believes is rather unique. It sounds like "Hi. Nice dress.
What's your name? I am John. Can I ask you out for a dinner?"

Now, a woman knows this line very well as every looser in the world tried it on her at
least once. So the moment a men begins talking, a woman has this bored expression
on her face. I see it a lot in the bars, sometimes across the room. The man usually

does not see it right in front of him. So he goes on until the pickup routine is over,
and he has no results, so he is leaving in confusion.

We need the feedback. We need to know when we fail and when we succeed, and we
need to know it early enough to be able to adjust our behavior. To put it in NLP
language, we need to have sensory acuity.

Now that we have detected that our "guaranteed" pickup line doesn't work, what do
we do? Well ANYTHING. We do anything that is different. Because there is no
point in doing something that we know doesn't work (most people would do it
anyway, forever). So we need to have a behavioral flexibility. What do I do if I fail
the plan number one?

By the way, there is no failure in NLP. Only the feedback. You cannot fail if you
learn in process. See the NLP Tutorial to learn how to turn the failure into a feedback
and then into a success.

In the State of Power class the enormous amount of attention is dedicated to

becoming powerful. I already mentioned approaching a woman, but it is not just
about dating it is about anything in our life. If we expect to fail we are increasing
our chances to fail DRAMATICALLY. And if we expect to succeed we are making
the success much more probable. I am not talking about "logical expectations" here. I
am talking about a BELIEF. You need to (and you can learn it by doing NLP or State
of Power techniques) expect the success, you need to learn to invite it... You need to
operate from physiology and psychology of excellence.

That's why they say that misery is contagious. And the success is contagious too. Stay
with winners. Make conscious choices about who your friends are and whom are you
going to trust. Because (I talk about it a lot in NLP Tutorial) we are easily influenced
and our only line of defense is to take control over the information we allow inside

our head.

So what are the keys to achievable outcome? We talked about it already, so I will just
summarize it in a list below:

1. It should be stated in positive. What specifically do you want? No negative. No "I

don't want to..."

2. Specify the present situation. It is very important to be able to describe the "where
are you now". Often we cannot do it, or we do not think it is necessary (what does it
have to do with what I want?) or we do it wrong (You want your wife to change?
First you need to be clear on what is wrong with your wife. Not wife. What is wrong
with your relations with your wife. YOUR relations. So who is in charge here?
YOU. Until you realize this nothing is going to change).

3. Specify the outcome. How are you going to get there? Remember the example with
the "being smart" vs. having a Ph.D.? You need to be able to get a verifiable proof.
And more than that you need what in NLP is called a "sensory based" feedback.
What will you see, hear, feel... when you have it? Very often we are thinking using
the stereotypes that we got from the movies or (if we are lucky) from the books. They
are not necessarily "ours". Let's take an example. You want to have a billion dollars.
It is a nine digits amount. Sounds good? Let's analyze using the sensorybased

Will you be able to walk into your favorite pub to chat with your friends? No. How
do you feel about your children being followed by bodyguards anywhere they go?
What are you saying? You will settle for a million dollars now? OK, fine. Six digits
instead of the nine. You just saved yourself a lot of work.

What we did is called a "future pacing" we inserted the picture of the outcome into

the future and checked if it is compelling for us.

The American once visited one of the tropical paradise islands. And under the palm
tree he saw the local guy, having rest in the middle of what American would call a
working day.

"You know", the American said, "you could really use this time to work. To catch
some fish, for example".

"Thanks, I already have enough for the day".

"But if you catch more, you can sell it for profit".

"And?" The local guy didn't seem very convinced.

"And you can hire more fisherman, to work for you".

"And you would have more profit. And you will expand your business to other
islands and..."

"Why would I do it?"

"So that one day you become rich and prosperous and can afford yourself to stop
working and to enjoy life", the American explained.

"That's exactly what I was doing before you woke me up!"

Make sure your goal is attractive enough ;)

4. Specify the evidence procedure. How will you know when you have it? It is very


simple with the million dollars, isn't it? Not really. You can have a million on your
bank account. Or you can have a million dollars worse building in your possession
and a negative cash flow. Make sure you know where you are going, and make sure
the outcome is compelling.

5. Which brings us to the next question. Is it congruently desirable? What does it

mean congruently? In a loose translation from NLP to English it means "with all
your heart and without second thoughts". To do it you need to be clear on what will
this outcome get for you or will allow you to do.

6. The context of the outcome is important. Where, when, how and with whom? (will
you do it). Say: here in America, in three years, by participating in the NLP affiliate
program and selling a 1,000 copies of eBooks per month to visitors of my (your) Web
site (it is the answer to the "with whom" question) I will create an additional stream
of income and in the same time by reinvesting it in the real estate and other
investment vehicles, I will create a million dollars in buildings I own with the
positive monthly cash flow. Sounds like a dream, but it is a goal.

7. Resources you have and resources you need. It is important to know and maybe
even to put on paper what do you have now and what do you need to get your
outcome? There is almost nothing that cannot be done one step in a time. If you do
not have something you can learn it or buy it, or find it. So ask yourself a question
have you ever had or done it before? Have you ever done something similar?
Maybe you know anyone who has? NLP teaches you how to MODEL people's
behavior so if you find a role model, you can repeat the success. And if not you can
imagine the role model and learn from it. Why not? 9. Ecology is another NLP word,
and one of the most important. For what purpose do you want your outcome? What
will you gain or lose if you have it? What will happen if you get it? What wouldn't
happen if you get it?... Sometimes we are blinded by the benefits (a billion dollars!)
and we miss disadvantages of having it (children can be kidnapped). Ecology is about


making sure that you and other people you care about are better with your outcome
than without it.

Power of an intent.
I heard this story on a seminar but I believe it was from some book. A group of NLP
students was modeling a shaman. The usual idea we figure out what is important,
we remove things that are not necessary, and we end up with a winning strategy.

After a long ritual (the shaman was healing someone) they closed their notebooks and
asked a straight question. "What is the most important in this dancing and chanting
that you just did?" And the shaman said "the most important part was when I
decided that I will heal him. The rest was just a ritual.

It works with healing. And if you want to quit smoking it will work as well. And if
you want to become successful, too. The only problem it is not a simple thing to
DESIDE that no mater what you are going to achieve your goal. An "unbreakable

There is an INTENT and there is the INTENTION. And it is very important to make
a distinction between them. "I want to quit smoking" is the intention, which is some
kind of a "promise to try with permission to fail". While "I will quit smoking (date,
place, and other elements of the wellformed outcome can be helpful here)" is an
intent. And it has a lot to do with the "Cause Effect" equation, too. Because you
need to be 100 percent on the "cause" side to use the power of an intent.

You are the cause. Whatever you decide will happen. Period.

Same about money. "It would be nice to have a million dollars" isn't going to get you
anywhere. Make an "unbreakable" decision. Because the first person you have to


convince is yourself. And it is the most difficult part. And as soon as your
UNCONSCIOUS mind believes that you are going to get (whatever it is you want)
it will become the most valuable ally of yours. It is impossible to lie to your
unconscious mind, so you better be totally convinced. Later I will explain how.

Once in a lifetime weekly opportunities


Robert Allen, one of the "learn the ways of the rich" gurus in his book Multiple
streams of Income described a challenge (actually, he is describing it in all his books
;) that he once accepted from one of the major newspapers. If you are as good as you
say, the newspaper people said, and if you are teaching how to buy real estate without
money down or credit history... why don't you show us?

And they took him in the unfamiliar city with only $100 in his pocket, the reporter
behind his back and the task to buy a house with no downpayment in 72 hours.

Which he did. Actually, according to the book, he bought 6 houses.

What does it tell us? From my perspective it tells us that the opportunities are not
scheduled at precisely one per the lifetime. They are all around. You can bump into
one every now and then or if you know where to look you can go where
opportunities are.

So how comes that we "mortals" walk by and do not recognize our chance of a
lifetime AGAIN? Two reasons.

First is lack of knowledge. If I believe that money on the stock market can be made
only when the stock is going up, we will never recognize the opportunity of making


money when it is down. If we believe, that is the stock is up one dollar, our profit is
limited to $1 per share, we will never make $5 while it is possible and not even
difficult! If we believe that "I am not a computer type of guy" what are our chances
of making money online? Learn. Knowledge is a power.

There is a tribe in Africa. It was living simple and not very good life for a long time,
for centuries. They were reasonably happy and there was nothing special about them.

Until geologists discovered that they live in the middle of the rich uranium deposit.

Think about it for a moment. The mud they used to make their simple plates and pots,
and their houses contained enough energy (uranium is used as a nuclear fuel, in case
you forgotten ;) to (if you know how to release it) make food, shelter, illuminate and
build roads everything. They simply didn't know about it.

Later in this text I am going to talk about the Internet business a little bit, with the
accent on what we need to learn and what we need to believe. There is also an
example. Yes, I went into all troubles of conducting the eCommerce Experiment, an
experiment that has nothing to do with NLP and that I am doing just to prove (mostly
to myself) that I can do it. To do this project, I had to learn a lot about Web
promotion, affiliate programs (do you know that you can make money selling this
eBook from YOUR site?) and Web design, too. It would never work if I didn't
believe that I can do it.

Also, while doing the eCommerce Experiment, I noticed that most, if not all of my
ideas about the Web business were WRONG. So the information is important ;)

The second reason why we do not recognize the "lifetime opportunities" is BELIEFS
we have. As opposed to the lack of knowledge, the belief has nothing to do with the
education. Consider the example:


After I read the book Multiple streams of Income by Robert Allen, my natural
response was to go to the real estate agent and ask her opinion. "It will never work"
that's what the answer was. Then I asked if she did it herself. No. If she know people
who did. No. But the "creative financing" movement has a "bad reputation".

Now, was it the lack of knowledge that affected her judgment? No. I bet that after
25+ years in the area she knows more than Robert Allen, or few Roberts together,
multiplied at each other. It was a belief. Again, I never tried the creative financing. I
cannot guarantee that it will work. But the book is so full of advices, and each of
them that I was able to verify so far, regardless if it was about the real estate, stocks
or other areas was correct...

Keep an open mind.

Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time there was a man who had a donkey. And as
the donkey was old, the man brought it to the local rich man.

Would you like to buy this donkey? The price is very low...

"Sure", the rich man said. But the moment after he gave his money to the owner of a
donkey, the donkey "died of old age". Too bad, as the deal is a deal.

Few months later the former owner of a donkey accidentally met the rich man.

"I hope you are not mad at me", he said.

"Mad? Why?"

The donkey was dead...


"So what?" the rich man smiled. "I played a lottery. One dollar for the donkey. One
thousand people participated."

But the donkey was dead...

Yes... But only one man found it the winner. He was upset, that's true. So what? I
simply returned his money!

Where one man can only see a dead donkey, the other man can see $999 of profit.

Mental conditioning.
In the State of Power eBook you will find techniques that make you think like a
winner, behave like a winner and eventually to become one. The eBook is mostly
about mental state and about health. However it is also about success and money.

Why should we think like winners, act like winners and stick with the winners?

In NLP you will find a lot of mentioning about "rules of unconscious mind". There
are few, and they are so different from our "normal" and "logical" thinking that most
people have no idea about them whatsoever. One of these rules states that "there is no
difference between the real experience and imaginary one". For your unconscious
mind. What does it mean?

Imagine being outside, in your favorite place, in a nice day. With your mind's eye see
that place, and the light, and the temperature of the air and as you take a deep breath,
you might notice the smell of the air and the feeling you have when you think about
this place... Have you just been there? Have you JUST seen the place?

Let's have more dramatic example. My favorite man approaching a woman. He is


scared and she is bored, so few seconds later he leaves, frustrated. "I am such a
looser" he thinks. And it creates a conflict, as the unconscious mind wants him to
be happy. So it presents a situation for a reevaluation. IN HIS MIND men is
approaching woman again and... gets rejected again. "Why did it happened?" the
man asks himself. "Because you are a looser" the inner voice is suggesting. Looser?
Unconscious mind does not like the sound of it. Two times by now (once in the
reality and once in the imagination) the man was rejected! And NLP teaches us, that
there is no difference between the real and and imaginary experience! Let's remember
again, how it all happened...

Well, after the 50th repetition we have a depressed person that is afraid to approach a
woman. Can we change it? Yes. NLP (again) has many techniques to deal with
selfperpetuating looser scenarios. It can be a reframing, for example. Not "I hope
she wouldn't reject me" but "let's see if she can reject me with style". Something like
this. Same image different frame. A reframing.

Or it can be the Time Line Therapy or one of many "phobia cures", or reimprinting
any technique that would alter the past memory.

Why would I mention dating in a money related book? Because it does not mater
what we do dating, making money or developing a headache (I am not joking!)
the STRUCTURE of an experience will be the same. And you will either learn to
think like a winner (and it will create an attractor of the winning state) or you will
learn to be a looser and it will be a selfsupporting state, too.

How do we become winners? First, we THINK like winners, as there is NO

DIFFERENCE between the real and imaginary experience. We think from the "I can
do anything" point of view. Somebody stop me!

Then you act like a winner. What does that mean? It means PHYSIOLOGY (I am


talking about details in State of Power eBook). Let's make an experiment. Sit straight.
Hold your head up as if you was wearing a crown. Unwrap your shoulders. Chin up.
Smile. Smile as wide as you possibly can without causing the longterm disability.
Take a deep breath and while holding this posture, say...

"I feel so bad"...

Doesn't work, right? Your physiology is stronger than your logic. Or your inner
voice. Or your fear. Or anything.

If you walk the street in the State of Power, you will be safe as you are not behaving
as a victim anymore. If you conduct business negotiations in this state (be careful
with the smile) you will create an image of a powerful business partner. A winner.

And finally, if you do it long enough, you will make your negative internal dialog to
shut up. And it alone will dramatically increase the chance that you recognize an
opportunity when you see one, rather than talking yourself out of it.

H2>Strategies for the success and for failure.

As I discuss in the NLP Tutorial, people do not behave at random. They do what is
called STRATEGIES. There are good strategies, and there are bad strategies. Some
of them are about money.

It is quite obvious that our behavior is affected by the circumstances. The less
obvious fact is our circumstances are affected by our behavior. Two people would
enter the same bar and one will have fun and make friends while another will get
thrown away why? Different behavior changed the course of events. We can do it.
We can behave in such a way that our health improve. We can behave in such a way
that wild animals will never attack us. We can behave in such a way that our children


will go to bed at nine o'clock (sounds like a dream, isn't it?).

How should we behave to attract money?

First, we need to CONDITION ourselves. If we are rehearsing a failure (remember

the "man approaching woman" example?) it would be a negative affirmation,
something to avoid. And if we are rehearsing a success story, no mater if it is a
memory or a "constructed experience"? Then we are conditioning ourselves for the

Second, we set goals. We need to decide what is it we need. And if we are using the
wellformed outcome, then the way we stated the goal is in the same time a plan for
achieving it.

Finally, we need to integrate these goals into our Time Line.

Integrating new goals and strategies into the Time

Warning. This technique is VERY powerful. Read the Time Line Therapy and the
basis of Personality and be careful. It is a nuclear bomb among NLP techniques. And
if you didn't read the disclaimer at the beginning of this eBook this is a good time,
read it.

What's a Time Line?

As you think about your past think of the memory of you being seven years old.
Where did this memory came from? What physical location? Now think of the
memory of you in fifteen years old. Where this memory came from? And think of the


memory of you being sixty. What? You are not that old? Think of your memory of a
future, it doesn't mater. Where did this memory came from? What location? Do you
realize that they are all aligned somehow and one after another and not at random at

Two types of the Time Line.

I do not want to go into details here. Just remember that there is a LOT of details in
Time Line Therapy and the basis of Personality as this book is about working with
past, future, success, memories, traumas... I will keep the theory to minimum.

The Time Line is not always easy to find. And even if you know how to find it and
you can move from one memory (remember, there is also such thing as the "memory
of a future") to another with confidence it is sometimes difficult. Can we simplify
the process?

Yes. We can use what is called "spacial anchors". Technically, the Time Line is set of
spacial anchors, each for different time period. But what if we draw a line on the floor
instead. And we put a piece of paper on this line and we write "10 years old" on this
paper. And another one for 15 years old (whatever). Same for the future. Assume
that you will live forever and do not concern yourself with this issue as it has
nothing to do with money ;)

Now as you move (physically move, by stepping from one paper to another) on your
"alternative time line on the floor" you can access memories from the past of future.
Soon enough (5 10 minutes max) your unconscious mind will accept rules of this
game and you are ready to fly.

On the other hand if you can clearly see the Time Line in your head, the original
one by all means, use it. Keep in mind that changes can be very powerful in this


case. I would like to suggest that you read the book Time Line Therapy and the basis
of Personality or use the "safe" time line on the floor if you have any doubts (and you
should have them especially if you never did it before, with supervision).

Making changes in the Time Line

By now you should have a wellformed outcome that you want to achieve in future.
Keep looking at your timeline (with inner eyes). Decide when you want this outcome
to be achieved and find this period of time on your time line in the future. Make a
compelling (later I will talk about the motivation) image of the goal and put it there.
Make compelling images of the steps you need to perform in order to achieve your
goal and put them in the Time Line between now and the goal. And if you are
confused a bit it's OK. Do not worry about "how" your unconscious knows much
more than you think and it will take care of the details. Just take "cards" with images
and "drop" them on the time line, and watch them taking places each will go
exactly where it supposed to go. IF the outcome is wellformed and ecological. And
if there is a problem check the well formed outcome, especially the ecology. Maybe
there is a reason you don't want this goal?

Most often, if you are stuck and the Time Line is not cooperating, there is a possible
explanation. Ecology. There is "some part of you" that is resisting the goal. The Time
Line Therapy and the basis of Personality book has this techniques, too.

Alternatively, you can do State of Power techniques, and it is quite possible that your
problems will disappear by themselves.

Back to the Time Line.

In your mind fly to the "here and now" on the Time Line and look towards the goal.
You can see it (or pretend that you do) no mater how far it is. Feel excited about


achieving it. Take a DEEP POWERFULL BREATH and when exhaling, "breath" this
energy as a soft friendly light into your Time Line, so that your future has much more
energy now and notice how much more different it feels. How powerful. And with
the smile unwrap your shoulders and keep your head up you are becoming a
powerful person NOW. And as you breath out notice more energy going into your
Time Line and more power which is yours NOW. And from now on. Yours. And
you might suddenly realize that the goal and those little intermediate goals that you
have planted in your future are now producing their own light see it, don't you?
And notice also, as you TAKE ANOTHER DEEP BREATH, how the events in your
future are rearranging to support your new goal. And make sure you FEEL GOOD
about it and make sure you compliment yourself for the beautiful job you did.

Limiting beliefs.
"I cannot do it". "I am a smoker". "People cannot walk the burning coal". "I am not
good with money"...

All this statements are representations of some BELIEFS and (unlike the belief that
the Earth is orbiting the Sun) all of them are LIMITING. Because if you believe in
something, you will also behave as if it was true. Do you believe that you are not
good with money?

Beliefs are very powerful as they are very high at the "hierarchy of logical levels"
(see NLP Tutorial for more details). You may behave like a nonsmoker for some
time, but in order to STOP SMOKING once and FOREVER you need to believe that
you are a nonsmoker. Same with health there is a well known NLP technique for
allergies. Now it is here, and not it is gone. Simple. The change happens the moment
you believe that it is possible.

Money issues are no different. First we need to believe. Then the rest will follow.


What can we do to change limiting beliefs? It is called a submodalities intervention.
Let me give you an example. Based on it you should be able to change any beliefs
you want.

I will use Motivation as an example, as later in this book I will have to do it anyway.

Before we learn about the SUBmodalities what is a MODALITY? It is a Visual (we

see things or imagine things), Auditorial (we hear things or talking to ourselves) and
Kinestetic (we feel outside stimulus, like heat or inside ones, called emotions) way to
represent our internal experience.

Then what are SUBmodalities? Specific characteristics of a modality. For visual it

can be colors or blackandwhite, size and location of the image, shape of the image,
presence or absence of a frame, brightness, movement (it can be a slide show, steady
picture or a video) and so on. For Auditorial modality we can name tonality of a
sound, pitch, voices at the background, direction/location of the sound...

For the Kinestetics intensity, vibration, location...

What do we do with it and what it has to do with our goals?

Let's make a little experiment. Take a paper and think of something you don't like to
do, like cleaning the room. Write down the following questions in one column and
answers to them in the other and make sure there is a space for the third column.

Where is the picture? What size is it? Is it color of black and white? Is it sharp or
fuzzy? Is it framed? Is it panoramic? Are you in it or are you watching it from the
outside? Is it steady or video?

Are there sounds? Voices? Noises? Where are they coming from (direction). Are they


loud? Describe the tonality. The pitch? One source of sound or few? If voice can
you tell WHOSE voice is it (often people would talk to themselves with the voice of
their parents or boss... strange people!).

What are the feelings? Heavy or lite? Steady or changing? In one place or moving
around? Cold, warm, tinkling...

Now think about something you enjoy and in the third column write the second set of
answers to the same questions. And then...

Compare the answers. In most cases you will find that there are some submodalities
that are very different we will call them CRITICAL.

This is how we organize our experiences and this is also how we distinguish between
different emotions that are attached to the experiences. So... Can we move the
submodalities around to make a boring task more compelling?

The answer is yes. It is done a lot in NLP Tutorial using the NLP techniques (I will
also talk a little about it below) and in State of Power tutorial I do it differently in a
more covert and much more fun way. The submodalities are a "tool of choice" of
Richard Bandler and he is REALLY good with them.

So how do we do it? In the NLP Tutorial I am talking about the technique that is
called Swish. Or we can JUST DO IT by changing the submodalities directly. Make
the picture bigger. Brighter. Add soundtrack from the Donald Duck cartoon. And if
you cannot do it PRETEND that you can in the State of Power eBook I talk a
great deal about "pretending" vs "actually experiencing". There is no difference.



What you think is not always true.

Or as they say in NLP, "Map is not a territory". You see, in our mind we have certain
map of reality. We know some things, or we think we know, because "the brain is the
organ that we use to think that we think" ;) "It is not possible to walk burning coal" is
part of the map, and an incorrect one. And if there is a chance to misinterpret
something there will always be someone who will do just that.

In our maps we have some ideas about money and what money making is like. And
as map is not a territory, chances are that some information is missing in our maps
and some is incorrect. Is it possible to make 60 percent a year on the stock market for
MANY years, consistently? How? Well, I don't know HOW, but take a look at this
mutual fund. They did it for many years.

Is it possible to buy houses for little or no money down? Again, in the Multiple
streams of Income book by Robert Allen you might find some rather interesting

I would say that for the average person half of the map (when it comes to money) is
incorrect. And another half is blocked by some limiting beliefs. And the third half ;)
is incorrect, like "your car is a good investment". Car is not an investment. It is a
liability. Sorry.

So you might want to learn as much as you can about money making opportunities
"out there".

Example: my eCommerce Experiment.

It started with the Multiple streams of Income book by Robert Allen or to be more


specific with the idea from this book. The idea about a profitable business that can
be left unattended.

What will happen, Robert Allen asked, if you stop working? Your paychecks will
(naturally) stop arriving. Is that always so?

No. The point is in making an effort once and then getting paid more than once. As
an example, consider writing a book. If the book is good, it will be published and you
get paid. Then it will be published again. And without any efforts you will get
paid AGAIN. Then someone will decide that he wants to create a movie (think Harry
Potter) and some toys, too. And so on. Instead of one payment you are getting an
income stream.

Just ask yourself a question how many times will you be paid for the work? Will it
earn you money when you sleep? When you are out of the country? When you are
working on something else?

This is not NLP, but I decided to include this chapter anyway. Because what most
people think about making money is either working for someone else (work once
get paid once, meet deadlines, go there every morning and be bored before you
arrived) or having your own company with your own employees (you invest your
money to get the right to work day and night, that's what it is).

There are different models of business.

To prove it to myself, I have created this site and another one, called eCommerce
Experiment. As I am learning while doing things, some things might be missing so
what? I will improve them with time. The whole point is to create something that can
be used as a handson experience opportunity. I will describe it here mostly because
this is the easiest way to start in no time and with very little resources. And once


you did something like that why stop?

Let's take a look at eCommerce Experiment as the NLP site is based on results that I
am getting from "eCommerce". It is a very exciting adventure and as results are
building up a very rewarding adventure, too.

First of all, we need the idea of a web site. As I want to learn how to create, promote
and profit from the small web site guess what? I created a web site that is about
creating, promoting and profiting from small web sites.

After I am done with this web site (at the moment of this writing I am still improving
the it) I want it to generate a profit stream even if I leave it unattended. Also, I
decided (and this part already helped me A LOT to spin up the NLP site) that I have
to be able to collect a feedback, both from human visitors and from Web site statistics
(like how many people visited the site, what pages are most popular and the most
important how the little changes affect the income stream. Will the background
music improve sales? Should I "paint the roses red", so to speak?)

I did a lot of reading (at least two weeks!) online ($0) about web business. As I
discovered, most of my original ideas were WRONG! Well, I guess it is the way it
supposed to be. That's why we are learning to adjust our behavior. No failure,
remember? Only a feedback.

On the Web site I put the information that I have learned about web commerce.
However it is just an example your web site doesn't have to be about the same
topic, of course! That's my idea. What should be yours? Anything. Anything YOU
know. Consider the NLP site that I put together. I know something I put it together,
following some rules (outlined in eCommerce Experiment) and then I have an
unattended profit stream and I move to the next project.


Now, suppose you know all about car safety features. Can you create the web site
about it? Absolutely! How can you profit from it? Again, it is all explained in great
details on eCommerce Experiment site, but briefly... There are two models. First, you
can create and sell your own products. I have eBooks about NLP, some computer
programs and in time I might do something else. (Notice that I stay with the
electronic goods it is harder to make an unattended site that works with shippable
goods. But if that's what you want go for it!) There are companies (again, described
on the site) that will sell your files (programs, eBooks) for you and you don't have to
be incorporated or have merchant account for that.

Or you can sell someone else's products. I like Amazon books. About 5 percent of
people who click the icons with Amazon books will buy something (not necessarily
the same book, but I will still get paid), so this is another exciting stream of income.

In addition, there is such a thing as an Affiliate program. The way it works you can
register as my affiliate and put my eBook on YOUR web site. I will get an additional
traffic and you get paid exciting 30% on each sale!

There are some rules, that the Web site should follow for the visitors to come back.
Because chances of the sale during the first visit are small (in NLP it is called a
buying strategy). What are the rules? Check the eCommerce Experiment ;)

Also I only sell few little things ;) while most of the information on a web site is free.
The reason is the same I want people to come back.

As I want a SMALL eCommerce Web site, I was looking for cheap or free solutions.
Some of them I tried and rejected. But what I have now I like.

After we created a web site, we need to promote it. To make sure, that when someone
performs a search in the Search Engine, our site is among the first. It is not as


difficult as it sounds, especially with the software that I have on the eCommerce
Experiment web site it will do most of the job for you. No, not right. It will do all
tedious mechanical job for you, but you still have to follow some rules. Checklist for
the rules is available too.

Now we have the Web site and it is properly promoted. We have the mailing list that
we can adjust, change and tune so that we see almost instantly what has effect on
people. We have a working business.

And if everything was done properly, it will grow BY ITSELF. As people link to
your web site, Search Engines will assign it higher ranks. And with higher ranks you
will have more people coming...

It is time to move on, as you now have an idea of a web site about plush toys...

Multiple streams of income.

The best presentation of this idea I ever saw can be found in Multiple streams of
Income and most of what I am going to say here is based on this book. Some
concepts of the book can be questionable as always with all tutorials, except for my
eBooks, of course.

Why do we need multiple streams of income? Why not to settle for one if it is big
enough? This is not NLP... or maybe it is? Can we use old good "choice is better than
no choice" presupposition to explain why, in the case you get tired of your present
job, you might want something that you ALREADY know can support you?

And what about layoffs? Companies, even the best of them, can still fire you from
this cannon and you better have a parachute. Or at least a helmet.


Also multiple streams are more fun. It is more about the life style preferences do
you want to be an engineer AND a gardener AND a writer AND an astronaut... OK,
cancel the last one. Who would like to be an astronaut anyway?

Safety and fun. Anything else? Yes, as the mater of fact. Unlimited potential. As you
work on creating streams of income, you never know if this stream will be just few
drops or the river full of (water? no. Dollars ;) you just create them. And leave them
more or less unattended. And move to the next one. Now, if the chance of substantial
growth for your income stream is 20%, you need 5 of them (in average, as statistics
can play some trick on you, both pleasant and dirty) to get extraordinary results. One
is more risk than five.

Let me repeat again. It all begins with the new attitude towards money. You are in
control and you are having fun. Right now I know how to create and promote a small
web business. But if you ask me to create a web site about 16th century dry cleaning
technology I will fail miserably as it is not something I would normally enjoy
doing. Do only what you like, otherwise there is no point doing it.

When to talk and when to keep your mouse shut.

As I already mentioned, affirmations are very important. When you say to yourself "I
failed" it is EXACTLY as if you have failed in reality, because for your unconscious
mind there is NO DIFFERENCE between the real and imaginary experience.

Here is another "rule of an unconscious mind" there are no others for the
unconscious mind. If you say "I am a looser" or if someone else say "you are a
looser" or even if someone else say "I am a looser" (which is not about you) your
unconscious mind will take it personally. The explanation is very simple. In order to
understand you have to imagine. The moment you imagine something your
physiology changes and so does your state of mind. Have you ever seen two people


talking to each other like this:

1 (with smile): Hi, how are you?

2: I am so tired...
1 (without a smile, the voice and posture of a tired person): Tough day, yes...

What was it? Magic? How is it possible? Because of the physiology that matches the
words and physiology of one person can match the words of another person, as
there are "no others".

What does it have with money (keep asking yourself this question in every situation ;)

Suppose you decided to create an extra stream of income in addition to the regular
paycheck. And you are so exited that you want to tell everyone about it! Wow! How

THEY: Hi, how are you?

YOU: Great! I am planning to create a web site and to make it profitable!
THEY: Aha, right... :( There are 300,000,000 people online think competition.
YOU: No, no! I read this eBook and it explains everything about...
THEY: They are selling you crap, men! Have you heard about Joe Blow from
Wyoming there was an article in newspaper...
YOU: Well...
THEY: What a shame... Hey, do you want to go get some beer?
YOU: I guess...

The power of society is UNBELIEVABLE, and I am not talking about Government

and Hollywood I am talking about friends and family. You was working hard to
find and defeat YOUR limiting beliefs NOW do not forget that they have limiting


beliefs of their own. Be VERY careful what you are saying, as it is much easier to
NOT talk at all then to spend time and energy defeating something you just started.

Value of focus.
Once upon a time I was at the seminar and the topic was Hypnosis. And the teacher
told us a metaphor that I liked so much that I even decided to tell it to you. Here it is.
"See these lights on the sealing?" the teacher said. We sure saw them. "Well, there are
about 10 light bulbs about hundred watts each. It gives us nice pleasant lights here.
But... If I had one thousand watt laser here, which is exactly the same amount of
energy, and I moved my hand across the beam... My hand would be on the floor right
now. THAT is how important the concentration is".

THAT is how important the concentration is. Focus on one thing in a time
COMPLETELY. You focus on two you have much less results if any.

How do we know we are not lying to ourselves

with affirmations?
This is an easy one ;) We don't. There are some safety features built in the
Wellformed outcome, so at least we know that we are not missing something
important. But there is no promises. Wait! Not quite. There are promises. a lot of
them. You will find megabytes of promises. in the Internet. And being reasonable
you should NOT believe them.

It all is about learning. The more you know about something the more successful you
become. And as NLP is about learning it can help you. And also it is about
motivation. Because no matter how good you are as long as you do nothing
nothing will happen. "No one will buy your product if you don't sell it".


Once upon a time the man brought his car for repairs. The old technician looked at
the car, listened to the engine, and then kicked the car. And what a miracle the car's
problem disappeared!

But when the man received the bill, he become furious.

What do you mean 500 dollars? For one kick?

No, the manager said. The kick is free. You are paying for the knowledge WHERE to

The knowledge is a power.

Motivation and Focus.

We already know about the submodalities and how they affect our feelings about
things. What we need to keep in mind is that changing submodalities if not
necessarily about asking yourself boring questions (is picture bright or dim?) you
can do it directly. Think about the task you want to be motivated about AND
CHANGE YOUR PHYSIOLOGY. Sit straight. Breath. Smile. Lick your lips. Shake
your hands. Say "I love it!" play a role of a motivated person. Because (as
explained in Introduction to State of Power free online text, after about one minute of
pretending you are not pretending anymore! You are BECOMING.

Next time you are doing something you really enjoy, notice how you feel. Make sure
you "notice" it in terms of NLP, like Visual, Auditorial, Kinestetic. And when you
want to be motivated about something change submodalities of this experience to
match a "motivated" state.

Let me quote the Introduction to State of Power brochure about the motivation



Say, you are doing physical exercises. Oh, no! Yes, you do! And you are doing them
starting Monday,,, I don't know what is wrong with Monday but it is the most
difficult day of the week. Probably because it is the first day we do physical
exercises. And the last day. Who had this experience?

My favorite example is pushups, as at some point I really hated it... You are doing
pushups are you happy at that moment? Keep smiling. No, you are not happy.
You are tired, you need air, your muscles are sore... So why are you doing it?
Because you want this pushups to make you strong and slim and healthy.

And you are doing these pushups and what are you thinking? Oh, how stupid! Why
am I doing it? Oh, I am so sore! Oh, I hate it! Right? Now, anybody remember what
an anchor is I was talking about it in "Introduction to NLP" online text? It is when
we create a state and link it to the way to access it. To the trigger. So what will you
feel next time you think of the physical exercises?

And that is not just about sport, you know. People like 99.99 percent of them
walk through the life like that. How many of you say "I hate my life"? So what state
are you associating with your life?

So is there a way for you to be happy using this strategy? Sort of. Lets say you was
persistent. Then some time later you notice that it works and you look better and feel
stronger now. It is your REWARD and you might feel good about the whole thing.
But you need to get some results first. That is part of your strategy: get results, then
be happy about it. Right?



Using this strategy you will almost never get anywhere too much suffering, too
little motivation. Your strategy has too many "exit points" every time you feel bad
you will be tempted to exit. To stop doing what you do. To go back to the fridge full
of chocolate. Bad strategy!

Let's design a good strategy now. Knowing what we already know it is so simple!
First you SMILE! And you MAKE yourself happy. And you believe in your
wonderful self. You can do ANYTHING. And you are feeling good about it. And
then guess what will happen? You do pushups with this happy smile of a dummy on
your face. That's right. Why would you want to exit a strategy if it makes you feel
good? You wouldn't...

In the book called "Extreme NLP" that I might write some day, I am going to
describe the arrow breaking technique. The one when you point the arrow (the
standard issue sport arrow) to your throat and the other end to the wall, and you step
forward so that the arrow breaks.

Being familiar with other ways of breaking sticks, you might ask yourself a question
why should we do it with our own throat? We can break it with hands...

Because that what I would say if I teach the arrow breaking seminar it is not
about the arrow AT ALL! It is about your fears and obstacles (the arrow) that are
between you and your goal (the wall). So we need to learn to focus on the goal and
not on obstacles.

Look at the wall and imagine your goal there. All you desire. One step away. Take a
deep breath and make a powerful exhale. Powerful means with concentration and
the way this concentration should be directed is towards the wall. Your goal! On
the wall! Inhale! Exhale! If you meet a grizzly bear in the woods and you exhale like
that, the grizzly should and will run away! Focus! On the wall! Power! On the


wall! Every time you exhale you move your body (upper body) towards the wall.
You might want to check some karate tutorials this breathing is called EBUKI.
Except this time you should put more focus outside. On your goal.

Point the arrow to your throat and the other end to the wall. Focus on the wall. You
want to be there, your goal is on this wall. Exhale!

The arrow is broken.


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