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Typing Test completed | 1025/2015 | Typing Master Paye 4 TYPING TEST - PASSED User. 3 satria Test name: History of Photography Date: 10/25/2015 10:35 PM TEST RESULTS Duration: 500 min, of total S100 rnin Gross speed: 13. wpm Gross strokes: 350) Accuracy: 74% Error hits: 90 (18 errors* 5) Net speed: 10 wpm Net strokes: 260 TEST TEXT 3> AS in most cass [cases] 0 [of] great and valuable inventions in science and 4 ar [art,] the Engish [English] Jay [lay] cam [claim] to the honor of 41> having first discovered photogenic drawig [drawing.] But ve shall see S> anth [in] _ [the] progress of our discussion here[,] lie [like] any [many] 2> other assumptions of their authors[,] tha [that] claim is 1 unfounded[,] and they are due no more credit than for the invention of 2> the streamboat [steamboat] or th [the] cotton

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